THEASIAWET live sex chats for YOU!

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42 thoughts on “THEASIAWET live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Most people feel that their current love is the most passionate that humanity has ever seen. In truth, it's just normal love. Nothing particularly special about it. You'll find it again.

  2. She is so mean. And she’s crazy breaking a picture of your dead wife and making your daughter cry. You aren’t married to her, so she’s not your daughter’s step mom. Did she even apologize to her? I’m so sorry about the loss of your wife. You deserve someone better than her. I can’t believe she had the audacity to tell her to stop mentioning her mother.

  3. Hey my dear friend. I was in a relationship like this with a BPD affected girl for almost 8 years.

    Please get out. She needs to get her shit sorted, and it's impossible while in a relationship. She will get triggered and take it out on you. It's wired into her brain.

    My relationship ended with lots of violence, all my stuff and our apartment being completely trashed.

    No matter how nude it is to do it, you must.

    Don't waste your 20s on a relationship that's bound to fail and make both of you unhappy.

    This is dependance, not love.

    Feel free to reach out, I've got your back. But do take what I said seriously.

    Much love

  4. People are such idiots. Not standing up for the guy, but nothing about Trump even remotely screams narcissist. Conceited and far from humble? Sure. But not a narcissist. It's so insulting for people to throw that word around like it's candy on Halloween. My mom is a diagnosed narcissist and growing up with her, I legitimately feared for my life.

  5. It seems like he pushes you around alot and you don't stand up for yourself. You can make the first step now, break up.

  6. Life isn’t a romance novel. Deal with your failing marriage first. There is a child involved. Get him the help he needs to deal with the trauma.

  7. we can reverse the procedure

    Ugh, you’re the reason why doctors won’t sterilize child free people because WhAt If YoU cHaNgE yOuR mInD? A vasectomy is to prevent all future pregnancies, it’s not meant to be reversed so people who already have a football team think “you know what? Never mind taking care of the kids I have.” and treat their body like a baby cannon. You cannot be both working and be spending enough time with your existent kids, much less adding more to the mix.

  8. Yes!!! I’ve never ever heard the words come out of his mouth of “oops I could’ve been wrong!” I always have to show him some sort of proof that it happened, like I’m sorry I don’t video record everything!! I don’t have proof except my memories!! I feel nuts dude!!

  9. We’ve had this convo over and over. They say they aren’t excluding me but what would you call this kind of bullshit behavior? I’m not an asshole towards either one of them, I just pushed into the room because I was upset by the fact that they would just outright exclude me like that and lie to my face about it.

  10. That makes a lot of sense. Her mother is a controlling narcissist and wasn't very nice to her growing up. I've tried to encourage her to get help, but she takes it as an insult. I'm not sure how I can convince her to talk to a professional without sounding like a jerk.

    I am going to start using emojis in my communications with her. Thank you for this sound advice.

  11. Ignore him. He is lonely and needs a placeholder for a while. He will just break up again if she comes back or he meets someone new. The only exception is if he makes a super grand gesture like brings you an engagement ring and gives you a fancy proposal. But if you’re just looking for somebody to fill the space you will know it quickly.

  12. So your wife doesn’t take the baby to any activities. No socialising with other new mums? Honestly meeting other mums was a lifesaver for me. Knowing that I wasn’t the only one going through this really helped. Otherwise being a mum can feel relentless. I felt that at age 39. I just can’t imagine how desperate my 20 yr old self would have felt.

  13. Just avoid problems like this by dumping people who cheat on you. There's nothing honourable about admitting you've cheated on someone, so why does it equate to a reason to staying with her? If she wants punished to learn a lesson, dump her. That's the only real way she learns anything. Shitty behaviour gets you dumped. Rough anal doesn't make you a good person.

  14. You’re in an emotionally abusive marriage. He doesn’t prioritize or even seem to care about you. Why would you stay? Did you come from an abusive/neglectful household growing up? Sometimes if we grow up without enough love, we accept crumbs like this thinking that it’s all we’ll ever get or deserve. You deserve so much more.

  15. Tell her that you don't see any future in this relationship and you need to exit. Simple, short, sweet. Please don't go into the ways she has failed to keep you satisfied or the needs she hasn't met.

    Be kind but firm. Sometimes there is bargaining – “what if we try counseling,” “I can change,” etc. Don't let it go there – just say you have made up your mind.

    Some people say “we can still be friends” – well, only say it if you mean it and my feeling is it usually means “we can get back together” which you know you don't really mean.

  16. I bet you think your the best thing that happened to her because…… you have a penis? Or you think your some kind of sex God? Yeah no. I would rather be with the most innocent and inexperienced man then to be with a cheating asshole.

  17. If he asks why she hadn’t texted, she should drag out the unseen bf, even if there is not one.

  18. Talk to him? I mean I'm sure your profile says you are looking for a relationship? Go out and just say because of your history you want to take things slow…that you are not interested in anything casual.

  19. I think that's where your disconnect is happening. She Doesn't see it as a waste bc she loves having these experiences with you and they are memory making. But you need to be honest with yourself and with her. Stop powering through something you sincerely do not get enjoyment from. Or find a compromise of a smaller, intimate concert. Like an acoustic set etc. If you're still powering through these a couple times a year, then you are giving mixed signals despite what you're saying.

  20. Then you probably are fine and not pregnant. Plan B is relatively effective. But you should still dump his ass.

  21. I'm on speaking terms with all of my exes and good friends with one of them. At least one relationship of hers has imploded because we hang out. That idiot imploded a great relationship for no reason.

    If a partner of mine had issues with my friends, I'll send them packing. I expect absolute trust at all times from my partners, and anyone who thinks that is unreasonable is free to leave with my well-wishes.

  22. Best of luck out there, lass. It does seem like he was lying, but I guess it's possible he wasn't. I envy you your ability to healthily draw a line, make a break and commit to it. I hope all your future lovers are honest and faithful to you. You absolutely deserve it.

  23. No fucking way I'm staying friends with someone who abuses their girlfriend in any capacity. Doesn't matter if it's physical, emotional, verbal…it doesn't make a difference. I'm not associating myself with nor making excuses for someone like that. Truth be told, if my girlfriend was friends with someone like that and she refused to cut ties then I'm leaving, straight up. Because if you can make excuses to stay their friend and dismiss their behavior then you're no better.

  24. Oh girl.

    A good dad changes diapers and feeds the baby (assuming the baby uses a bottle).

    A good man (and person in general, but let's just say man because that's who we're talking about) will never have sex with someone who doesn't currently want to have sex.

    A good man wants his partner to use protection that works for her, unless they both have agreed to have another child.

    A good man contributes what he's able to to his family (whatever that may be) and doesn't drag everyone down.

    My husband has changed more diapers than I have, by a lot. It's not even a contest. (I feed more, he diapers more, because boobs vs no boobs.) Honestly, it sounds like my dad may have changed more diapers while just babysitting grandbabies than your man has for his own child.

  25. Ermmm. Actually. I’ve been pretty damn good about that. Unfortunately, there are time constraints, and I do work 40 hours a week. We’ve even been joking about “free use” lately.

  26. Weird, yeah if you need him to mesh into your family’s world and he’s unwilling just tell him it’s a dealbreaker.

  27. I stand by my advice. This is on his gf to let friends know he's disrespectful towards her and her relationship. For op's relationship to thrive she's going to have to be the one to address this creeps blatant disrespect with the common link, her mutual friend with him.

  28. Please show me where I said it can't be financial abuse, I'll eat my words. Otherwise, I'll serve some crow.

  29. Yeah , fuck her and move on , ldrs are ri-damn- diculous and about as fulfilling as a live! relationship. Go outside , get some air and some real sumpin sumpin


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