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51 thoughts on “Thebaewatch on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Age gap wise a big NO. Maturity wise if you feel its incompatible and she isn't looking to change then thats the real issue at hand. Not that you should try and dictate how she should act, but if it doesn't feel “right” its okay to stop wasting both of your time and jump ship so you can find someone closer to your wave length.

  2. As an ems worker. I mean yeah they would think in their head it was a waste of time but still take her.

  3. I'm not a believer in early confrontations. I think it just makes people more cautious. I'm of the give-them-enough-rope-to-hang-themselves school. I asked how you knew what she did after dinner. Are you sure that's a reliable source? If so, you may have an ally in this. Look for more allies. Possibly even an investigator.

  4. Unless he gets therapy, and he DOESNT even want to try, it’s out of your control. You can’t stress what you cannot control and you can’t force a human into changing. I know you don’t like to read leave him or wait it out? But what else can you do? Seriously? You’re ruining and wasting your life. I’m your age. Man I was with since 15, thought I’d die next to, he turned on me. Into a human who hated me so damn much. I wanted to never wake up again. Life without him couldn’t exist. Yet here I am. You have to make the fist step. Yes it naked. But I never experienced my 20’s, I wasn’t allowed to do anything, thinking there was hood but in the end he stabbed the person who loved him most. I still feel it in my heart. The emotional pain….. it’s torture. Cut the bandaid off. Just cut it. You have no choice. He’s gone.

  5. You have profound psychological issues so no I can't. If you're really interested in change then you need psychiatric help and you shouldn't enter somebody else's life until you've got it.

    I really hope you do, both for the people you might hurt and to help yourself to become more human instead of a character. Good luck.

  6. Girl okay- firstly he’s old enough to be your dad. Secondly he got mad at you for saying you’re not into something. Third- as a first relationship you are giving yourself a terrible preview of what a relationship should be because this is not it. And fourth… HE HAS AN AGE PLAY KINK and you’re literally young enough to be his child. How do you not see the red flags.

  7. I think he deleted his whole account. “Very nice. ” one year and then extra year friendship was nothing for him

  8. Right. Maybe they’re uncomfortable for her, not sure. But her saying no doesn’t mean he has to say no, but he seems to be taking it as he has to not use them. No method of protection at all just seems foolishly risky, especially with the multiple sentences mentioning they don’t want kids.

  9. u/ResponsibleMess2230, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  10. He's not in love with you, he's in love with sex. Clearly he does not listen or care about what you want or feel, and you let him have his way… Have some self respect and find someone who can love you properly

  11. You’re 24. He’s 22. You shouldn’t get back together with him. A kid is stressful. Find someone else. Be single for a while. Everything will be okay.

  12. Hello /u/Puzzleheaded-Day3117,

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  14. What is your question?

    You've decided this is OK.

    I don't agree but what's the point in telling you?

  15. So…that's the thing. His doctor is a f***ing idiot. My husband actually gave his doctor authority to speak with me regarding any medical issues (and I did the same for him as well) (we're both also the power of attorney if anything is ever needed that's super critical or serious). So, I was able to speak with his doctor about it. She claims that ADHD medications do not cause change in personality and will not affect moods, emotions, etc. I know this to be a lie from my brother trying out medications until he found the right one. She's like talking to a brick wall and just enables this to go on. Meanwhile he feels validated that he doesn't need to change his medicine or his doctor.

  16. So what changed after the four years? Do you know? And she loves you but do you love her? I bet it doesn’t feel like it, and I wouldn’t blame you if that’s the case. Even if you love someone, if they guilt you into giving up your needs for as much as she seems to do to you, that builds up a lot of frustration. And it’s naked to express let alone feel love for someone when you feeling frustrated.

  17. I sense an eating disorder in your childs future. I came into the topic ready to tell you to support your wife first and foremost, but as it stands she is not just completely in the wrong, shes also promising to be a toxic and controlling mother to your kid. Major Yolanda Hadid vibes

  18. You're not listening, either to the commenter or your ex.

    She broke up with you. You don't get a vote here. As much as you go on about wanting her back, you say nothing about how or what you are willing to change in order to make HER happy and make a new relationship work.

    It's all about you, and you repeat it on and on.

    The relationship is over. Learn whatever lessons there are to learn here, and grow from this.

  19. Well if she wants to go let her. You already told her your stance and she told you hers. Now you either accept it or you do what you say you were gonna do

  20. OP didnt say so just guessing. He probably never saw the lingerie either. If not, there is only one answer….

  21. You're not. You're toxic. Go work on yourself. You have no business “advising” anyone on relationships.

  22. I’m not sure this is a smart move.

    I mean technically is the husband, who is the employer, (with OP of course), the one who made inappropriate conversations with the people he (and his wife) employed. I’m not sure she wants to go there.

    Especially because it seems like the workers only said something on the line of “well, dude. I’m sorry. It sucks”, “my wife is the same lol”

    And honestly I’m not sure I agree morally on shifting the blame from OP’s husband to the builders. It feels like scolding the carpet because the dog pooped on it. Instead of lecturing the dog

  23. Well, you somehow believe your wife is simply fine with all of this, for one. You’re not grown enough to realize the impact this situation has on her. The prank was already a dick move and should have resulted in your sister getting her ass handed to her. The video, though? Oof, man. The malice involved in making that edit and posting it is obvious to everyone but you. I can’t even imagine how hurt she is to see herself portrayed like that on such a public platform, not to mention the pain of reading comments like that. No wonder your wife is pretending to be okay around you. My god my husband would be scorching earth for me, and you’re just sitting there twiddling your thumbs like a child.

    You’re a husband and about to be a father. Fuckin act like it. Stand up for her and try to fix this before she realized how inadequate you are

  24. yes to the first no to the rest. I tried asking about if he had food insecurity as a kid. he said yes and when i asked him to elaborate he said his mom would usually make him dinner but it was up to him make food from the fridge. I’m trying not to be judgmental but to me that kinda sounded more like “I wasn’t constantly catered to” than I went hungry.

  25. Take the genders out of it for a minute, and listen to what it sounds like: He just told you that he gets to win every argument and get final say in every decision. He said that you are the lesser valued person in the relationship, he does not have to listen to you, and doesnt like when you voice an opinion contrary to his.

    Is that really something you want to agree to? Do you feel that is fair or correct?

    Its not about you being feminine, its about you being less than him. He's wrapping his abusive crap in a package of “tradition” and “gender roles” and hoping you'll fall into line if he says it's “normal” enough times. This is not normal.

  26. This is so appalling that I would genuinely be questioning my relationship with your GF. Caring for a disabled family member and helping to keep them clean, safe, and comfortable is not inappropriate. That’s not to say that abuse doesn’t happen in these scenarios, but it’s not inherently inappropriate or incestuous.

    This viewpoint is so immature and bad faith that it’s seriously concerning.

  27. You did the right thing by leaving. You got lucky she showed you she was nuts so early in the relationship.

  28. You have enough access to the internet to get on Reddit, try googling “basic adult responsibilities” and “weaponized incompetence”

  29. It would have been so much more believeable if Op said that there was a small watermark in the corner with the title of a porn sight. Or if he “reverse image” searched it and the OG video popped up with a multi year old time stamp or something

  30. Divorce him. File for sole custody of your children, and Allow him supervised visitation only. You cannot trust this sleazeball with your children. Be sure to file for child support.

  31. She needs therapy. People who are nice because they are decent people or are put in an awkward spot ( which is what your friend does (puts them in awkward positions to where they’re nice to get her to go away faster)) doesn’t mean they want her.

    She needs serious therapy for her daddy issues.

  32. I can't really say the kids will benefit more from you moving out and uprooting their lives and only seeing you some of the time when you finally are sober.

    Revisit the subject with your wife, make a plan, tell her how you feel that you can't move on without seperating because sticking together for the kids isn't cutting it for you anymore and see what solutions she can propose, make it a discussion instead of a decision. Go slow and figure out together what might be best for you both and your kids.

  33. I also recommend reading some books on feminism. I'd personally recommend the works of bell hooks.

  34. I think it would help if you indicated a country very similar in culture to the one into which you were born.

    And if you indicated which country you and your son now online in.

    I could hopefully provide advice based upon non-synergy of certain values. I need a sense of where we are culturally.

    I will also say, if you are truly f70, then you clearly care very much about your son, and this is a very delicate subject that I would never take lightly.

  35. I think it would help if you indicated a country very similar in culture to the one into which you were born.

    And if you indicated which country you and your son now online in.

    I could hopefully provide advice based upon non-synergy of certain values. I need a sense of where we are culturally.

    I will also say, if you are truly f70, then you clearly care very much about your son, and this is a very delicate subject that I would never take lightly.

  36. She's posted several times about breaking up with him she posted recently that he started smoking, so she knew what he was like and still chose to date someone older that's stubborn and refusing to compromise, if you're willing putting yourself through that, it's your own red flag. And from the way it sounds this loan was very recent and there's been no refusal to pay it back this far

  37. Sadly this will haunt you for a very long time. By him asking he basically said you were not enough for him. He is also willing to share you which for me is a huge turn off. Don’t pursue this. This isn’t a path you want to go down so don’t. You are 21 so my advice is to find someone whom the idea would be a deal breaker for them as well.

  38. She’s only staying for for 2 more months so it’s kinda late to find a new job. She also really likes all her other coworkers, it’s mostly just this guy.

  39. We have pics that are from before she knew him and we have pics of her sleeping and we have pics from social media, but we don't necessarily know the combination of these sufficiently to say he broke in to take them. It sounds like the old pics are from social media and the new ones are of her sleeping

  40. I'm really sorry to hear that u were also in a situation like this I'm glad you moved out. I will also do that, already called my father but he's out of the country so I will have to wait a few days until he's back. I already tried talking to her about therapy and she knows she needs it but she won't get it. The last couple times where something like this happened she apologized but I really don't think she will do that and even if she does I won't stay. All of this is stressing me. Thanks for the answer 🙂 I appreciate it.

  41. This goes in the face of what a lot of people say, but this is also one of those rare times when you really shouldn’t communicate to death about this. If you need to have one more convo where you two both agree you were both asking for trouble and you will both try to move forward, then sure. But at the end of the day, you asked the question. If you can’t handle the answer, that’s a you problem, not a him problem, and beating this conversation to death is only going to serve to kill your relationship even more. Stop talking about it after the next conversation. Either the pain will subside in which case awesome, learn your lesson. Or it won’t, in which case, that sucks, but you’ve learned your lesson on how asking stupid questions can ruin a good thing, and then both of you should go your separate ways.


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