Jordankish live! webcams for YOU!

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49 thoughts on “Jordankish live! webcams for YOU!

  1. Not I just didn’t understand was compatibility meant in general. I thought it had to do with similarities and getting along, we got along pretty well. I genuinely just didn’t know what compatibility meant since I was confused he said it.

  2. It's only been a couple weeks since you guys broke up. It'll take time but you will start to feel better. I personally wouldn't recommend trying to date right now but that's not my choice. Maybe give yourself some time. Start a new hobby, read some books, just spend a little time with yourself. Every break up sucks, but they all suck less with time and distance.

  3. Contact your parents and ask for help. Maybe they'll be able to pay for a plane or train ticket.

    Do you have any friends or relatives who will let you crash on their couch? Or have you considered contacting a shelter?

    Financial abuse is a thing. Abusers also tend to isolate their victims making it harder for them to leave. You can contact a DV hotline and ask for help with an escape plan.

  4. I know 6 years is a long time BUT like you said you were each others firsts,you didn't betray your relationship even after breaking up.Its respectful to your partner to wait a few months to see other people.This would be dealbreaker for me even if he told me in the moment we got back together.Lying about it makes it even more disgusting.

    There is someone out there that wouldn't do this to you.

  5. I mean, I kind of get this perspective, but the whole idea that you have to blindly trust your partner no matter what or you shouldn’t be together is also weird to me.

    First, trust is earned and grown or at least maintained over time. I trust a partner I’ve been with for years who has never given me reason not to way more than I trust someone I’ve been dating for a few weeks. If I used the fact that I don’t fully trust a new partner yet as a reason to break up, I’d be alone for life.

    But secondly and maybe more importantly, I think pretty much anyone is capable of cheating in the right circumstances. You mix together attraction, opportunity, resentment to your partner, drugs/alcohol, stress, etc at the right time and in the right amounts and you can make anyone a cheater, no matter how much they love their partner and are generally loyal. The biggest thing that separates the faithful from the cheaters is that faithful people avoid putting themselves in situations where they’d be more likely to cheat. And going on a weekend trip with someone with whom you have a current emotional and prior physical relationship, where your current partner is explicitly not invited, when you’ve just had an argument with your partner, to a city known for sex and drugs is a recipe for making a poor decision. In op’s boyfriend’s shoes there is no way I’d go on that trip or even consider it.

  6. You asked if it’s a red flag and everybody is telling you it is. You aren’t there to fix him. Leave him and find someone who doesn’t punch walls in anger. I promise it’s notnhard

  7. He was out today and he came back really late. I invited him in my shower and when we came out, he said I haven't respected his boundaries since the beginning. It was only a few days back since I started doing it and I was startled! I tried to talk more about it but he straight up said he doesn't wanna talk about it and left to get dressed. I don't know how to bring this thing up at this point.

  8. Totally understand a traumatic experience. My advice to you is to lay the cards on the table. If I am being totally honest with you if I found out the next day I could possibly work the relationship out but knowing months later I would be gone. Only you know what’s right and what you can live with.

    Look at it from a different POV. Would you want to know? Exact same scenario and your Bf was blacked out and took a girl home? If you would want to know then you should have the same standard and inform him.

    Secondary advice and this one will be controversial you should never be inebriated with the opposite sex unless your SO is present. Guy or girl doesn’t matter. If you SO been around you wouldn’t have to deal with any of this.

  9. Do you keep this energy in all areas of your life? No IKEA furniture, no Hugo boss, Chanel products etcetera. You can only police you if you did not like the song you could have left. You chose not to and now are mad that your husband did not support your bad behaviour! I don’t understand how being physical with someone one is lighthearted fun nor throwing rubbish at them. But him asking your husband to calm you down is a problem. Interesting he did not push you back or throw stuff at you he asked the person you were with to stop you! Oh the misogyny, the abuse, the trampling of your rights. For the people defending you, you could have left if you are so bothered.

  10. Yep Ya gut is right.

    You’ve been fine for 5 years on ya own Stay that way.

    If it’s ment to be it’ll be.

  11. Hello /u/ActuatorOk2521,

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  13. I agree and also underline the point about the control of your pictures. You may start with sfw sexy pics. Which I, personally, prefer for imagination.

  14. You want only angle or your version of what you think is right other people's views are secondary and dont count because they are contrary to yours.

    My dad was an immigrant in the 50s and I was born here so dont come the old white privilege because that proves you are a racist with an agenda. I have no education, only things I got in life are what I earnt and it was not sitting on my arse but using my labour's and brains. At one point I had 3 jobs a day just to keep my family with food and a roof over their heads, which was not a privilege but a necessity in life. Oh and there no such thing as white privilege (unless your a racist) living on council housing estate in the 60s you got what you earnt and the secondary schools were not much help to working class people either. The way you called me names without knowing me shows how one sided your mind is and racist you are as a person do narcissistic that you believe you are always right and never wrong. Me, always two sides to an argument! Not you, though, your view or no view!

  15. We technically live together, but I have my own place. I’m there 24/7 along with all my stuff.

    He told me a couple hours, so I took that for how it sounded. Definitely think I have some form of separation anxiety though.

  16. Get a better GF. She has made it clear she expects you to support her family. Unless you want to do that for the rest of your life, escape now. And if you marry her, your money will be going to them one way or another. Why should you work so her family can skate by?

  17. write the account asking it to be removed. Title the email Cease and Desist. Report the video it usually has an option saying it was yours. Make your sister take her video down or make it private

  18. I feel like the details are scanty on this one, she let a another man kiss her, that's already bad. She stopped anything else, that's good. She's most of the way out the door on this relationship. You admit you've been a fun partner in the past, and an inattentive one lately. You're both mature adults (allegedly).

    So why haven't you talked with her about what's going on? Why did she do this and do either of you even want to fix it? Looking at your ages, it could be that she wants to have kids and realized you're not the partner she wants to do that with. It could be that neither of you wants kids and she just wants to find someone more attentive. Talk to her.

    My guess is your desperation is a bit of trauma bonding though; faced with imminent loss, you appreciate what you previously took for granted.

  19. Block her. She's being ignorant and cruel. You deserve better plain and simple. No one should be ridiculed over that.

  20. You can move on and learn from this experience. She owes you nothing and has every right to leave you after this. Sorry bud but you done messed up

  21. I’ve read some of your comments and I think the most you can hope for if divorce would take you away from your son/isn’t possible, is to create meaning and a life for yourself just like your wife has done. Maybe the two of you can come to some kind of cohabitation agreement where you informally share custody of your son (as in I’m going to spend Saturdays with him and you can spend Sunday’s with him). Pick him up after school Tuesdays and Thursdays etc.

    There is nothing left for you in this relationship with your wife. She’s created a life for herself within the confines of it and it’s time you do the same.

  22. So why are you there? Why is your self esteem so low that you are allowing yourself to be treated like this? Abuse always escalates. You know he’s abusive. Wake up. WAKE UP.

  23. I'm gonna ask her tontake something with me when I see her during carnival, is very common here that people party with their group of friends never with your so or date. We are even mire extreme here, the group of friends rarely are mixed. The most common thing is to be only girls or only boys.

  24. I agree wholeheartedly. I am glad your not a cop. The only people who have motivations to be a cop are psychopaths and hero complex people who think they alone are here to save humanity from everything they keep doing to themselves. There are very very few balanced individuals with normal lives who are actually good people who also decide to be cops. Yes, OP is in danger and should just back away slowly. I just heard about this Louisville cop (not sure if you have been watching the news, but the DOJ had a press conference there after wrapping up an investigation after the Breonna Taylor incident) who extorted sex from this moms daughter. She reported the officer in hopes of it stopping but the ‘police’ didn’t believe her and it went on for YEARS before something unrelated caused him to stop. Cops are power hungry megalomaniacs with no internal moral compass. Don’t trust anyone who wants to become one or is actually one.

  25. I think her consciousness switched universes, and she now suddenly is in the one where they are dating.

  26. You need an attorney. He doesn’t get to move out and live the single life while still treating you and the kids like he’s a full member of the family.

    You can tell the kids that their father met someone else and is leaving to go be with them. Don’t get emotional or editorialize. This is the truth. They also don’t need to know that you agreed to let him test the waters to find a replacement before he did.

    I strongly recommend a therapist for you and the kids. What your husband is proposing is very one sided and only benefits him.

    As a general rule successful relationships are the ones where people invest time, effort and intimacy in the relationship. Fucking other people is the opposite of this.

  27. The reason you can put on a façade so easily is the same reason many men can do the same thing. Us showing emotions causes problems in some way, shape, or form. If we're sad and crying, people judge us for not being strong and stoic. Especially our partners. If we're upset and angry, people get scared because we could be violent. Etc, etc, etc… I guarantee if you walk into a crowd of men, about 60% of them have something going on behind the veil and you'd have no idea unless they sat you down and told you.

    Also, it seems your girlfriend loves her best friend more than she loves you, sorry to say it, but it seems pretty obvious.

  28. You’re completely right. The visit every month thing isn’t ideal hence why I wasn’t really keen on going this time but he booked it for me and was supposed to come with me for the four days break he has to see his family but then bailed out so I’m going alone.

    I’m completely aware of the last paragraph and how abuse can escalate, I learnt it all in my uni classes but it’s a bit weird to apply it to my husband (I know that’s what women who have been abused have probably said)

  29. No it wouldn't be weird, you need to alert someone as to what is going on in case this asshole ever decides to act on his fantasy.

  30. Don't let him pressure you into doing something that you're not comfortable doing.. Tell him if HE wants to go get a car then he can but you're not going to be a part of it, if he gets pissy then you know where you stand with him, he's seeing you as a wallet, someone he can coerce into signing for him since his credit is tits up.

  31. Your message helps so much more than you will ever know. Thank you for taking the time. I needed this


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