The Pinky Urge live! sex chats for YOU!

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36 thoughts on “The Pinky Urge live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. In other words you dumped him for another man, he pumped and dumped and now you want your ex back now that you see other women desire him.

    I love these 6 year later calls from ex’s. It’s very funny seeing them trying to wiggle their way back in. Move on and leave him alone

  2. She cheated on you. She has destroyed the trust and respect that was in the relationship.

    There is no excuse for sending pictures etc like that to someone who isn’t your partner when you are in a relationship.

    Her excuse of “he pressured me by saying if i didn’t he would stop talking to me“ is bullshit, designed to get sympathy from you.

    If you don’t leave now, when she cheats again, probably with the same guy, you will have no one else to blame except yourself.

  3. Ya wtf. Twice a day for anyone is fucking insane. We shouldn't be normalizing this and the underlying addiction that many young men have with porn.

  4. Everyone will say it but – you will ruin your Family if you stay together and dislike/hate each other .

    Seen it close-up.

    Don’t waffle on the divorce if you decide it’s not gonna work out.

    Don’t wait around for cheating, heavy drug or alcohol use, violence etc, to to pull the trigger.

  5. It could be that he's just asexual and hasn't discovered the word or is afraid to tell you.

    I think it's past time to ask him, straight up, why he doesn't want to have sex with you. And why he's been dodging it for 20 years.

  6. God, I hope this is a troll. If not, run. His argument for pursuing a woman while out with his friends was, “They dared me to do it.” Aside from the ageism and sexism involved in their dare, he's prepared to cheat and tell you about it for the lolz. Dump this child.

  7. Drop him as he’s abusive and a giant asshole. You deserve better and can find a much better replacement with some therapy and a better asshole detector.

  8. Hm, then I’m out of ideas as well… If it’s jealousy, that’s pretty toxic. But yeah, you now mainly have a communication issue.

  9. If you are falling asleep two good ways to deal with it could be to sit up or move around abit and to do you sexting earlier in the day.

    Otherwise you don't give that many hints to what could go wrong. In the best case scenario you would be aroused and activated by sexting, is something lacking there. Lots of people, especially women I think, can find masturbating more relaxing than arousing.

  10. I gather you probably liked em when he got them

    He had them done in the last year. And it was torture first, now it's BDSM and suicide. I think it's crossing OPs lines

  11. I've read your original post and this update and I'm struggling as to how you can't see the problem here? Your wife isn't being irrational. Her response to your mum's behaviour and your spinelessness in the face of it is completely appropriate. This isn't salvageable. Sell the house, say goodbye. Don't leave the door open, neither should she. She shouldn't have married you because on some level she must have known your mum would never allow you to be happy with anyone else, and that ultimately you are so happy being a son that you won't ever become a husband, however long you might be married.

  12. That really doesn't matter because the whole point is that the only way she got infected with chlamydia is number 4.

  13. If it's innocent than he's overreacting. Instead of understanding where you're coming from he's jumping straight to “get over it”. It sounds like he hasn't had much pushback on their relationship boundaries, so now that you have expressed being uncomfortable with something, he's showing you what it'll be like. He doesn't want to compromise, he doesn't want to hear it, he wants to do what he wants, and doesn't care about your comfort level. They're both acting really sus, I'm not sure you're the girlfriend in this relationship.

  14. That was assault, OP. He assaulted you. Please go to the police with this. And change your locks. And block him everywhere. No, wait, before you block him, ask him via text why he thought it was okay to cut your hair against your will. Then screenshot the answer for evidence.

  15. My eyes are starting to hurt from being tired. We have a guest room with a super uncomfortable couch bed but I’m almost the desperate. Snoring doesn’t bother me but you can hear it up stairs. Super loud.

  16. Fuck man…. Something similar happened to me… just learn your lesson, if you break up, then never message them again, not even in a friendly way… with my partner we are having a baby, so we are still together but he is extremely jealous and insecure, and it’s my fault, he has access to everything and I never cheated (neither physically or emotionally) on him but I replied to an ex that messaged me, just to catch up in a friendly way… and then deleted the messages just because in my head it was the best to do lol… i told my partner he messaged me, he asked me to see the messages but I didn’t have them anymore which of course he thought it was sketchy and from there he lost trust, I don’t blame him…

    My psychologist says that recover trust one it’s possible, but very difficult, now if she does it… you will have to be fully transparent and never ever fuck it up again… because a second time the trust never comes back.

  17. Take someone with you and prewarm your sister that you’ll only be there for a little while. Stay away from your mother.

  18. It’s exhausting because it’s stupid and a bit weird. Who starts dating, day one, saying YOU CANT LOOK AT OTHER WOMEN… the post is gone but I’ve read her comments and WOW just WOW.

  19. It takes a lot of courage and integrity to admit your own stuff so you have to give yourself a lot of credit. I’m guessing she is too proud to admit she clearly needs more therapy. But good thing for you is you’re navigating with a professional and can now make sound decisions going forward.

  20. My entire family has sat down with her several times, telling her how much we love her and how much we want to help her. She has a very supportive family and literally the most supportive, loving mother in the world desperate to help her. After many months of my mother pleading with her, she seemed to finally have a breakthrough a few months ago and started recovery. But ever since getting her nose job she's been relapsing and starving herself again. She says she gives up and that recovery is too naked. My mom spends hours trying to talk to her but it doesn't work.

    My sister has said some very suggestive things like “if you admit me, that'll be the end of me” and seems very mentally unstable.

    I did suggest therapy to my mother, so that it could help my mother deal with the situation better. But she said “what is therapy going to do for me, me going to therapy is not going to help her”. But this environment is clearly not sustainable. Even if the therapist can't help my sister, they could help my mother cope with the situation better which would still be helpful, but for some reason my mother still doesn't go. My mother is absolutely falling apart from this and she needs help.

  21. It's in the nature of being young that you have to learn how to drink and for some that takes a while. Its your insecurity to deal with not gers but that doesn't mean she won't be willing to help if she feels the same way as you obviously do. If she foes she'll admit she has this issue with drink and want to find a wsybto deal with it. Obviously easy answers are to ask her friend to chaperone or agree that you can arrive later and take her home. As long as you can make her understand that you wouldn't be worried at all if you knew she could stay sober.

  22. You deserve everything coming your way. Your wife doesn't need you in her life. What you did, what you said, and the way you acted is the most disgusting thing I've read in a long while. She was at her lowest, most vulnerable point and you betrayed her. Deplorable.

  23. yes it is hurtful. and he probably feels guilty that her mom bought him back from your love. It is a takeover, there is no other word.

    He may be sincere in his claim. But in my eyes, he lives in the delusion that one day all will be like before he leaved you.

  24. This sounds like a case of weaponized incompetence dude, that's a red flag. She's doing the chores badly on purpose so that you give up asking her to do them and just do them yourself.

  25. He also explained that that specific groomsmen's had sex with one of his exes in the past

    Why did he invite him if he clearly doesn't trust him?

  26. Yeah, you crossed a line and there is no going back. This is absolutely unforgivable. Men in today's culture are put under an incredible amount of pressure for what makes them worthy, and so much of it is out of their control. Penis size is one of the most significant metrics, but at the very least, men– for the most part– can choose who they share that information with. He shared a vulnerable part of himself with you, and you– to be petty– chose to humiliate him in front of others.

    To be clear, I think it would've been unforgivable if you had said it and you two were alone. Saying it in front of other people is just so beyond the pale of what is appropriate.

    You absolutely should apologize to your boyfriend, end the relationship, and probably get some therapy to try to understand why you felt going nuclear was the appropriate decision in response to his not hanging out with you enough. Yes, you are young, but you are old enough to understand that it is wrong to make fun of other people– especially for things that are out of their control.

  27. Why do you want kids? What does that look like to you? How do you see your participation?

    The reason that I ask is that it seems like some men are all “I want kids!” But they have a really romanticized idea of what that looks like. They just see themselves coaching a ball team, going to Disney or something.

    They often are not thinking about things like….the impact to our bodies through pregnancy and child birth—some of which are irreversible, sometimes painful, even deadly. They aren’t thinking about being up through the night and changing diapers. They aren’t thinking about the lost lifetime earnings and career impacts because they work miss any work or have to turn down opportunities. They don’t think about the mental load is of being a primary parent and running a household. They don’t plan to give up their hobbies or friends to be home with the kids—hey, their wife will handle things.

    So for real, if you have an unrealistic view of what raising kids looks like, maybe look into that a bit more.

    Whatever you do, don’t try to coerce her into having children. If you want them and she doesn’t, go find someone whose needs and wants align with yours. As a man, you can father children til damn near the day you die barring other issues. Women cannot. So don’t waste your time here if you want to meet someone new about your age and have kids.

    I know far too many people who got talked into having kids. And while they love their kids and are good parents, the resentment of agreeing to do it then basically being left as a single parent caused divorce.

    People shouldn’t have kids they don’t want.

  28. This is one of the dumber things I've heard in a while. He's willing to not get engaged and married because you won't wear a pretend ring?

    I'd refuse just on principle that it would be annoying to have to deal with that in life. Anyone you know would say “oh, you're engaged?” and you'd have to then let them know your boyfriend is an insecure dummy, and explain that no, you are not engaged, but you are being required to prove you could be engaged by wearing a fake ring to practice.

    It's childish and insecure. Certainly whether or not you'd wear one when you actually DO get engaged is a discussion, as many people find that important. But if you say you'll wear one when it's actually real, your word should be enough.

    You could be petty and do all kinds of things. “We need to have a baby now I guess, because how do I know when we get married you'll actually follow through with that!” or “I'm going to live in a wheelchair for the next 3 months and you have to take care of me, to prove that you really will take care of me in sickness and health.”

  29. I am definitely apologizing to him, I cant imagine a world without him so I need to be better. Thank you

  30. Very valid points.

    This is one of the few age gap posts I've seen where the two involved actually discussed it (so it seems) and are aware.

    Hopefully for OP they understand what you're saying as well.


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