Violettaandtomas7 live! webcams for YOU!

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58 thoughts on “Violettaandtomas7 live! webcams for YOU!

  1. This sounds like a tremendous opportunity for you. If you don’t go because of him than you may end up resenting him and if he goes and doesn’t want to he may resent you. Perhaps try it for a year with him coming to visit you and see how it goes.

  2. Video calls are a good idea, thanks! Once I feel more comfortable speaking Chinese (I can say simple phrases, but always feel a bit stupid haha), I will ask my gf if she would like me to join one of her video calls with her parents…

  3. I think you should bring it up if you feel uncomfortable about it, to discuss and solve it if it causes you stress. But in my experience, girls like feeling attractive to other guys, and so long as she isn't responding to his advances, I wouldn't worry about it.

  4. I think you should bring it up if you feel uncomfortable about it, to discuss and solve it if it causes you stress. But in my experience, girls like feeling attractive to other guys, and so long as she isn't responding to his advances, I wouldn't worry about it.

  5. If you're still struggling after six months it may be a good idea to talk to a professional if that's available to you. It's normal to need time to heal and to move forward after a breakup, though.

  6. If you're not in a position to love your child and give it the best opportunities to grow and develop and learn and be happy, then no, you're not ready to be parents. The financial stuff will work itself out but the emotional side of this won't, no matter which way you go. I sense you and your boyfriend would regret termination. Yes, you would always wonder how that child would look, what they might grow up to be, how old they would be when they cross your mind. The reminders would always be there. Best of luck to you!

  7. I needed to stop reading or I swear, I'd commit a crime… I can't STAND women/mothers who do this to their child and use them as a weapon. That's vindictive and vile and disgusting. Never in my life would I EVER use my own child against my ex husband/boyfriend. People who do this are the lowest part of humanity. She's alienating you son from you and this needs to stop ASAP.

    Call a lawyer and if you have something like this wherever you are, a family mediator or family help/worker and set up a strict custody agreement and make her KNOW you know what she's doing and it has to stop right now.

  8. I think he's being supportive, and just expressing his personal preference of looking tattoos. Doesn't sound like he's trying to push you to do something you're not comfortable with. But at the end of the day, it's your body, do what you want to do with it, not what other people want.

  9. Imo, you did the right thing. Don't crawl back to that ươmen, she's awful and she sets an awful example for your daughter speaking to your daughter like that.

  10. Hello /u/frogpoison2345,

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  11. So why would they need to cut him off as a friend just because you two broke up?

    Except they are not treating him as just a friend if they bring up the possibility of reconciliation.

  12. Hello /u/Excellention,

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  13. Lol true that! I currently am living with him and still no job so far for me. Playing guitar writing music in hopes to make it as a musician.So I should work on getting a job and get out of this situation for sure thanks guys.

  14. Your doctor has heard your perspective. She is biased. From reading this, I couldn’t say with certainty that you’ve tried to explain things objectively.

    The first person you should have told when you realised you had feelings for her, was your boyfriend.

    If you truly believe you’re in a toxic relationship, I’m curious how this conclusion could only come about after 6 years and by advice of your doctor. If it recently only turned ‘toxic’ and you’ve spent 6 years together, then surely you’d want to work it out.

    Basically reading what you’ve written it sounds like you’re trying to find excuses to end things. And the way you described it, sounds like the catalyst to this conclusion is this girl.

    My advice is to break up and keep NC with the other girl and work on yourself first to see what you actually want. Although honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if you broke up with your boyfriend only to run to her…

  15. Hello /u/auntmomta,

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  16. She used to be ace, when we started dating, then after a while we both wanted to experiment. Sometimes she calls herself ace, sometimes she calls herself demi. No matter what anyone calls it, ultimately, she she's attracted to me, not a specific gender or anything like that, and I feel the same way for her.

  17. Yeah, I’m really at a toss on what to do. Of course, moving out of state is sure to set some distance. But I know I’m going to want to fly my brother out to see my new spot with my gf at some point. And yeah, if he works out things with his ex wife… yeah, very problematic.

    Me and my gf are back together, btw. I guess I didn’t have to address her as both ex and current gf, but she is.

  18. Other commenters already said enough, but I’m just wondering why would you exchange numbers with HSS for “not using it”? You do know that he still can use your number to contact you, right?

  19. You need to get tested for std/i's right now and again in 6 months.

    She sounds unstable, the father sounds unhinged. If you suspect he was having her have sex with you, that's sex trafficking, please report it.

  20. And the thing is… it doesn't seem to go away. Ever.

    All you can do is manage it. And unfortunately the very behaviours that are symptomatic of BPD are the very things that make them avoid treatment.

    If you have BPD and are managing effectively – kudos on you. It's gotta be damn hard and I salute you for it.

    But I just don't know if I could ever go back there after being through it.

  21. thank you, that was really validating. i'll speak with them both one last time i think and see if we can meet in the middle

  22. Check your lease. Most likely him moving in is a violation of the lease. You can either talk to her directly or get the landlord involved. It’s not fair that you’re paying to support him.

  23. I live in north-east europe and very hot mixed saunas are norm here. Been since i was born. Then i learned american culture at some point. It's insane how the culture changes you how you feel about nudity and sexuality etc. I remember when i saw in these american teen movies when there was this trope where people imagined themselves in front of class in underwear or something and i never understood it because i couldn't care any less even if i would be full hard in front of people. Now i understand it's cultural differences. Nudity at least in this part of europe is very neutral.

  24. We have gotten all the medical help she can get. She hates the doctors. As I stated previously I’m not perfect. I dont clean as consistently as she does but I make sure our daughter has a safe environment. Post partum was understandable. But there are compromises when it comes to marriage. So after I’ve went through every solution to give her for her physical, mental, and spiritual health and she straight denied my help I stopped. I don’t care about the sex. At this point I want to be able to hug my wife. To hold her when she’s sad or angry. To comfort her. I could care less about myself. So no I don’t do anything purposely to be stressed. I ask her to try finding some hobbies. “Hobbies aren’t real for me.” I help her find jobs “no one would ever hire me with no work experience” made sure she was okay with it. Got her a gym membership “too much work”. Offered to give her time to herself “I have a tight schedule for our daughter and I get anxiety if it’s a second off”(even though I’ve never had an issue watching my own daughter. I’ve explored avenues that would make me mentally insane just to give her what she wanted. Went in debt that she claimed she didn’t ask me to do just to be the man she envisioned. I don’t go out. At 23. I stay home no guys nights. No gym. And I love the gym. I don’t text anyone. At 23 all my friends I dropped because she took them as threats to our marriage.

    I slack. I’m human. But that’s the point I’m always learning from my mistakes and trying to make them better. She sees nothing wrong and only says she reacts how she was treated. And I mostly do not initiate any disrespect unless it comes to me being spoken for. I’m at 70% disability in the military and I get out soon. My legs are dust. My back has gone through 2 surgeries. Did I slack off after ? No. I took my meds. Dosed as much as I could and helped around the house so she could get 8 hrs of sleep and I would be awake for more than 24. She has always known my values. I was never a talkative person and I remain respectfully blunt. So I might have had a role in the actions but I acknowledge my goods and bads. That’s the difference.

    If it’s post partum for a year and a half now ? When she’s been off her period and would rather go get a toy and tell me the next day she’s on her period ? Again. I don’t force. But I make every stop and try every outcome. I’m just lost now. Never thought at 23 I would say that

  25. She probably chose you, in part, hoping that this wouldn’t ever come up. She’s a grown woman and at this point, she is choosing not to see if changing meds would make a difference. Be honest. It’s not a real relationship if you can’t speak your truth. See if she’s willing to talk to her doctor and address this.

  26. Your wife left for work what do you think she’ll be thinking about all day? Why did you hide this from her? Is she texting you often? Why thank you again, didn’t she just thank you every time you give her a lift? Is there something else going on?

    Wait for questionning tonight when she comes back from work. You think what you did was a small thing but from your wife’s pov is what is really going on. Don’t do things with another woman without telling your wife it look just so suspicious when she finds out. I’m sure you’ll be feeling the same if the role were reversed.

  27. You are an asexual lesbian who is 28 and he is a gay teenager and you met role playing live and have never met in person and yet somehow you have this “relationship” that is causing an absurd level of drama? None of this makes any sense. You should leave this kid alone, and start looking for other local asexual lesbians to date. He should find a guy his own age in his own city to spend his time with.

  28. If only it was that easy. I cant help but think it might be a dry spell, we are both very stressed currently.. we do have a lot in common, i dont think u could last with a person for a year and be around them almost every day if there was truly nothing, I was ecstatic for the first 10 months honestly. I just struggle with the idea of giving up so “easily” on somebody i fell in love with. And yes, giving up on the dream of what could´ve been is the hardest thing for me. I was just so sure of it for a while and this is the first time I start to doubt it. But maybe im just lying to myself and it really has no future. I honestly feel like I lost any ability to think critically

  29. That’s the reasonable approach.

    Maybe also a good idea to figure out why you’re less attracted to people as you get to know them at some point. If you ever want romantic companionship in your life, this would be a roadblock. But if you’re content in life – then that’s okay too.

  30. “Closure” I'm sorry , but to me, that is a fantasy . He dropped you like a hard rock . You don't owe him jack shit . No explanation , no update , no NOTHING . Why would you put yourself in the position to be hurt even further ? The best way to handle people that treat you like he treated you is with silence . They should no longer exist to you . Respect yourself more than that . I'm sorry about your miscarriage. That's terrible.

  31. I don’t think you really know this man at all. I’d be very careful about what and where you dig, and make sure you have resources to leave/kick him out when you eventually find out what’s going on.

    His behaviour now as it stands is grounds enough for you to leave. But I understand you want to figure all this out first.

    It was a quick marriage preceded by LDR. You’re going to have to really think about how much this marriage means to you when/if you discover what’s going on with him.

    Be safe. Good luck.

  32. If she was truly your friend, she would have called you and explained everything BEFORE she posted her silly little bridesmaid post.

    She couldn’t be bothered.

    She knew you were going to see that post, and still, wasn’t even going to say anything to you until YOU called her.

    It’s giving: she doesn’t want you messing up HER photos.

    Your reluctance with pictures was an easy, if not pathetic, excuse.

    I’m so sorry. This is so wrong, and if it were me, I wouldn’t go to the wedding. I would simply ghost her out. But would she even notice? Most likely not.

    I’m sorry…?

  33. Geez. Your dick is not growing and I think it’s a little wild that she is jumping to “dick surgery” and pointing at you being the problem instead of considering that the changes are on her end.. which is the more realistic scenario. Everyone’s already given you the advice so I’ll just resound it.. ask her to check in with her gyno

  34. Did you even read anything I actually said. OP can draw any boundaries she wants.

    But she was an ass to her father and his partner in this exchange. If you actually read all her comments and still disagree, we’ll. Then I guess we are just have different opinions on what respect is.

  35. I am married to the love of my life. I got married “late” (I mean I was 30) in life and I cycled through endless men just like your boyfriend, men too insecure, too jealous, too intimidated by me to be good partners. I was also in an abusive relationship that started with control of “small” things, like a dress. Choosing myself was hard every time but I’m so glad I did. I promise you will be too.

  36. I mean, obviously you don't stay with somebody who is fine with torturing you.

    But how common is the ingredient? Is this going to be a problem with every girl who doesn't use a very specific ingredient?

  37. Stick to your guns.

    Break up, and she leaves now.

    In fact help her along the way and start pack her shit for her.

    Give her a timeframe of say an hour.

    Someone who abuses you by verbally insulting you, your hobbies and interests, and your friends is not capable of changing. Because to change they actually have to have empathy and a heart, and she proved she has neither.

  38. Stick to your guns.

    Break up, and she leaves now.

    In fact help her along the way and start pack her shit for her.

    Give her a timeframe of say an hour.

    Someone who abuses you by verbally insulting you, your hobbies and interests, and your friends is not capable of changing. Because to change they actually have to have empathy and a heart, and she proved she has neither.

  39. There are men who go without sex. My partner waited for 3 years and never once even hinted at any sort of pressure or coercion. Your boyfriend is a disgusting human being for the way he treats you. Its serious and you would be putting yourself in danger to downplay it.

  40. He is not ready for a baby and he is being honest about that. Nothing wrong with not being ready to be a parent, mistakes can happen. Its a major commitment, and I think forced parenthood is wrong. If you want to keep the baby, prepare to be a single parent. Don’t just have the child and hope he comes around around. He is telling you he is not ready. You can get child support though.

  41. This is a real shit position to be in and I’m sorry your father dragged you into it. Given your comments about your mothers health, perhaps staying out of it is the better option. Stress is a real killer.

    However, I would make it known to your father to NEVER put you in this position again. Tell him to leave you out of it and express your disappointment in his actions.

  42. “Hey when we were cleaning out your car I found a ripped box of condoms.” Just say that very nonchalantly and wait for her reply.

  43. It isn’t gatekeeping when it is literally everything I do. If we shared a few hobbies that I knew she was actually into that’d be great but I feel competed with by my partner instead of encouraged to grow. Does that make sense? Also, she’s from detroit, I’m from California. We live in detroit together. Our backgrounds couldn’t be more different. How are you insinuating I’m at fault for being copied by girlfriend. How does that make any sense

  44. when she says just vibing with a guy =

    Vibing with someone means having a strong connection with someone with whom you share a mutual understanding and respect. It is more than just a casual conversation but a deep connection between two people. It can involve exchanging thoughts, ideas, and feelings.

  45. The best way to end these arguments is to leave him before you are really trapped by marriage or kids.


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