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2 thoughts on “Valentinasexyts live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Nah it's a power dynamic. Having hit my thirties and looking back at who I was at 24.. wow. You grow a lot in that time. I have a lot of respect for younger people, and you don't have to be a certain age to prove yourself to me. But in terms of life goals, priorities, and partnerships, perspective changes as you get older. You grow and understand more, if not about yourself then at least about the world around you. Who you want to be in yours.

    The general gist of these situations is the older individual goes after the younger one who maybe doesn't have the experience to see that they have other options, some of which might help them grow into who they would like to be.

    It also tends to denote a less serious partner. Twenties are formative but it's a lot easier to jump around and try new things. Not that you should ever stop doing that. But the person looking to date younger specifically is viewed by society as stepping back into that time where things can change in an instant. Where you're maybe not balanced and looking ahead as much, only living in the moment.

    I'm trying to explain this without going too extreme in any one direction, because everyone leads a different life and has different experiences at different ages and I want to respect that. Young twenties I moved far away from anything I knew and took on that responsibility and grew a ton. But still, someone older who already had all that figured a lot out.. that's where the power dynamic comes into play.

    And finally, we NEED to work on the conversation about men's health and society supporting that, but supporting sleazy, skeezy dudes does men (and women) a disservice. Women have shown they can band together to stand up for change. As men, we need to as well. I believe these kinds of guys are holding us all back. Just my opinion.

  2. Yes, its emotional cheating but many people would be able to work through it because it wasnt physical cheating. I think many people in relationships can understand a little bit about having an attraction to someone other than their partner.

    Whether you leave or stay is up to you but don't play games with this and throw empty threats at her. She may not deserve much sympathy but your life is going to be kept simple or made more complicated by your actions from now on too. If you do draw a line with this then see a lawyer and get a divorce. If you're uncertain, get some marriage counselling or counselling for yourself and try to work out what you want before acting.

    A long protracted blame game isnt going to do anyone any good.


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