My rescue parrot said things I've never heard before, in her old owner's voice. Like even 5 yrs after I got her. The first time I had a dog over, she immediately whistled and said, “come here Fido!” Then i realized she must have had a dog named Fido with her previous owner.
It took a looking time to work this for me, partially due to wishful thinking/hoping, but when it happened, it was like a huge puzzle unravelling, for then to put itself back together in an entirely different way. It all became crystal clear
Right? I'm 33 and I'm just now getting to the point where I think I'm even able to consider it but then again maybe I'm just not dating the right people lol.
I take sexy pictures of myself often, especially my booty. If I'd been working out really well or just feeling extra cute, I'll snap some pics just to see my progress or raise my confidence. I did it when I was single, I did it when I was in a relationship, sometimes I would send them to him, others I would just keep for my eyes only. I also have them hidden and delete many as well. I understand why you would be cautious but I wouldn't let this bother you any further. Don't fret!
I think this plan sounds great. You get a house to build equity, his folks get a place where they dreamed of being and your future kids will have close ties to family. The only possible issue I see is, how are your parents situated? Do they need similar help? Will they get upset over perceived inequality? Lots to think about.
You're right, she doesn't have to. The same way you don't have to just throw clothes on. But she wants to dress that way and you choose to just throw clothes on.
She may prefer looking more put together and present herself in a more “dolled up” way and you not putting in a similar effort could be upsetting for her
Check Jackson Galaxy on YouTube – he has a video exactly for this! It's about your presence, & how you go about the room/etc. Also eye contact is a huge one. Cats are very permission based. Please do some research so the cat doesn't get worse/get ruined. Also the fact the cat's claws have never been trimmed is a bigger problem then just scratching, because it's not use to it, should a vet need to see him, they might have to give him sedative just to handle him which is always dangerous for cats. It doesn't mean sit down & do every claw – just do one claw, let the cat go, make it a fun interaction, get another claw later, repeat.
I'm Autistic, & I think the best way I can describe cat care is treat them like they are autistic. Everything is about sensitivities, permission, boundaries, differing body language (cats don't like prolonged eye contact too – some see this as a threat, others see it as you challenging them/being aggressive/others find it just too much & can have a breakdown/meltdown when their senses are overloaded/too much, & many either leave, or sounds like in your case, attack).
I had a feral kitten who I could stare in the face forever & she never hurt me. But anyone else, she would claw their face & bite their nose, growling & hissing. One of my friends I warned him she would & he did anyway – twice in a row because he thought he was being a smartarse- & got upset at the cat for his own actions, which made her chase him down the hall because he shoved/half threw her off him because claws in the face & started screaming, so she saw him as a threat & wanted to chase him out of the house. I calmed her down but she hated him & was terrified of him forever because of that. She was a good guard doggo kitty.
OP big respect for being real with her, honestly it sounds like that talk was on point, not making her feel like the bad guy but trying to get her to be respectable.
Are you calling me stupid ? If so, that's not really the kind of comments I would like, so please stop commenting if you're just gonna be mean for nothing
I appreciate all youve said, its really helped me understand. And honestly even if she wasnt attracted to me physically, thats a valuable thing when im balding, old, etc. Its kind of odd, you type just like she does. Similar terminology and smiley faces and all.
I've been sober a very long time. there's no reason to subject yourself to this. Find a partner that doesn't currently have uncontrolled addiction issues. you're only six months in.
when me and my wife met she chose to stop drinking when I talked about my sobriety. she hasn't had a drink in 16 years.
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We are enforcing the two rules listed above by making all titles use the following formatting:
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it sounds like your GF had genuine friendship for the guy and he betrayed her frienship by trying to make a move that was clearly way out of line. He knew she was in a relationship and he did it anyway.
Your GF is a victim and no blame should be placed at her feet. it sounds like she never let him on or gave him any sort of warning that she would be open for more and he just went and kissed her.
Maybe it was a spur of the moment action and he wasn't thinking (I am reaching here cuz if you where really that ecstatic over the amount wouldn't you grab the person and hug them?)
It also sounds like your GF is taking every measure to not have to cross paths with this person again.
Please don't let doubt and insecurity creep in, it sounds like your GF did everything right and doesn't deserve your suspicions.
I wish you both a happy new year and if you really can't let this go maybe consider talking to someone about this, a trusted friend, or therapist?
You can invite her for a one-to-one chat, maybe over coffee, in connection with one of these meetings. You steer the conversation towards relationships to see what, if anything, she says about her status. You see how she responds to harmless compliments, to meaningful glances, and to opportunities to touch you. That sort of thing.
I used to be a lot like OP, until I went to therapy and realized that I was raised in a VERY passive aggressive family. As a result, I always assumed that lines of questioning were because somebody was implying something that I had to play detective over. It’s mentally exhausting to assume that everyone has ulterior motives all the time. So I got help, and realized that most people generally aren’t playing mind games with you.
OP, I don’t think this is a hill to die on or anything, but it might be useful for both of you to talk with somebody about where your communication styles came from. You sound like you’ve got some experience dealing with bad faith actors, and your partner sounds like she has learned to be very careful how she makes requests of somebody. Obviously I can’t know where she got that habit, maybe she doesn’t even know. But regardless, it could be helpful for you guys to work through it because it sounds like both of you are frustrated.
You two have different needs, and they aren't willing to meet you where you're at in the slightest. Your decision is to accept this love or seek out something better: it does exist.
Sometimes people who love each other are a bad fit. Love on its own isn't enough. There needs to be some adaptability. Your SO has made it clear that they're not adapting, so you can take it or leave it.
My partner treats me very well and he’s very loving so I am very glad and appreciate and love him for it. I guess relationships will always have its ups and downs but this is a really bad down we’re both trying our best to get through. Thank you so much for commenting!
One: He's probably lying the amount of time he's been focused on this girl and did more with her than he's admitting. He's a liar and a cheat, so it's almost certain that he's minimizing how far down the rabbit hole things went. Liars and cheaters can't be trusted and if you keep caring about this situation he's just going to destroy you with a thousand small hurts until you're a hollowed out shell of your former self. That's how narcs operate.
I bet you're absolutely right that even now he is trickle-truthing OP. Just dropping little bits of the truth while lying (even by omission) of his even worse actions like physical cheating. Granted i'm not sure physical cheating would be considered worse in my mind. Emotionally cheating would probably hurt me more.
I think the best thing OP can do for her mental health is to drop her husband and do anything she can to move on. He will never be completely honest with her and especially not when it counts. He will lie about anything that might make him feel shameful. He will lie about doing something bad to the kids if that ever happens so she doesn't get mad at him. He will lie about anything that might make OP mad at him because he doesn't want to feel shame and guilt.
He's a coward.
So OP should just move on and not care about him. Getting angry him will be a never ending cycle.
This is a fucked up thing to say to a woman who wants her baby. I have no idea why you have any upvotes. It is literally JUST as fucked up as telling someone who needs an abortion that they shouldn't have one.
Thanks for mentioning parentification. I’m the oldest of five and although they were carefully planned and my parents were very engaged and involved, there’s still some level of parentification I experienced which makes me not want children now. I feel like I’ve changed more than my full share of diapers for one lifetime, lol.
The key issue here is your refusal, to be honest with your husband about your abusive family. You are protecting people that hurt you and your sister. Why would you do that? Why would you want your husband to like shitty people? He should be allowed to know that your brother is abusive and the rest of your family allows it.
You can't blame him for not wanting to loan money when he doesn't understand why. To him, it looks like your sister is just making an impulsive decision. Impulsive decisions rarely turn out well. Can you blame him for not wanting to lead money to someone when it looks like that?
Beyond that, it's your family. If you want him to get involved, you need to tell the truth.
It's understandable that you couldn't afford Disney trips when she was a kid. Now you can do Disney for the entire family minus her. Yeah, pretty sure I can see her point of you prioritizing your new family over her because that is what you did.
I would run. As far and as fast as I can. He is using you. He wants you because you look like his ex. He wants you to support him. He wants you because she said no. You’re going to waste a lot of years on this loser if you don’t drop him.
Yes I’ve been in and out of therapy for a few years, and I used to be medicated. Shrooms help me to and is what got me past being agoraphobic! I’ve made SO MUCH progress, but I definitely agree that he doesn’t understand it.
As I said, it doesn’t effect me day to day and we only started dating a year ago, which was when my anxiety was starting to improve and I started becoming more confident. I genuinely think it was an honest mistake and he didn’t realise how bad it could be.
I spoke to him about how his reaction to my anxiety left me feeling quite belittled, and he’s agreed that he won’t plan me surprises in the future. He’s been very apologetic, but did say that I need to communicate better so that he can understand when there’s an issue or if he does something I don’t like – he said it’s not fair to be all cute and giggly and act like I’m just prying one minute, and then be melting down the next, I just need to be straight to the point and honest that something has upset me. I 100% agree with this.
We’re keeping this surprise, but he’s given me a lot more detail so that I can prepare – info like nobody we know will be there, just us, the time our booking is, what town it’s in, things that it’s not – not a meal, not an escape room, not anything physically demanding. I have quite a good idea of the kind of thing it will be now. This has helped a lot and now I’m actually quite excited about it!
In short: it was an honest mistake on his part, and I need to communicate more and not leave him trying to mind read.
This is incredibly common. So many women feel like this after childbirth but because it's not talked about they think they've lost attraction to their partner or that they have lost their sex drive for good. This isn't the case at all.
There are two aspects to this, physical and psychological.
Physical: – Hormones get completely crazy during pregnancy and after childbirth, has she spoken to a doctor about this? – Is she still breastfeeding? Breasts can get really sore and painful during this time and that can break the connection between boobs and pleasure. – Her body has changed. She may need more time to heal physically as well as mentally, or physically what feels good might be different now.
Psychological: – It's hard to get into a sexy mindset when your body has become a function to keep small people alive and no longer feels like your own. – Breastfeeding can make your boobs a source of pain and also remove the idea of them as sexual, it takes time to get this back. – How much time are you spending together on dates as two adults in love? She needs to feel like a woman again not just a Mother, and arousal for women is often highly psychological rather than about physical stimulation. – At the moment to her it's no big deal, but she's your wife and she loves you. You need to tell her clearly about the impact this is having on you and express that you need your partner back as a person not just as a Co parent.
I hope you're reassured by the comments, OP. This is so common and completely fixable if you both put the effort in.
Sounds like you're not ready for a relationship. Relationships involve doing things with the partner. Why are you with her of you don't want to spend time with her? Just sex? Let her go spend that time with someone who would be glad to hang out with her. She deserves better.
Being around people with different views is important. Teenagers say stupid shit too. Unfamiliarity and fear is what causes bigotry as much as hate. You have an opportunity to show them that queer people arent actually any different.
Expressing a private opinion between friends is not the same as hurling homophobic slurs. Cutting people off because of their political views isn't always worth it. They are entitled to their opinion, so long as they aren't forcing it on others.
I'd honestly not ghost them. That's not the way to change people's minds or embrace diversity of thought. Its actually the opposite. It encourages prejudice and division.
And from the sounds of it you enjoyed their company
Well, you might be OK with your MIL calling in middle of nights and your husband picking up in a sec, you might be OK with your MIL badmouthing you in front of family. I am not. Simple. You can be OK with mama's boy, i am not.
her taking the condom off or rendering it useless (by poking holes etc.) without your knowledge is rape. You cannot give consent if it is not informed. screenshot the texts, send them to yourself, hide that you've done so (in case she deletes the texts so she can say you've edited it) and go to the police.
and yes, leave. usually I'm all for setting boundaries but this is rape and extreme boundary breaking.
Thanks for being so nice, even though we have differing opinions. I was fully expecting to get roasted to hell and back for my beliefs
I’ll definitely suggest those to him, but he’s pretty dead set on keeping the gun. He said the matters not open for discussion, even though it makes me uncomfortable, but maybe he’ll be receptive to your suggestions
Benzos can cause anterograde amnesia. I recently took a 'designer' benzo twice as potent as xanax. I was in my room knocking over things in the dark and managed to bang my eye on an open window, giving me a black eye. I had absolutely no memory of anything, except a black eye and a headache the next morning. It took a friend explaining what happened to me the next day. I think it's entirely possible for 2 mg xanax to have this effect if a girl is small and has never consumed drugs before.
So not only was she sleeping with someone else while dating you, but she is also a liar. As if she was strictly monogamous, she would not be seeing more than one person at a time regardless of whether they were in an exclusive relationship or not.
He's not interested in a romantic relationship with you. You're a friend, or a friend with benefits but he's not in love with you. He treated you the way most 20 somethings treat casual friends when bar hopping. This is not a “relationship” to him. If you're moving to this city for him or to be with him, don't.
He's flat out telling you he doesn't want to be closer or your security blanket while you explore a new city. You need to make your own plans, find your own ride etc (which honestly, for safety you should be doing anyway. It's dangerous to be helpless and lost if left to yourself in a new city.) If you are too anxious to go out without him, please don't move to this place with the plan of depending on him, he's NOT going to be that kind of friend.
I’ve tried suggesting crate training and it’s completely out of the question. She sleeps in our bed every night and has since she was a puppy. My partner likes having her sleep with us and I don’t think he’d ever even consider even just shutting her out of our room.
You can work on enriching your life outside of your relationship with him. Make more friends, plan more outings, etc. Fill your time yourself and remind yourself that your partner isn't supposed to fill EVERY need you have.
You can say the official words you use in a professional setting. You say firmly “I really don't appreciate you speaking to me like that and would like you to stop.” Or “I don't appreciate this topic of conversation. It makes me uncomfortable please stop.” This is a corporate way of making sure your intentions are clear. It's polite and it works regardless. Then you broken record it over and over whenever he starts. If he was just stupid and making a mistake then he will stop. If not you were serious and firm and polite and can have an adult conversation. You don't need a reason why the answer is no but yes the age thing is gross.
I’ve literally have had a woman tell me I’m part of the problem trying to control women’s bodies simply because I’m a straight, white, male. This was a real life conversation too. Not some live! argument so I know for a fact it was an adult woman. So you tell me how there aren’t women out there who think all of us straight, white, males are in some some sort of secret club where we have meetings about how we can control women. That is a bizarre conspiracy theory.
Also, we aren’t just talking about alimony you know right? Say in a marriage a woman pays in 35% of the bills and the man pays in 65% (since most people like expenses to be paid proportionate to their income.) But in a divorce, it’s 50-50 right? How the hell is that fair? Or am I wrong in that? Will she only get 35% of the assets?
I’d definitely be inquiring about it then if she has her own space downstairs, I know she’s a tenant and pays her portion of rent but if she has her own space but is intruding on yours for no good reason then it’s definitely time to at the very least have a conversation about some basic boundaries.
Your ultimate point is fair, but how you arrive at it is incredibly unempathetic.
If someone's mental health is so bad that they're consistently late by a large margin, they're probably having a hard time with work too. In fact, they're probably using what little strength they have to keep their job and then have nothing left over to make the same colossal effort with lower stake activities.
What you're right about is that someone's mental health struggles aren't the responsibility of anyone else. And if their mental health is that bad they probably shouldn't be dating/likely won't be able to keep relationships.
But the real solution here is that if mental health prevents punctuality, people need to communicate and be clear about that from the get-go: “fair warning, I have ADHD and really struggle with being on time. I'll likely be about 15 mins late to dates as a regular thing. I'm really into you but if that's a dealbreaker, I understand.” Boom. Problem solved. It's now part of the package deal that someone can take or leave at the very start.
Life isn't black and white. Expectations can be navigated and negotiated with good communication–even in a work setting.
I was just in a relationship very similar to this. I broke up with her, and you should too. You guys are clearly on different pages about what you want out of this relationship, and it's definitely not right to string her along by making her think you're on the same page. I also know that it's hard and uncomfortable on you to be in this relationship, and it won't really be “fun” as long as you are on different pages. If you want a fun relationship, you need someone who also wants that and isn't looking for a longer commitment.
“If you've forgiven me, why do you keep bringing it up when we're talking about unrelated matters”
My rescue parrot said things I've never heard before, in her old owner's voice. Like even 5 yrs after I got her. The first time I had a dog over, she immediately whistled and said, “come here Fido!” Then i realized she must have had a dog named Fido with her previous owner.
It took a looking time to work this for me, partially due to wishful thinking/hoping, but when it happened, it was like a huge puzzle unravelling, for then to put itself back together in an entirely different way. It all became crystal clear
Right? I'm 33 and I'm just now getting to the point where I think I'm even able to consider it but then again maybe I'm just not dating the right people lol.
I take sexy pictures of myself often, especially my booty. If I'd been working out really well or just feeling extra cute, I'll snap some pics just to see my progress or raise my confidence. I did it when I was single, I did it when I was in a relationship, sometimes I would send them to him, others I would just keep for my eyes only. I also have them hidden and delete many as well. I understand why you would be cautious but I wouldn't let this bother you any further. Don't fret!
I think this plan sounds great. You get a house to build equity, his folks get a place where they dreamed of being and your future kids will have close ties to family. The only possible issue I see is, how are your parents situated? Do they need similar help? Will they get upset over perceived inequality? Lots to think about.
You're right, she doesn't have to. The same way you don't have to just throw clothes on. But she wants to dress that way and you choose to just throw clothes on.
She may prefer looking more put together and present herself in a more “dolled up” way and you not putting in a similar effort could be upsetting for her
Check Jackson Galaxy on YouTube – he has a video exactly for this! It's about your presence, & how you go about the room/etc. Also eye contact is a huge one. Cats are very permission based. Please do some research so the cat doesn't get worse/get ruined. Also the fact the cat's claws have never been trimmed is a bigger problem then just scratching, because it's not use to it, should a vet need to see him, they might have to give him sedative just to handle him which is always dangerous for cats. It doesn't mean sit down & do every claw – just do one claw, let the cat go, make it a fun interaction, get another claw later, repeat.
I'm Autistic, & I think the best way I can describe cat care is treat them like they are autistic. Everything is about sensitivities, permission, boundaries, differing body language (cats don't like prolonged eye contact too – some see this as a threat, others see it as you challenging them/being aggressive/others find it just too much & can have a breakdown/meltdown when their senses are overloaded/too much, & many either leave, or sounds like in your case, attack).
I had a feral kitten who I could stare in the face forever & she never hurt me. But anyone else, she would claw their face & bite their nose, growling & hissing. One of my friends I warned him she would & he did anyway – twice in a row because he thought he was being a smartarse- & got upset at the cat for his own actions, which made her chase him down the hall because he shoved/half threw her off him because claws in the face & started screaming, so she saw him as a threat & wanted to chase him out of the house. I calmed her down but she hated him & was terrified of him forever because of that. She was a good guard doggo kitty.
bros title was click bait
But I need to know for sure if that happened or not.
OP big respect for being real with her, honestly it sounds like that talk was on point, not making her feel like the bad guy but trying to get her to be respectable.
What is your goal of letting him know?
Do you want to run into him? Have sex?
Are you trying to find out if he's dating other people
And the two of them lived happily ever after
Roll credit
I’m a guy who had male friends like this in college. All of them wound up being gay.
Please dump your idiot friends along with this despicable loser of a bf.
Are you calling me stupid ? If so, that's not really the kind of comments I would like, so please stop commenting if you're just gonna be mean for nothing
I appreciate all youve said, its really helped me understand. And honestly even if she wasnt attracted to me physically, thats a valuable thing when im balding, old, etc. Its kind of odd, you type just like she does. Similar terminology and smiley faces and all.
I've been sober a very long time. there's no reason to subject yourself to this. Find a partner that doesn't currently have uncontrolled addiction issues. you're only six months in.
when me and my wife met she chose to stop drinking when I talked about my sobriety. she hasn't had a drink in 16 years.
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You think it’s unforgivable even that she was also depressed and lost when it happened? I appreciate your advice
Honestly it doesn't sound like it.
it sounds like your GF had genuine friendship for the guy and he betrayed her frienship by trying to make a move that was clearly way out of line. He knew she was in a relationship and he did it anyway.
Your GF is a victim and no blame should be placed at her feet. it sounds like she never let him on or gave him any sort of warning that she would be open for more and he just went and kissed her.
Maybe it was a spur of the moment action and he wasn't thinking (I am reaching here cuz if you where really that ecstatic over the amount wouldn't you grab the person and hug them?)
It also sounds like your GF is taking every measure to not have to cross paths with this person again.
Please don't let doubt and insecurity creep in, it sounds like your GF did everything right and doesn't deserve your suspicions.
I wish you both a happy new year and if you really can't let this go maybe consider talking to someone about this, a trusted friend, or therapist?
2 brothers who both like little girls. ?
You can invite her for a one-to-one chat, maybe over coffee, in connection with one of these meetings. You steer the conversation towards relationships to see what, if anything, she says about her status. You see how she responds to harmless compliments, to meaningful glances, and to opportunities to touch you. That sort of thing.
I used to be a lot like OP, until I went to therapy and realized that I was raised in a VERY passive aggressive family. As a result, I always assumed that lines of questioning were because somebody was implying something that I had to play detective over. It’s mentally exhausting to assume that everyone has ulterior motives all the time. So I got help, and realized that most people generally aren’t playing mind games with you.
OP, I don’t think this is a hill to die on or anything, but it might be useful for both of you to talk with somebody about where your communication styles came from. You sound like you’ve got some experience dealing with bad faith actors, and your partner sounds like she has learned to be very careful how she makes requests of somebody. Obviously I can’t know where she got that habit, maybe she doesn’t even know. But regardless, it could be helpful for you guys to work through it because it sounds like both of you are frustrated.
You two have different needs, and they aren't willing to meet you where you're at in the slightest. Your decision is to accept this love or seek out something better: it does exist.
Sometimes people who love each other are a bad fit. Love on its own isn't enough. There needs to be some adaptability. Your SO has made it clear that they're not adapting, so you can take it or leave it.
Seems like she's just not that into you.
You were ten years old when he was old enough to have already graduated from college. You don't think that's gross?
My partner treats me very well and he’s very loving so I am very glad and appreciate and love him for it. I guess relationships will always have its ups and downs but this is a really bad down we’re both trying our best to get through. Thank you so much for commenting!
One: He's probably lying the amount of time he's been focused on this girl and did more with her than he's admitting. He's a liar and a cheat, so it's almost certain that he's minimizing how far down the rabbit hole things went. Liars and cheaters can't be trusted and if you keep caring about this situation he's just going to destroy you with a thousand small hurts until you're a hollowed out shell of your former self. That's how narcs operate.
I bet you're absolutely right that even now he is trickle-truthing OP. Just dropping little bits of the truth while lying (even by omission) of his even worse actions like physical cheating. Granted i'm not sure physical cheating would be considered worse in my mind. Emotionally cheating would probably hurt me more.
I think the best thing OP can do for her mental health is to drop her husband and do anything she can to move on. He will never be completely honest with her and especially not when it counts. He will lie about anything that might make him feel shameful. He will lie about doing something bad to the kids if that ever happens so she doesn't get mad at him. He will lie about anything that might make OP mad at him because he doesn't want to feel shame and guilt.
He's a coward.
So OP should just move on and not care about him. Getting angry him will be a never ending cycle.
If she slept around, why can’t I?
Have baby can you put some pounds. You lost too much weight and I am worried
This is a fucked up thing to say to a woman who wants her baby. I have no idea why you have any upvotes. It is literally JUST as fucked up as telling someone who needs an abortion that they shouldn't have one.
Thanks for mentioning parentification. I’m the oldest of five and although they were carefully planned and my parents were very engaged and involved, there’s still some level of parentification I experienced which makes me not want children now. I feel like I’ve changed more than my full share of diapers for one lifetime, lol.
The key issue here is your refusal, to be honest with your husband about your abusive family. You are protecting people that hurt you and your sister. Why would you do that? Why would you want your husband to like shitty people? He should be allowed to know that your brother is abusive and the rest of your family allows it.
You can't blame him for not wanting to loan money when he doesn't understand why. To him, it looks like your sister is just making an impulsive decision. Impulsive decisions rarely turn out well. Can you blame him for not wanting to lead money to someone when it looks like that?
Beyond that, it's your family. If you want him to get involved, you need to tell the truth.
No, he has not improved
Jesus, this the same dude?! Get out. Never look back.
It's understandable that you couldn't afford Disney trips when she was a kid. Now you can do Disney for the entire family minus her. Yeah, pretty sure I can see her point of you prioritizing your new family over her because that is what you did.
I would run. As far and as fast as I can. He is using you. He wants you because you look like his ex. He wants you to support him. He wants you because she said no. You’re going to waste a lot of years on this loser if you don’t drop him.
she is showing financially abusive behaviour
Yes I’ve been in and out of therapy for a few years, and I used to be medicated. Shrooms help me to and is what got me past being agoraphobic! I’ve made SO MUCH progress, but I definitely agree that he doesn’t understand it.
As I said, it doesn’t effect me day to day and we only started dating a year ago, which was when my anxiety was starting to improve and I started becoming more confident. I genuinely think it was an honest mistake and he didn’t realise how bad it could be.
I spoke to him about how his reaction to my anxiety left me feeling quite belittled, and he’s agreed that he won’t plan me surprises in the future. He’s been very apologetic, but did say that I need to communicate better so that he can understand when there’s an issue or if he does something I don’t like – he said it’s not fair to be all cute and giggly and act like I’m just prying one minute, and then be melting down the next, I just need to be straight to the point and honest that something has upset me. I 100% agree with this.
We’re keeping this surprise, but he’s given me a lot more detail so that I can prepare – info like nobody we know will be there, just us, the time our booking is, what town it’s in, things that it’s not – not a meal, not an escape room, not anything physically demanding. I have quite a good idea of the kind of thing it will be now. This has helped a lot and now I’m actually quite excited about it!
In short: it was an honest mistake on his part, and I need to communicate more and not leave him trying to mind read.
This is incredibly common. So many women feel like this after childbirth but because it's not talked about they think they've lost attraction to their partner or that they have lost their sex drive for good. This isn't the case at all.
There are two aspects to this, physical and psychological.
Physical: – Hormones get completely crazy during pregnancy and after childbirth, has she spoken to a doctor about this? – Is she still breastfeeding? Breasts can get really sore and painful during this time and that can break the connection between boobs and pleasure. – Her body has changed. She may need more time to heal physically as well as mentally, or physically what feels good might be different now.
Psychological: – It's hard to get into a sexy mindset when your body has become a function to keep small people alive and no longer feels like your own. – Breastfeeding can make your boobs a source of pain and also remove the idea of them as sexual, it takes time to get this back. – How much time are you spending together on dates as two adults in love? She needs to feel like a woman again not just a Mother, and arousal for women is often highly psychological rather than about physical stimulation. – At the moment to her it's no big deal, but she's your wife and she loves you. You need to tell her clearly about the impact this is having on you and express that you need your partner back as a person not just as a Co parent.
I hope you're reassured by the comments, OP. This is so common and completely fixable if you both put the effort in.
Eh. Everybody changes at those ages. Often enough that usually those relationships don't last because you wind up such different people anyway.
Weed isn't super expensive where I am, so idk. It's been a few years since I've smoked at this point. Maybe it's more expensive now.
Sounds like you're not ready for a relationship. Relationships involve doing things with the partner. Why are you with her of you don't want to spend time with her? Just sex? Let her go spend that time with someone who would be glad to hang out with her. She deserves better.
You’re not totally nuts…
Being around people with different views is important. Teenagers say stupid shit too. Unfamiliarity and fear is what causes bigotry as much as hate. You have an opportunity to show them that queer people arent actually any different.
Expressing a private opinion between friends is not the same as hurling homophobic slurs. Cutting people off because of their political views isn't always worth it. They are entitled to their opinion, so long as they aren't forcing it on others.
I'd honestly not ghost them. That's not the way to change people's minds or embrace diversity of thought. Its actually the opposite. It encourages prejudice and division.
And from the sounds of it you enjoyed their company
Well, you might be OK with your MIL calling in middle of nights and your husband picking up in a sec, you might be OK with your MIL badmouthing you in front of family. I am not. Simple. You can be OK with mama's boy, i am not.
her taking the condom off or rendering it useless (by poking holes etc.) without your knowledge is rape. You cannot give consent if it is not informed. screenshot the texts, send them to yourself, hide that you've done so (in case she deletes the texts so she can say you've edited it) and go to the police.
and yes, leave. usually I'm all for setting boundaries but this is rape and extreme boundary breaking.
Thanks for being so nice, even though we have differing opinions. I was fully expecting to get roasted to hell and back for my beliefs
I’ll definitely suggest those to him, but he’s pretty dead set on keeping the gun. He said the matters not open for discussion, even though it makes me uncomfortable, but maybe he’ll be receptive to your suggestions
Benzos can cause anterograde amnesia. I recently took a 'designer' benzo twice as potent as xanax. I was in my room knocking over things in the dark and managed to bang my eye on an open window, giving me a black eye. I had absolutely no memory of anything, except a black eye and a headache the next morning. It took a friend explaining what happened to me the next day. I think it's entirely possible for 2 mg xanax to have this effect if a girl is small and has never consumed drugs before.
So not only was she sleeping with someone else while dating you, but she is also a liar. As if she was strictly monogamous, she would not be seeing more than one person at a time regardless of whether they were in an exclusive relationship or not.
He's not interested in a romantic relationship with you. You're a friend, or a friend with benefits but he's not in love with you. He treated you the way most 20 somethings treat casual friends when bar hopping. This is not a “relationship” to him. If you're moving to this city for him or to be with him, don't.
He's flat out telling you he doesn't want to be closer or your security blanket while you explore a new city. You need to make your own plans, find your own ride etc (which honestly, for safety you should be doing anyway. It's dangerous to be helpless and lost if left to yourself in a new city.) If you are too anxious to go out without him, please don't move to this place with the plan of depending on him, he's NOT going to be that kind of friend.
I’ve tried suggesting crate training and it’s completely out of the question. She sleeps in our bed every night and has since she was a puppy. My partner likes having her sleep with us and I don’t think he’d ever even consider even just shutting her out of our room.
I hate this world. Bunch of crackheads
“what if she is really the best candidate?” you lost me here. Maybe if you treated her like your partner instead of an applicant for a job?
You can work on enriching your life outside of your relationship with him. Make more friends, plan more outings, etc. Fill your time yourself and remind yourself that your partner isn't supposed to fill EVERY need you have.
Do you have family that could visit? You need support and he cant give you that. Id also reconsider the marriage if he keeps acting like this.
That’s not your boyfriend
You can say the official words you use in a professional setting. You say firmly “I really don't appreciate you speaking to me like that and would like you to stop.” Or “I don't appreciate this topic of conversation. It makes me uncomfortable please stop.” This is a corporate way of making sure your intentions are clear. It's polite and it works regardless. Then you broken record it over and over whenever he starts. If he was just stupid and making a mistake then he will stop. If not you were serious and firm and polite and can have an adult conversation. You don't need a reason why the answer is no but yes the age thing is gross.
She definitely has some sort of feelings for him
I’ve literally have had a woman tell me I’m part of the problem trying to control women’s bodies simply because I’m a straight, white, male. This was a real life conversation too. Not some live! argument so I know for a fact it was an adult woman. So you tell me how there aren’t women out there who think all of us straight, white, males are in some some sort of secret club where we have meetings about how we can control women. That is a bizarre conspiracy theory.
Also, we aren’t just talking about alimony you know right? Say in a marriage a woman pays in 35% of the bills and the man pays in 65% (since most people like expenses to be paid proportionate to their income.) But in a divorce, it’s 50-50 right? How the hell is that fair? Or am I wrong in that? Will she only get 35% of the assets?
Weird conspiracy aside, wouldn't a defacto partnership also entitle her to assets depending on their state?
Sorry but someone this hysterically fixated on someone you used to date? Guess what? It won't stop here. I would NOT buy a house with this person.
I’d definitely be inquiring about it then if she has her own space downstairs, I know she’s a tenant and pays her portion of rent but if she has her own space but is intruding on yours for no good reason then it’s definitely time to at the very least have a conversation about some basic boundaries.
Do you have a therapist? If yes, what did they say about this issue?
Also, please talk about this with others. There's no need to be ashamed.
This behaviour isn’t an accident. There is nothing you can do beyond reconsider the friendship.
The husband has been way to easy going. For whatever reason, he doesn’t want to deal with it.
Your ultimate point is fair, but how you arrive at it is incredibly unempathetic.
If someone's mental health is so bad that they're consistently late by a large margin, they're probably having a hard time with work too. In fact, they're probably using what little strength they have to keep their job and then have nothing left over to make the same colossal effort with lower stake activities.
What you're right about is that someone's mental health struggles aren't the responsibility of anyone else. And if their mental health is that bad they probably shouldn't be dating/likely won't be able to keep relationships.
But the real solution here is that if mental health prevents punctuality, people need to communicate and be clear about that from the get-go: “fair warning, I have ADHD and really struggle with being on time. I'll likely be about 15 mins late to dates as a regular thing. I'm really into you but if that's a dealbreaker, I understand.” Boom. Problem solved. It's now part of the package deal that someone can take or leave at the very start.
Life isn't black and white. Expectations can be navigated and negotiated with good communication–even in a work setting.
I was just in a relationship very similar to this. I broke up with her, and you should too. You guys are clearly on different pages about what you want out of this relationship, and it's definitely not right to string her along by making her think you're on the same page. I also know that it's hard and uncomfortable on you to be in this relationship, and it won't really be “fun” as long as you are on different pages. If you want a fun relationship, you need someone who also wants that and isn't looking for a longer commitment.