Strongamily on-line sex chats for YOU!

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44 thoughts on “Strongamily on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. This is dealbreker material. He doesnt respect you.

    He is not a good person if he associates knowingly with someone nasty enough to SA their minor sister in law?! Where the report to the police? Does everyone in the family know?

    He will never respect you or your boundaries. Please leave before he makes more stupid and dangerous decisions.

  2. I'm a gamer myself! And no I don't think gaming that long is ok. I don't know who made you think gaming that much is ok, it's not. Every single day as well? No

  3. As far as I'm aware, watched a few then left. But considering it was 10pm before they got back both times, “a few movies” becomes easily 2am.

    A deep part of me trusts her, but this is a first for her and for me and part of me says how would it be the other way round? If she went away for 6 weeks work and I invited a female friend over, 1 on 1, for movie nights. It'd be reasonable for her to be upset by that. Even moreso the fact she literally could have text “&_£# isn't feeling too good recently so I've asked him if he wants to watch a film”. She texts me everything else about her day. Why hide it until now?

  4. Sometimes my mind is blown by these posts. You’re 22, what are you thinking by staying with this person? Go enjoy your life.

  5. Literally 90% of the people I know/have been friends w have anxiety. Do you know how many of them just casually physically assault people? 0. I seriously cannot comprehend how someone can actually be like “well, that's just what it's like to have anxiety”. Like no? Not at all? That's a completely abnormal reaction

  6. Geez. He is 30 not 15. Break this cycle by finalising it once and for all. If he loved you he wouldn't be breaking up with you whenever things aren't right.

    Go and discover what a healthy relationship is like with someone else and you will wonder why you ever wasted so much time on the current abusive man child.

  7. May this be a life lesson: do not ignore red flags. You stayed too long to the point of questioning whether you are in the wrong. You are absolutely not. He is racist, misogynistic and manipulative. I'm glad you are not wasting anymore time on him, you can find better quite easily. I suspect he is also lazy and rich as in his parents are rich.

  8. What is the fucking alternative? Not giving out a number making them angry? So they will then start to follow her, grab or touch her? Because that can happen regardless of if she is giving them her number. Giving out a fake number keeping them happy leaving and never seeing them again is way safer than bruising their ego.

  9. Oh for sure. He was just horny but I'm not sure how upset I should be because I do understand it can be alot not seeing someone for months but like he didn't even tell me.

  10. I’ve painfully read through a handful of reddit posts (and Facebook posts for that matter) where that has been a viewpoint getting a bunch of resonance yes… weird stuff

  11. It's going to be very hard to be friends again because i might start keeping hopes again of things fixing but they won't. I will be even more hurt…

  12. That is incredibly disturbing. Not that he had an inappropriate dream so much, that he was just dying to share with it with you. I don’t like it when people tell me about non sexual crazy dreams about me (except my partner) because how I am supposed to respond that?

  13. Why haven’t you dumped him? He’s behaving like a cunt.

    He’s freeloading off your parents and once he’s saved enough he will be gone from your life and into his own place.

    He doesn’t want to be with you any more but can’t leave until he’s saved enough money to move out which is making him behave this way.

    He is single in his own head and resents having to stay with you and your parents.

  14. Ask her again for relationship and ask her to give you two a chance. If she says No again, then go no contact as you will be hurt, and you need to work on yourself

  15. You need to end things. She's just not that into you, she knows what she wants having come out of a relationship and you're nice but you're not the one.

    Ending things sooner will save the heartbreak.

  16. Appreciate your answer. Agree absolutely with what you've said and have thought the same before when it's crosses my mind before. I just feel that the relationship cannot go on as it is unfortunately.

  17. So, did you know she had herpes before getting involved with her?

    If you already knew, you accepted the risk.

    If you didnt know, sue her for exposure if you contract it.

  18. My ex boyfriend spat in my face several times while we argued…

    … He ended up sexually assaulting me twice over the course of the relationship and physically assaulting me when I caught him cheating and dumped him.

    Dump this bitch.

  19. it might already be too late but you should have told him the first time he implied that you are a virgin. he will probably (wrongly) accuse you of lying by omission.

    so you are asking whether you should tell him or not. well, it will become fairly apparent when you guys start having sex.

  20. I do not blame her. I just wish she would try to be less involved in our relationship and push her point of view onto it. I also understand he’s an adult and if he’s easily swayed by something someone says then it’s a ?

  21. He is manipulating you into giving him head to keep him happy. Set a boundary now. A few times a week is more than generous.

  22. Everyone's version of normal is different. However, he's making it seem like you should be giving him head everyday and you obviously don't want to give him head everyday.

    I'd just start with telling him how much you love him and that you do enjoy satisfying him. Then explain you don't like the mundane, repetitiveness, of giving him head everyday. You want more spontaneity. And bring up your sexual needs and desires as well. I know I like when my husband takes the lead on intimacy sometimes and if I'm always the one taking the lead on intimacy, I get bored rather quickly. Tell him how it is from your experience of always being the one to take the lead.

    Make sure he understands this has nothing to do with you not wanting to satisfy him and everything to do with you also being satisfied and making sure things don't get boring. Discuss your sex drive as well. I know my sex drive is much lower than my husband's. I'll still have sex solely for him, but that's by choice not by feeling obligated. If your man makes you feel obligated, most of the sexiness dissipates.

  23. Back up – who says you have to love any one person more than another person? You don’t because love doesn’t have to be weighed and measured out. Love is nuanced and comes in a variety of kinds. A life well lived is a life full of love.

    Talk to your brother. Tell him how you feel. Tell him about your pride in him and how you see your relationship evolving. I read once where our siblings are our best friends because there’s no one else who gets to be along our life’s journey like they do. Not everyone has great relationship with their siblings so seize your opportunity and let him know.

  24. So i am with this guy for like 3-4 months

    we just had a baby together.

    We don’t even know each other THAT well.


  25. To people who don't have an incurable STD it absolutely IS “a deal”. People have a right to choose if they want to have sex with someone with an STD or not.

  26. She says she's all in and is constantly talking about marriage and her dreams for the future with me. She loves me, I can tell, but it's that lingering feeling that maybe she wouldn't choose me, but just thinks I'm the best she'll get. I could just be young, naive, and an overthinking idiot. But that's the way I perceive it right now, and it's making me question what I should do.

  27. Trust yes – so what have you done to erode the trust he should have in you?

    Or has he always been this bad, in which case the question is why have you not left already?

  28. I mean it’s pretty disgusting for people to abandon their own kids, but people have been doing it forever and there is never any legal consequences for the parent that has left.

  29. Uhm, uhm, no. He put a note in his calendar. That’s it. That’s all. You are overreacting. He has a life.


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