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25 thoughts on “Sweet-dollyy live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Call a lawyer and prepare divorce papers Find a new place. Go with the divorce Never have contact again. Enjoy not having to see his ugly face anymore

  2. What did you think would happen having a fling while on vacation? Did you think you’d be married by the time you left for home?

  3. Crossing a line doesn't mean you won't be friends with them, unless that's where your line is, for most people it's crossing a line where you or someone else is going to be upset with them.

  4. I’m a firm believer no means no but I’m getting this that only your no matters and she’s supposed to say yes to whatever you want.

    I sure as shit hope you don’t push her to do things she’s said no to but somehow i get this vibe you also expect her no’s to become a yes for your sake

  5. I was in Nexplanon and it ruined me. My relationship went from filthy disgusting sex multiple times per day to literally nothing for five years. When I got it removed I was a new, extremely horny person within one week. And I didn’t even realize that was what it was until it was out of my system. I have the Kyleena IUD now, it’s small and very low dose and I haven’t had a period of any sort since January 2020. It did suck for a minute to get it put in but it lasts five years and is totally worth it. Nexplanon sucks ass and I wouldn’t do it again for a million dollars. That said, her lack of sex drive isn’t the only issue here – she isn’t pulling her weight in other ways and unless you want her to be a housewife, you should address that before getting engaged.

  6. Right that’s what I thought but I’m a person who doesn’t really talk about themselves unless asked and he only knows that I love to shop on fashion nova but hasn’t asked me my sizes (which he doesn’t know them) at all…. But I hope so

  7. As stated above she drove off indignantly ( in the car I pay for, with the phone I pay for, hopefully, to the place I also pay for till March.) ?? works for me tho.

  8. As a mom of two children who had two children and a miscarriage, I can tell him each individual pregnancy is special by itself.

    I deeply dislike this guy. You should trade him in for a better model.

  9. She got pregnant and he is sterile so he is obviously not the one who got her pregnant. How he found out was by seeing a picture that was in a cloud storage which is an on-line storage that saves files from your phone. The recovered it and turns out she cheated.

  10. I agree. She is working full-time now and I have definitely stepped up around the house, trying to give her “me” time to herself, etc. We are a better parenting team as well. It's been 4 months now – seems like a long time in some ways, but I guess you can't put a timeline on this type of thing.

  11. Yeah he was giving you some sort of “test” he sounds immature as hell. You’re better off without someone who can’t even handle the basic ask of no contact for a week to think.

  12. You're not crazy, but it's very common for people in abusive relationships to feel that way because of all the gaslighting and manipulation. You were traumatized and instead of being there to support you he's now using it as an excuse to abuse you.

    Even if you don't want to break up with him, which I think you should, I would encourage you to take a break from the relationship while you deal with all this. Take time and focus on your needs and building social support around you. I'm willing to bet if you take time to distance yourself, you'll get a clearer view of how hurtful your bf really is.

  13. On other hand, OP did make a big changes by making first step to make appointment with therapy! Little victories goes long way!

  14. On the one hand, ‘he doth protest to much’ on the other hand you have made up your mind, and you did imply something happened, and it probably doesn’t matter at the moment, and definitely not when you asked your question to him, what he said or did.

    How trustworthy and respectful has your husband been in the past? Has there been anything to give you pause, even though it ended up being nothing?

    If yes, then cameras, or forgetting something after you leave to come back and catch whatever is happening – you need more proof before you do anything permanent.

    If no then talk to him about it, tell him that you just want to know what is happening, did he notice her going anywhere near the bedrooms etc.

    The gambit of possibilities runs from she went in there to just be nosy through to full on carnal adventures happening in there. But the smell alone of her perfume is not quite enough to make a firm decision on.

  15. He doesn't need to accept it. You just need to stop responding to him. Don't block his number yet in case you need evidence for a restraining order.

    Please stay aware of your surroundings and stay safe. Call a DV hotline for support.

  16. The guy is a douche. Move on. Not much else to say. If a chick demanded I be completely hairless to for the entirety of our relationship then I’d fuck off immediately. Same thing.

  17. People can be honest, blunt, straight and brutal all at once, yes – but they're not allowed to tell us we can't be upset about it, which is your situation.

    “Damn OP, you're fat and ugly”

    “What, that makes me sad”

    “Chill out, it's just my opinion”

    You tell him he's being hurtful, and his retort is – *I don't give


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