Right now you don't feel like you've been given another chance at life. You won't feel that way for a while. But one day you'll read your post again and (hopefully) not recognize your past self.
First – you've been broken up. As in, not in a relationship. For…nearly a year, almost. I hate to say this – but the fact that he kept in contact with you this entire time was a disservice to you. You weren't allowed to properly grieve the loss of your relationship, instead being repeatedly traumatized by his presence, giving him and yourself false hope.
And listen. He didn't have a child with “the wrong person”. He's single, got together with someone, and had sex with them, which is in his full right to do, as someone who is single. This resulted in him having a kid. Kids don't happened with the “right or wrong” person, they just happen. He can either choose to be a present father for his child, or he can be absent and pay child support. His choice is not difficult. He's presenting it to YOU as difficult, because you're both clinging onto failed pasts and wishing you could go back.
He wanted a child before he turned 25. There is no way in hell you could've given that, and still been in a healthy relationship. Listen to yourself. Your base reaction to grief, pain and anger is to lash out, and be hurtful. Do you think a baby and toddler is going to understand why mommy is lashing out at them for crying? And don't try to tell yourself it'd be different for a child. It wouldn't. Humans are creatures of habit. If your default reaction to pain is to lash out, you will lash out, regardless of who it is.
You're not an idiot, or a monster. But you are prolonging your own suffering by still wanting to talk or engage with your ex.
Do yourself a favor and block your ex, and stop talking to them. You're not going to be able to recover unless you accept that you cannot go back. You must force yourself to move forward.
Then, consider getting grief counseling, or talking to a mental health professional. Lashing out at people and being cruel to others is not healthy, and these are habits that you actively need to work on unlearning. Therapy can help with figuring this out.
You didn't work on yourself back then, because working on yourself has to be for yourself. A person can beg or plead an alcoholic to go to rehab, or beg their family member or friend to go to the doctor when they're clearly ill. But loved ones cannot force you to get help. You have to willingly seek it for your sake.
Consider this to be a depressing, tragic ending to this chapter of your life. Open a new novel and start writing your own redemption arc where you start taking care of yourself, build your own life, and figure out what you want from life.
^ Don’t listen to this person, their advice is bad
Right now you don't feel like you've been given another chance at life. You won't feel that way for a while. But one day you'll read your post again and (hopefully) not recognize your past self.
First – you've been broken up. As in, not in a relationship. For…nearly a year, almost. I hate to say this – but the fact that he kept in contact with you this entire time was a disservice to you. You weren't allowed to properly grieve the loss of your relationship, instead being repeatedly traumatized by his presence, giving him and yourself false hope.
And listen. He didn't have a child with “the wrong person”. He's single, got together with someone, and had sex with them, which is in his full right to do, as someone who is single. This resulted in him having a kid. Kids don't happened with the “right or wrong” person, they just happen. He can either choose to be a present father for his child, or he can be absent and pay child support. His choice is not difficult. He's presenting it to YOU as difficult, because you're both clinging onto failed pasts and wishing you could go back.
He wanted a child before he turned 25. There is no way in hell you could've given that, and still been in a healthy relationship. Listen to yourself. Your base reaction to grief, pain and anger is to lash out, and be hurtful. Do you think a baby and toddler is going to understand why mommy is lashing out at them for crying? And don't try to tell yourself it'd be different for a child. It wouldn't. Humans are creatures of habit. If your default reaction to pain is to lash out, you will lash out, regardless of who it is.
You're not an idiot, or a monster. But you are prolonging your own suffering by still wanting to talk or engage with your ex.
Do yourself a favor and block your ex, and stop talking to them. You're not going to be able to recover unless you accept that you cannot go back. You must force yourself to move forward.
Then, consider getting grief counseling, or talking to a mental health professional. Lashing out at people and being cruel to others is not healthy, and these are habits that you actively need to work on unlearning. Therapy can help with figuring this out.
You didn't work on yourself back then, because working on yourself has to be for yourself. A person can beg or plead an alcoholic to go to rehab, or beg their family member or friend to go to the doctor when they're clearly ill. But loved ones cannot force you to get help. You have to willingly seek it for your sake.
Consider this to be a depressing, tragic ending to this chapter of your life. Open a new novel and start writing your own redemption arc where you start taking care of yourself, build your own life, and figure out what you want from life.
Best of luck to you. Seems you and he are not a match, and he won’t change.