SusyHernandez1 online sex chats for YOU!

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23 thoughts on “SusyHernandez1 online sex chats for YOU!

  1. She has to want to get better. You can't do it for her. Institute the 180 and see if it makes the difference for both of you.

  2. Hmmmm that is very complicated. The problem is that you are in their home. You're the “intruder.” So they all stick together, and you have only your husband to fight for you. Did you have a talk with your husband? I don't mean the fights. I mean a relaxed situation and you go in a room and you explain to him how you feel and why you feel that way. I think that's the only thing you can do now. However, if this doesn't work… there is nothing left. Living their with his family is very toxic for you. I don't know how uncommon it is to live! alone. You could move out. Maybe he will come with you. Or can you move to your parents? I am not into your culture, so excuse my ideas. However, these are the last ideas I have. Finally, you must know what is best for you. Good luck!!

  3. ?????? girl what the hell. Thats kinda messed up. That made me cringe. Ya i understand why youre upset, that's so weird for him to just say that while he was exclusive with you. So we know for sure he doesnt want jwr back but is happy to have sex. Suppose that was a while ago and before yous technically cheated so i understand that its in the past and shouldnt be a big deal, but if its bothering you then definitely express how you feel in depth with your partner and hopefully hes able to explain how he feels about her, also asking for reassurance here and there isnt a bad thing

  4. Has this only been a day? Is this a regular thing?

    Ultimately I’d say if this is only today, she knows how to to take care of herself best and if you’ve offered help but she’s refused it, you are being pushy. You don’t need to go to a doctor for one day of being sick.

  5. If he hasn't given you a reason to distrust him you should probably trust him… especially if he's letting you look through everything.

  6. Both guys are creeps. One is 35 and the other one is 44. They only need from thing from you. They have no interest in any potential relationship of any kind. Rn you shouldn't be with anyone. You need to see a therapist. These guys are potentially old enough to be your father. They only date a very young woman because they can easily manipulate them. You are not mature for your age. If they've said that you to you that's what groomers say to their potential victims. End the relationship and get in therapy.

  7. It's not that marriage is the default, it's that his gf clearly really wants to get married and only after 6 years he's even realising this while never in that time having any kind of conversation about what they want or their long term goals, they're not communicating.

  8. It's not that marriage is the default, it's that his gf clearly really wants to get married and only after 6 years he's even realising this while never in that time having any kind of conversation about what they want or their long term goals, they're not communicating.

  9. Oh, child, child.

    When I was your age, I had a fellow from a study group ask me if I would ‘deflower’ him. (Yes, he used that word.) This was the most incredible squicky turnoff. He didn’t offer companionship or mutual entertainment or really much of anything except his own hunger for sex, and his presumption that because I had dated several people I must be a sort of public utility.

    If you want casual sex, go where people are looking for hookups, like a bar scene or parties or live!, and make yourself available. FWB is not casual sex. It starts with a friendship, which you did not have with this young woman. You made no effort even to connect with her and find out if your attraction was mutual.

    People who assume others are sexually available without getting to know them are creeps. Hurts to hear, but there you are. Now that you know this, it sounds like you will be less creepy. Keep working on that.

  10. And she pretty much put him in a position of having to tell the daughter it was her decision because she said it was his so the daughter was asking him not to take her and make her leave school.

  11. It is completely unreasonable to blow up at someone over a boundary on the scale of this phone call if you never told them about the boundary in the first place, though.

  12. You talked to an ex for 35 minutes over the phone. Guess how many affairs start by exes talking or bumping into one another? I don't really know what your ex wants. What happens when he phones in a weeks time and says get coffee. At what point do you shut it down?

    Your husband is right. The fact that it wasn't a bad break up is worse than if it was a scorched earth one. There could be residual feelings. A thought that we are both now older and in a better place. This can lead to thoughts of “what if?”

    It's best not to talk to exes at all.

    Good luck

  13. ?????? He asked about your finances because he wanted to know if he can control you financially. He realised that he couldn't, so he decided to control you by your emotions, hence all his rules! He is against the workshop because he wants to isolate you and make you a depressed home body who would do has he says. OP this is the time where you leave and don't look back.

  14. I have requested to move out but in order to do that I need to put in a formal complaint against her and that would be very public.

    Do it. Make a formal complaint. She is acting this way because she gets away with it.

    As another suggested, keep records – what time, who it involved, where it happened. Get at a couple going, but until them, you need to turn off your emotions around her. Don't be hurt by her 'forgetting you', just give a vague reply and move on.

    When you make your complaint, use specific examples on why you are unable to live! with her further. Her hygiene and lack of cleaning is a good, but say her aggressive and unprofessional behavior makes you highly uncomfortable with sharing a roof with her and give clear examples.

    But prepare for this to blow up your friend group and for her to be rude at work. Keep gathering evidence because it won't stop here. If people isolate you, then alrighty, start focusing on making friends that aren't in the friend group. Be open and honest if someone asks what happened – she made you very uncomfortable, and you felt you were doing all the heavy lifting at home.

  15. I feel this is not a relatationship but a hygiene control freak that gets joy out of making you shower. Unless you really smell bad which you said you didn't and take care of yourself, washing the important parts and applying deodorant should be enough (ie. arm pits, down there)


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