Your_Next_Ex online sex chats for YOU!

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3 thoughts on “Your_Next_Ex online sex chats for YOU!

  1. And if the baby IS yours? Is she talking to guys to get your attention because you obviously have a problem in her eyes. Maybe some women – some people – want more and others can only give so much attention. My wife of forty on many occasions asks for a bit of attention.

  2. My boyfriends father was physically, emotionally, and verbally abusive to him and his two brothers. He manipulated them by pitting them against each other believing it would make them stronger and more accomplished. 90% of his communication with them was yelling and punishment, otherwise he either worked or just checked out of parenting. When my boyfriend dropped out of an Ivy League college to start a company, his father stonewalled him for years and only came around when my boyfriend became a successful VC. My boyfriend and his brothers are now between the ages of 36 and 42 so grown adult men. One is currently in rehab for alcohol abuse related to the cumulative trauma of his abuse, the other is closed off cold and unemotional. And my boyfriend had to spend years of therapy reversing the damage. Even though their father is now in his 80s and somewhat mellowed out (he really only takes his anger out on their mother behind closed doors), they are still either terrified of him or completely closed off. I’ve seen my partner negotiate deals worth hundreds of millions of dollars and stand up in court against insane lawsuits all with poise and tact. I’ve never seen him literally cower like he does around his dad. He only recently stood up to his father about all this literally the same night his brother agreed to go to rehab and it was an absolutely explosive conversation.

    Your husband doesn’t quite get a pass here, but you might not be aware of just how profoundly bad an abusive father can be. Your husband may be able to interact with him and otherwise seem like a solid guy, but there might be an extreme fear of his father lurking just under the surface, enough so that he puts your family’s dignity and safety behind his own need to not rock the boat with him. Your husband needs therapy to work through this stuff and to start setting some boundaries otherwise it’ll never change.

  3. Except there was a conversation where she lied and said she wanted kids? They’ve been trying for years. He’s rightfully upset by this.


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