Violett-gomez online sex chats for YOU!

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56 thoughts on “Violett-gomez online sex chats for YOU!

  1. Even if he doesn't get suspicious outright, he'd almost certainly shut that down really quickly. He wants total control and I'd bet my left tit he's clinically a narcissist so any sign of her own autonomy to him would be a risk to his control over her. I doubt he'd even let her hire help since he probably sees it as her responsibility and it's the wife/mom's job to stay home and take care of the kids. This is obviously pure speculation on my part but I think it might fit him to a T.

  2. herbs a cheater with a guilty conscience. kick him to the curb, go have some fun, theres more people than you know especially on ye ol internettyo

  3. The tunnel vision is so real. When I have that it’s almost too very hot to escape. The first thing i do is try to physically remove myself from the situation. Then, i take out all my anger by like screaming somewhere else or exhausting my body like sprinting for as far as i can for as long as i can.

    However, usually if you get tunnel vision it’s because you’ve been suppressing the other emotions enough for it to build to that point. One of the best things you can do is try to express yourself, especially by saying things like “im feeling really hurt when you…[insert thing],” which i know probably feels IMPOSSIBLE, because it did for me too. I think you’ll find that when you say these words out loud, you might start sobbing. That’s usually what happens to me. The thing is, id you can cry, you release all of that emotion and you don’t feel anger anymore. Anger is basically a defense mechanism to protect yourself, so if you can let your guard down and be honest about your true feelings, it won’t come in the same unstoppable way as it might usually do right now.

    Also, if you’re not in therapy already, i REALLY suggest that you start. It’s so much easier to talk out my feelings with a professional where you aren’t judged, and it helps you learn how to be vulnerable and express how you’re feeling so you don’t get to the anger part! You just have to keep practicing this again and again and it will get easier i promise

  4. If your gf cannot responsibly take birth control the onus is on you to ensure that some kind of protection is used either by using condoms or by not engaging in sex. A vasectomy could be an option for you and can be reversed in some cases but not all so it might be worth discussing this with your doctor. There are other forms of birth control that your gf can use that she doesn’t need to think about like the coil, injection or implant. They have reliable results and only need replacing every so often, the coil can be 5 years. Injections every 12 weeks I believe.

    If neither of you want kids you both need to take the precautions to avoid pregnancy. Your gf’s refusal to use the pill consistently is worrying as it doesn’t sound like she’s emotionally ready for a kid. As a female I know how much the pill sucks and affects mental health, libido etc plus remembering to take it consistently is a pain in the ass) but she needs to take ownership of her reproductive health. If she doesn’t want to take the pill, she must be prepared to use a condom or not have sex at all. You both need to be on the same page when it comes to safe sex.

  5. I know leaving him is probably what i should’re probably right in everything.. but i can never bring myself up to do it..whenever we get into fights about the doubts i have he always says “ if you think im gonna cheat on you again why dont you just leave then”. Like its so easy for him to just say that. Sometimes i think hes just waiting for me to leave just so confused on what to do..and i cant talk to anyone about my problems because ive distanced myself from everyone..i dont have friends i just talk to..its sad when i think about how lonely i lonely im asking for advice from strangers on-line..i feel so very sad…hes just everything ive had for so scared to be alone if we break up..ill have absolutely no one..

  6. If she threatens to kill herself via text message, show it to the police. It can be used to put her on a psych hold, and that might be the best thing for her.

  7. Perhaps, but I’m not sure this is applicable in this specific case. In this case it’s not a video that some teenager took of themselves for their own use. In this case, OP is in possession of someone else’s video sent to him without his consent or solicitation. In which case, and yes, assuming an American legal context, it would be considered CP.

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  11. Oof, I have thought a lot about “walkaway wife syndrome” — that's very much a possibility for me these days. I sent him the article “She Divorced Me Because I Left Dishes by the Sink” — I don't think he read it.

    It's exactly this fear of giving up too many pieces of myself (I've already lost quite a bit of confidence and put in way more energy than he has) that is inspiring me to set some boundaries. Thanks for your message.

  12. Well, I got bad news for you. This not only will not get any better, it will only get worse if/when you all have kids. So think long and very hot about how low you are willing to adjust your expectations.

  13. The answer to the question “Is withholding -insert anything here- from my partner BECAUSE I AM ANGRY AT THEM emotionally abusive” is always and unequivocally yes.

    You're not doing something for yourself. You're not making only yourself dinner because you have different dietary needs or because your partner is a picky eater or because they constantly complain about your cooking or, by your own admission, about something related to food at all.

    Whether or not your partner can eat something else is irrelevant.You didn't do this because you didn't want to cook for both of you or because you wanted to eat something else. You did it to punish your partner – a conscious, deliberate act that was motivated by a desire to hurt them.

    In what world can you excuse that behavior as not being abusive?

  14. That’s just not something to joke about. That, coupled with the ceasing of birth control and her constant comments about babies, I’d be very concerned. I can’t say this is something I’d break up over but it’s definitely something I’d consider. I’d also be sure that you keep control of the condoms and ensure she has no access. Which, now that I read that, it’s over. It would be time to move on, for me.

  15. I think your husband is having an emotional affair, without realizing it. But on top of that, A is married.. where is her husband in all of this? You said she was cozied up to the only single guy in the group trip, where’s her husband when she’s blatantly acting like that. I’m so curious how he feels.

  16. She is to blame. You should look at her reasons, the many choices she made to betray you and her current response to figure out if you should stay with her. You’re committing to a relationship-long battle to trust her.

    Tell the OBS. You can feel some sort of revenge fantasy if you want, but your doing it because it’s the honest and empathetic thing to do.

  17. Non-serious answer: Just tell him “Hey, you know what I miss? When we could have sex without you getting winded. I think your dick got smaller.”

    Serious answer: You sit him down, assure him you care about him and talk about how him eating worse, drinking, and skipping going to the gym is negatively impacting your attraction and your sex life.

  18. This will happen again if you decide to stay. He can still be a great father, but he doesnt need to be your husband to be a great father.

  19. Your post history is tragic. Are you still sober? Is your girlfriend supporting that?

    Can I make a suggestion? Quit the job. Go back home to family and friends that care about you. Find an AA group if you need one, clear all that muck, emotional and substances, out of your system and start again.

    Because after two years your girlfriend is not the one to help you to a happy and content life,

  20. How did people exist before sm? His infatuation with sm indicates an illness that inflicts a lot of people these days.

  21. I think your bf was waiting for you to do the right thing. You failed. This is not a situation that calls for weak boundaries. And yours are weak. This “friendship” should have been terminated immediately. Your “friend” is hanging around waiting for you to break up. I have no doubt in time he will throw another spanner into your relationship.

    Your bf expected you to end the friendship. You didn't. I feel that you may have done serious damage to your bf's trust. End it with the friend, because your bf has had enough.

    Good luck

  22. Yes, it's a valid reason. Sexual compatibility is a big deal in relationships and if you don't have it, you're starting the relationship off with one hand tied behind your back.

    And when people are religious, it won't be just this one thing, there will be all kinds of different baggage too.

  23. Baffled by how you've ranked your scenarios. I would consider your 'semi-bad case scenario' to be a worst-case scenario too.

  24. Baffled by how you've ranked your scenarios. I would consider your 'semi-bad case scenario' to be a worst-case scenario too.

  25. “yelled at you” because you cried?? Yeah this is not the one for you. Also, if you have kids, better not have boys, because she's going to completely mess them up.

  26. Porn might not be the problem. He might have issues finishing like i do. If this is the case it's not your fault. Have you asked him if he was this way with his other partners?

  27. Actually, some hospitals require therapy before approving bariatric surgery for this very reason. I'm sorry he let the weight loss go to his (smaller) head. It's certainly life changing, but that doesn't mean you should scrap your entire life like that.

    Let him go.

  28. I’m glad you weren’t insulted when he said to you, upon risking your life to have his child, “There’s always a chance you cheated on me, so prove you didn’t. For peace of mind.”

    Your opinion does not mean every woman has to feel the same way.

  29. Again, paternity fraud is absurdly rare, let alone the whole “forced to pay child support” situation.

    The financial ruin of the actually common thing that happens — men cheating — leaves women far worse off than men. Not to mention the risk of permanent disability or death with pregnancy. Years of lost earning potential, career deflation, education expiring, loss of retirement contributions, and on and on.

    Every woman takes those risks — with no guarantee. The financial & physical costs far exceed any potential “child support” payments, yet we are expected to bear that cost every single time. Even though men have higher infidelity rates than women.

    So I don’t think it’s too much to ask for a modicum of trust that your partner isn’t an actual sociopath when you have no evidence or suspicion to contrary.

    Because people with that mindset don’t stop at a paternity test. That level of paranoia & suspicion is not healthy.

  30. Get out before you marry or this will be your life. I would have one final sit down where you explain how serious it is for you. If it stays the same, leave.

  31. I'm only going to say one more thing, because if you were truly looking for advice you would pause and maybe try to see other perspectives but all you want is to be told YOU'RE right.

    If your parents have the same issue, there's a common denominator. And it's you.

    Good luck.

  32. He’s shown you who he is and how much he respects you and your boundaries. Don’t waste any more of your time or mental health on him. Get out now, continue working on yourself.

  33. I’ll probably get some heat for this but I’ve always been somewhat insecure about something like this. I had a partner that had a history as such. To me, it always laid in my head that if this person had so many partners, it must mean they get bored easily and want to have that kind of relationship with other people to keep it exciting or just try something new. But everyone is different. I mean, there is a reason why he was never told by you. If I had a partner, and I fucked my best friends, I would want my SO to know, instead of finding out the way he did. Why not speak about it? Was it because of this reason right here?

  34. I know ot sucks, and I actually can't pretend to know how very hot it would be, but it sounds like the best thing for you to do is leave. Your dad is controlling your life and it's not just or fair and given his willingness to threaten and intimidate, he's clearly not safe. He's emotionally and financially abusing you and everyone else he can, and he's venturing into physical threats or at least implied physical threats.

  35. Want some advice on how to navigate your bf shitty behaivor?

    Pack all your stuff, put it in a moving truck, leave.

    That’s straight up insane. One time it wont be the car taking that punch. Just saying ??‍♀️

  36. There is a crazy thing these days that poly people seems to think that is the natural thing to be. Poly should only happen in relationships if both parties are in agreement, trust each other and are 100% open to each other.

    Non of this is the case here. You are mono – he is poly. You do not trust him and he is not open about what he is doing.

    Sadly you need to sit down and talk. If he wants to continue being poly – you need to split. I have seen your kind of relationships and really this is just hurt and heart-brake.

    Split up. You can give him the option of talking but you are better off without him.

  37. Id be very fucking careful if i was you. Id off myself if anyone wanted to be up my ass 24/7 with no room to breathe. This person sounds way off in the head. Way the fuck off. And you as well! You’ve done this for 8 years. 8 whole god damn years… How? How could anyone do this for so long?

  38. You’re going to have to talk about possibly going on real dates rather than hookups and see how receptive he is about it. There’s a possibility he won’t want it, and there’s a possibility he will. You’ll only know if you have that discussion with him.


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