Vanessita on-line webcams for YOU!

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38 thoughts on “Vanessita on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. My sister died from something similar. I learned a lot about the old treatments, the coming treatments, the less tested treatments and methods and the untested.

    Honestly, I don't believe chemo actually works. But it sure as shit almost kills you.

    Normally I would never write this to a cancer patient, but if you've been given a death sentence, it's probably the best thing you can hear. I'm no know-it-all hippie or anti science. I'm purely anti chemo. I believe it doesn't actually work.

    I've experienced two other people with similar situations that are still alive, and I urge you to focus on the most modern treatments possible. Because it's so close now. An actual cure for cancer might be in the tests now.

    I'm sorry if this sounds self serving or harsh or irresponsible. I hope you don't feel it that way. But the times when you still have energy, bodyweight and time is so so important.

    At the very least you should consider a complete diet change. Cancer cells eat sugar. Starve them. My sister started too late maybe. Idk. You need to keep on as much weight as you can.

    Bless you.

  2. In my experience, it's one of those in-between expressions of affection (just like “I really appreciate you”, etc.), especially if you're a couple months into dating. In my past and current relationships, this sort of thing is tossed around right before the big “I love you”

    You guys are at the point in your relationship where you're really getting to understand each other, and your feelings have begun to solidify. Both of you probably have “I love you” dancing at the tip of your tongue every time you're together haha

    However, since you're still relatively new to your relationship, it's scary AF to take the next step, especially if you're the first person to say “I love you”. Naturally, the middle ground between “I love you” and something less personal is to say something like “you mean the world to me”

    In all honesty, if you feel like you truly do love him, go ahead and tell him first!! It sounds like you're both to that point but are just too nervous to take that next step

  3. I'd just make sure to try and set out pillows so when this marriage spits her out like a peach pit. There relationship will implode. It will get bad… i mean really bad. Advenually she will leave him or he will get caught cheating or both. I would litterally tell her ” remember when this marriage ends badly I'll be there for you” and just leave it at that. I would focus on making sure she knows she has options. That she's not trapped. That when she finally hits her limit your help to pick up the pieces.

  4. You don't love him and you never did. You loved the idea of him, but in reality he doesn't live up to those imagined expectations.. because he's Bi.

    Literally nothing has changed except your knowledge of his sexuality. He's still the same person, looks the same, smells the same and behaves the same.. but knowledge that he can be attracted to the same sex has put you off him.

    You don't support the LGBTQ+ either – this is literally homophobia.

  5. I was in a relationship with a porn addict for 4 years. I fucking hate porn. It destroyed me emotionally and mentally, what ever self esteem I had. Was gone. Won't ever return. My ex always wanted to watch it when we did stuff. It was consuming his life and our relationship. By the time he was getting over it. The relationship was gone

  6. Renewed love is like reheated potatoes and a criminal is a criminal.

    She needs to cool her head down, see a professional, and start working on herself. It may sound harsh but sometimes people need to hear this and who better to tell them then their siblings / relatives that are aware of the situation they are in.

    To choose from one bad to another is still BAD, whether short or long run.

  7. Just tell her that you love her nose & you think it is perfect the way it is, but ultimately, it is her decision. just reassure her that you think there is nothing wrong with her nose & it is a big operation to go through, especially if it's not really needed.

  8. Communication is the single most important part of a relationship.

    Let’s be honest – no one on Reddit knows anything much about your relationship with your GF.

    If you communicate well – it will work out for you.

    And that could mean you find someone else or you stay together.

    We have no idea.

  9. Sounds to me like your mom and dad are pushing you so nude that if you do things their way you'll come across as kind of a creep. I'd say let it go.

  10. So who pays all of the bills? You?

    Why isn't your problem that he doesn't work and doesn't do anything other than sleep + weed? Your problem is only that he sleeps, but it should be that he is lazy, not productive, and that you are taking care of a grown man who is almost 40.

    I think you need to make reassessments, include why you are ONLY upset with his sleeping?

  11. He replied I’m not his daughter or his wife and we “don’t have that type of relationship.”

    I'd definitely dig deeper into what he meant by this. You've been together for 2 and a half years, right? Does he not see you as someone he'd marry? If not, what a waste of time (assuming you're not just with each other for fun).

    Anyways, he's being immature. If you see yourself being with him longterm, he needs to grow up. My husband saw me poop while I gave birth to our child; there's much grosser things to behold than a queef.

  12. Definitely speak to your mother. You've been betrayed by two of the most important people in your life and you need support while you work through your feelings and decide what you want to do. I'd suggest not seeing or speaking to either of them till you know what that is. It doesn't help much, but your BF isn't necessarily gay, but he may not have figured himself out yet.

  13. Maybe?? Dude, you don't move in with somebody you've only been dating a few months. Further, you're still unraveling your long term relationship. Take a break from romance and don't run blindly into the next. Dating too soon. Moving in too soon. You now need to unravel THESE too.

  14. Then yeah he is making it his domicile where that changes the conditions of the agreement. I don’t know if 50/50 is fair since you have the larger bedroom. Typically I’ve seen 60/40.

  15. So sorry OP, I think we can all say we are Glas you voiced this, reddit can be a lot of things including a cesspool but it does know cheaters from a mile away and I'm glad you took it seriously!

    Depending on where you live, infidelity can make divorce proceedings very one sided but that isn't true everywhere so make sure you lawyer is working for you, your story is iron clad now it is just paper work.

    Quick statement, because people keep talking about him lovebombing to try to control you etc, DID HE EVER LOVE YOU: I would guess he did, but somewhere along the line he realized he wasn't worthy of you, and rather than talking about it he thought it would be better to tarnish your glow so you were closer to his level. This is SUPER EVIL and do I think you should believe he loves you now? Absolutely not….

    but I think he did love you once upon a time and that is why you didn't see it coming, because this started from a place of mutual love, you didn't have reason to doubt because he worked nude to hide it but he cracked under the weight of his Conscience. You did nothing wrong, you are human and so is he but it was not you and you need to remind yourself of that during the dark days ahead.

    Big hugs OP ? take care of yourself ?

  16. Your measurement metric of attractiveness is different from his.

    Have you try to go out with him just once without putting stuff on your face to see what his reaction would be? I'm not saying you need to do that every time. Just think of it as a treat. His reaction should tell you how to proceed from there.

  17. He’s not a good friend. If he was a good friend he’d respect your boundaries and be an actual friend. Instead, he’s trying to wear you down until you cave and sleep with him. He doesn’t see you as a friend.

  18. The grass is greener on the other side”

    I think any way you slice it, spending literally the rest of your life with someone sounds scary and not only that, of course there could be times you’re bored of it as it’s the same thing for the rest of your life. So no matter who you are with forever things will have to be spiced up and changed every once in a while and it won’t always be exciting, it’s just not possible

    However, if the idea of spending the rest of your life with a specific person makes you feel unhappy or scared instead of excited there may be something to it. It is quite possible that’s she’s perfect on paper but not the right person for you. But only you can know that deep down not any of us

    I would make a list and write all of the things you want in your life long partner. And no not looks, I mean personality, how they treat you, their life values and goals, their love language, what kind of future they want, what they do that excited you, sex drive.. everything. If she doesn’t match this list or you can’t see yourself happy with her after the good looks wear off with age, in 5 years or 30 years, you don’t want the same things in life, her personality and interests won’t excite you for the long haul? Than she’s not the one for you

    It is possible that you’re too young or haven’t dated enough to truly know what you want, in fact there’s a possibility that you don’t even know or understand your true self, making it nude to know what you want in love

    Only you can decide none of us here.

    You have one life to live.. how do you want to spend the rest of it?

  19. See an ob/gyn, I'm no doctor but it sounds like your cramps are more painful than is reasonably considered normal. Past partner of mine had endometriosis and it sounds similar. My heart goes out to you for having to deal with that. No relationship advice from me, maybe just have an open conversation about feeling disrespected

  20. I appreciate that perspective… I just think to myself, “why did it take this long to realize?” and it puts me kind of in the place of a sunk-cost fallacy.

  21. your wife has no respect or love for you, she is using you as a provider

    saves her money and spends it on herself

    I think she must be cheating on you,

    Check it out a bit and it will show up.

  22. You do seem to be acting a bit spoiled and ungrateful for the invitation you have been extended. You have a thousand reasons why you shouldn’t/can’t go but the bottom line is that you plain and simply won’t go.

    Just tell them and him that you appreciate the offer but that you can’t miss the start of classes. Either you are invited for a shorter time, in which case suck it up buttercup and just go as there are times we need to do things for people we care about, or they don’t invite you at all and you’re off the hook. Don’t think tho that your bf should be coming back early just for your birthday. You’re a big girl and can be by yourself for it.

  23. I mean I mentioned many times in the phone call that we are dating when me and him were on the call. It’s all very very strange I know.

  24. It’s not a competition. You are allowed to feel bad and still exist in the same world as people with cancer. This sounds to me like your bf doesn’t do well with bad feelings, so rather than have any kind of empathy, he tries to convince you to just get over it. My dad wasn’t as mean about it as your boyfriend, but my dad did not do bad feelings. He couldn’t let me sit with bad feeling and sit there with me, he would try to cheer me up. It’s not good for you to stuff feelings away to make someone else comfortable.


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