Vanessa-bh online sex cams for YOU!

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27 thoughts on “Vanessa-bh online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Whenever it’s convenient for her. I don’t ignore her calls but I started doing that lately cause I can’t drop what I am doing just cause she has a break around that time. I do tell her that, but instead of her putting the conversation on hold or calling me later to talk about things; she just stonewalls or says she doesn’t feel like talking anymore. I literally have to keep asking questions to get her to talk and it’s tiring; like I don’t need to bother at all, ykwim?

  2. This is abuse. I see the pillow that he threw at you changing to something much more dangerous the next time you “mess up”. No one should treat you this way, especially for an accident! Please, get out now, before he gets even worse. I’ve been there, don’t let the fear of being alone overshadow your health and safety. ❤️❤️

  3. So my initial thought was that this is probably PPD on your wife's part but then you got into the argument and damn OP, there's a lot more going on here than just whether it's ok for you to take a break and play video games.

    Kids are definitely stressful and it's easy for resentment to build around the division of labor. My wife and I have a solid relationship and two kids and I still catch myself in moments feeling frustrated with her and we occasionally have to clear the air.

    That doesn't sound like what you're going through though. During your fight, your wife failed to communicate with you, blamed you unfairly and then ended the fight by hiding for over half a day. And that's not even mentioning the fact that you mentioned her physical abuse or that you felt so frustrated you brought up divorce. Everyone is different OP but for my part, even in the worst fights my wife and I have had, the D word has never come up. Even if you all are both not flippant than we are, it's not a great sign.

    You need to share this with your therapist. Do they know about the physical abuse? The fact that she hides away for excessive periods of time? That she and you are both so frustrated that divorce will come up? They need to know those things and you need to be asking if this is really a healthy relationship where you're getting what you need.

  4. Successful reversal is not guaranteed. A 20 year old should not get one 6 months into a relationship (especially not one full of red flags)

  5. Except that the one parent will turn the kids against the other parent that was victimized by the cheating parent. It happens all the time. You try putting the water under the bridge but nope.

    The even better part is where the kids internalize it, if they don't know and blame themselves for their parents breaking up.

    The kids will accept it as it happened. Will they be hurt? Yes but they will still have their mom in their life. It is why most therapists tell the parent to inform the children because it does deeply impact their psyche and blame themselves if they don't know. They also build resentment towards the parent that initiated the breakup as the one at fault.

  6. So then he’s supposed to think he had a glow up and now she’s down? Reverse genders and see how that lands.

    Furthermore, if that’s the case, then how’s he supposed to trust that she won’t suddenly find him unattractive again?

    All I’m saying is that if I were in this guys shoes, I’d be wondering “why now?” And I think OP should probably have a response for that. Or an idea of one.

  7. Yeah no, and I’d make sure you have a super tight will to protect your children. She has her own job, doesn’t live with you, doesn’t provide you with care so why in earth should you give her an “allowance “?

    It’s absolutely not the right thing to do.

    You know she’s using you for your money don’t you?

  8. I would not want to go through life with that kind of partner. He won't be able to support you through the bad stuff. I was healthy and had no issues. Met my husband at 39, married at 42. Life was bliss. We were having so much fun. Then at 43 I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Had to have a year long medical adventure that was far from upbeat. Cleared that, then got a touch of the breast cancer a year later. Life is not always upbeat and positive. When looking for your life partner, you want to find someone who isn't so easily shook. He may have trauma and need therapy, but no, it is not normal and it shouldn't be a thing. Life needs to be lived truthfully and with awareness. How can you fully appreciate the ups and positive moments that if you don't allow yourself to see the shit once in awhile? I have a brother in law who gets like this and shuts “uncomfortable” conversations down. He is boring and a control freak. When he chose to not come to a family member's funeral, because it was too uncomfortable for him, the whole family was done with him. It won't get better and you don't want to lose your depth and awareness to please him.

  9. when times get tough he won't break apart because he's had to pull himself so many times

    No sweetie, quite the opposite. When you've been at the verge so many times it actually gets MORE difficult next time because guess what, you have less energy, less emotional resource, less hope and less will to live. You start thinking – I cannot do it any more, and I've been through this so many times why do I have to endure it all over again, life is simply too much. THAT is what trauma does to people. With MANY years of therapy and work you get to a more stable place but to say that it makes you strong to the point of stuff not affecting you any more? Girl, how are you so clueless, and you don't see your partner as a human being that he is. Sickening.

  10. He said you could have the new cat – how wonderful of him, as you got and care for the cat on your own and he doesn't even live there, ffs. This is a bitch ass power play – get rid of the cat or you love the cats more than him. Keep the cats, get rid of the idiot manchild that says one thing and when he changes his mind tells you that you can't take what he says seriously. OP, you're only 20 … don't let people treat you like that.

  11. If you do this, you and your gf need to have an agreement on who gets the baby when. It can’t just be a “pop over and see the baby whenever you want” situation. You need to have a place that will accommodate a baby/toddler/child. You need a written agreement on what days each parent looks after the kid & pick up times.

    Like it or not you’re putting yourself in a position where you could lose your family. If she’s the full time carer and it’s taken to court; they will not be in your favor. You’re extremely lucky she’s even agreeing to this (if she actually is).

  12. First things first, you can't confirm nothing was deleted. There is no notification after you delete something. It's gone. Second, her showing you her messages don't mean anything. He was clearly writing her. They've been in contact. The fact is your true emotions are felt when you're separated from her gas. Lighting. Therapy is a good thing. You do need to try that out but don't stay in a relationship because of financial reasons or because of guilt. She sat on this for years. Can you be happy at knowing that after? Can you see her the same? Do what's best for you. Especially if there's no children involved. You didn't mention it. Good luck!

  13. A couple of things…

    First, I don't believe she can “waive” her right to child support. The courts are obliged to rule in the child's best interests, and often that means if a parent has less than 50% custody they are assessed some level of child support. (Essentially, a parent has no right to waive the support that a child is entitled to get from a non-custodial parent.)

    Second, you've done nothing wrong inside the marriage in terms of being unfaithful. It sounds like she's using this as an excuse to get a divorce that she already wants. We can't know this for sure, but having a surprise child show up from a prior relationship that you didn't know about is definitely a shock. However, given that the two of you have adopted 2 children already…and all 4 of your children with her are younger than school age…it sounds like there's plenty of “love” and financial stability to go around.

    The statement that any of the 4 pre-school aged children are worried that you'll love your surprise bio-son more than them and that this is what's driving the decision is strange to me. They are so young that it's likely that these “fears” are being either made up or implanted. Even if their insecurity is sincere, it's the kind of thing that is dealt with via a conversation with mommy and daddy…it's not an automatic “whelp…I guess we have to get divorced”.

    In my opinion, the lack of desire to do any counselling, the lack of communication, the pointing to the 4 preschool aged children as the reason…all of these things just scream that she's already made up her mind and she's latching onto this new development as the justification. Maybe she doesn't like having to help you with your disability. She views that she and the kids are young enough to find another man to play daddy. She (rightly) feels guilty about all of this, and she feels guilty about using a “non-issue” from prior to your relationship as the reason rather than discussing where this is really coming from. Apparently, she is willing to give you a ton of financial concessions to ease her guilt. The fact that she is being so accommodating is probably “proof” that you're pretty guiltless in her decision. This is all coming from a place in her head that has nothing to do with whether or not you are a loving spouse/parent. She's just done, and it's for her own reasons which she refuses to share.

    Definitely speak to a lawyer as soon as possible. She can't move your children away from you if you don't consent. You are their father, and not only do you deserve to be their parent, but THEY deserve to have you as a parent. They are too young to fight for you, so you have to make the effort.

    This just sounds like a truly terrible situation all the way around…and I'm sorry that you all are going through this.


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