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24 thoughts on “Valentigomez10 online sex cams for YOU!

  1. As George C. Scott in the role as Patton said I am not retreating that's ground I've already conquered! I'm not going back there (or something like that)!

  2. Since you guys don't on-line together, that is helpful. Stop responding to him, block him on all forms of social media, inform your family and friends that you have broken up with him and you do not want them to give him any information about you and they are not to come to you on his behalf. Be prepared for him to show up at your job or your home tell him you are done you don't ever want to see him again and if he doesn't leave your property you will be calling the police for trespassing and harassment, if he does not leave or if it continues then follow through. This guy sounds like he has his own mental issues

  3. He isn't ready.

    A lot of people believe you need a steady career and etc. before getting serious. He also may not be 100% into you or your friends (you suggest a pullback right after meeting them). You are also thinking of law school (time and money) which is a lot to commit to.

  4. It sounds like him and his brother have an agreement when girls come over.

    If you think it's weird don't have another date

  5. Sounds like she wants to be more adventurous than domestic travel. You’re both so young to be so settled in, and especially considering you’ve been together since being teenagers. I wouldn’t chalk this one up to TikTok as much as boredom.

  6. u/Careless_Exit_1854, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  7. You make it sound like your partner isn't actively working on themselves with a psychologist or other professional. Is that right? If yes, I would approach the situation from a place of worry. Me tuin that you are very worried about their mental health and want them to feel better. And that they need to see a professional. Also offer your help in setting things up and making sure they go to appointments, if that is possible for you.

    If they are already seeing a professional and it is not helping, or you just feel unappreciated by their actions and are frustrated, I would consider two things. 1) are you still happy in this relationship? And 2) is your partner able to work with the feedback during her therapy sessions? You could even try couples therapy. That way, your partner can get help with your relationship dynamics. You are their partner, not their psychologists. You don't need to constantly listen to depressive thoughts.

    But if you are unhappy and see no end in sight, please remember: don't keep others warm by setting yourself on fire.

  8. Hello /u/Professional_Brief83,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  9. She’s checking out of the relationship because she wants to get married and you don’t. That’s pretty obvious

  10. Goddamn what an idiot…all she had to do was hold out for a little longer before she decided to “go find herself”

  11. I think I would start the conversation with, “I'd like to date other people and not be exclusive anymore. What do you think?” It will be interesting to see what kind of person you're dealing with here. Is he agreeable to the idea? Or does he tell you he doesn't want to do that while secretly hiding this woman? Then tell him you know and you will be seeing other people…just not him.

  12. Honestly, my husband has eaten my or my kids' leftovers… and it has ruined our day, too. My hibachi grill steak leftovers from Christmas Eve ended up in the wrong car, and I am still sad. You have a little extra saved, you feel like it's an unexpected win, then somebody with no understanding of your saving it just eats them.

    You didn't do it on purpose, but it really sucks. Always ask before eating someone's leftovers, and maybe get your partner a little something special and say sorry.

  13. There is absolutely nothing like this required to sexually dominate a man. This is super gross imo as a femme dom. There are a million other femme dommes out there who won’t do this to you without your explicit asking for it. Bb, you deserve better.

  14. His situation is complicated, and I don't wanna dive into it on here out of respect. But yeah I don't know, it's weird. I'm not asking to immediately step in and be a mother to his children. I want the security of knowing he's not going to fuck anyone else.

  15. Your gf is a POS who lacks empathy.

    She doesn't care about what you went through.. she cares about her own role in your life being important enough to tell anything. This is about how she feels not about you.

    Leave her. You do not need a woman like that in your life. You're supposed to be a team who support each other. She isn't that person.

  16. Well, with that I bow out this conversation.

    Again, I'm happy to link several books, articles, heck even reddit posts about this topic. I have no intent to generalize anyone. All I did was point out that this behavior is actually common.

  17. I don’t think it’s about trust at all, she has a deep routed insecurity about her body. She may genuinely believe thoughts that she is disgusting, ugly, unattractive etc. she is protecting herself against rejection when you see how unattractive she really is. She is protecting herself against feeling extreme discomfort of you looking at her and judging.

    Will this be true? 99.9% probably not. Is this her reality? Yes. Does she need help? Yes.

    You seem to be making this about you and how if only she could ‘trust’ you she’d be able to do this. This is wholly about herself and her body image and she needs to take steps to improve her self-image in order to progress in this aspect with you.

    Is it your right to call off your relationship because of this? Of course. Is it your right to pressure her into doing things she is uncomfortable with? No.

    Is suggest asking her to pursue therapy, and encourage her to view material which contains normal imperfect female bodies.

  18. Thank you so much for the reply. I'm sorry to hear about your situation as well. However I will say it feels comforting knowing I am not going through thus alone.

    Best if luck to you

  19. He makes 400k, she doesn't and she was still able to save more than him. She saved 150k, he didn't save a dime. He is the red flag here. She will be dumb to stay with someone so financially irresponsible.

  20. How long have you and BF been together? Not that people who have been together for a long time don’t cheat, but I think it could speak to his reaction. If you guys haven’t been together more than a year, I’d be more suspicious. But it may not be nefarious or ill-intentioned even though he knows he did something wrong. He may have a bit of a crush and need to identify it and end it. Of course, if that’s the case, he shouldn’t be seeing her. I agree with other commenters that essentially this doesn’t necessarily call for a breakup but boundary setting.

    Best of luck!


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