Trophymilf live! sex chats for YOU!

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5 thoughts on “Trophymilf live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. u/No-Window-542, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. What is he going to do if you guys go to a wedding or a funeral? If he going to wear cargo pants and hiking boots for every single occasion? He is way too old to not know how to dress for the occasion. I would sit him down and tell him straight up that the way he presents himself is embarrassing and people have made comments about it. And in the future if he shows up with stained/holey clothes or not dressed for the occasion then you simply will not go out in public with him. It’s fine to wear raggedy things indoors or if you’re going to be doing something where you’ll get dirty. But imo there is no excuse for an almost 40 year old to be going out with holes in his clothes and cargo pants.

  3. Yeah no. I thought maybe she had a stalker in the past or something, but if that was the case I don’t think she’d say that. Sounds like either married or criminal — or wealthy/famous family if you’re lucky

  4. I couldn’t even finish reading this. I almost married a similar asshole and finally got out after three years of abuse. You bring out the worst in each other. Get out. Now.

  5. I understand

    The country I’m in is a 3 world country and I don’t have good life here, I had a good life there I just wanted to understand really why does he wants me to keep living w him bc I don’t understand that


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