Vanessa online sex chats for YOU!

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4 thoughts on “Vanessa online sex chats for YOU!

  1. Engagement periods are to see if both people have the commitment and loyalty and maturity to be bound together both legally and spiritually forever. Your engagement served those purposes albeit unhappily.

    None of this is your fault and I feel for your sadness. Your ex is basically too immature and selfish. Not marriage material as they say. His responses to your concerns about his new GF are textbook ugly. Please do not believe anything he says, he’s reverted back to his core 12-year old self.

    The silver lining here is that you weren’t married and to rid him is far less complicated and costly financially. Please seek personal counseling to help process this pain—you did nothing wrong that matters to an adult with a reasonable emotional IQ.

  2. Get a lawyer immediately. Spend lots of time with your son (do not say anything negative about his mother). Do not move out of the marital home (not even for a night).

  3. Thank you for your perspective, it was a nice change of tone from the other comments. It’s not the only hitch between our personality’s, I just didn’t want to sit here a rail on about all the things that don’t click between her and I. I’ll definitely be giving some more thought to the things you’ve brought up, thank you

  4. You did exactly the right thing by breaking up with him. You're a human being with your own free agency, style and taste; you're not a trophy or possession for him to parade around to help him look good in front of his rich/conservative friends.

    It might have started with appearances, but you can be pretty confident it'd only be a matter of time before he started demanding you change other aspects of your personality to meet his expectations: social values, political viewpoints, etc. etc.


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