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30 thoughts on “StacyDavice on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. I think you and your friends need to sit him down and talk. Explain exactly why you are uncomfortable with GF reading texts, and tell him that you are not making him choose, but there should be boundaries in his relationship, and that his friends are entitled to boundaries and privacy too. His GF was cheated on, but you shouldn't have to suffer because of her baggage. If this was some strange girls he was texting, or new females (to him) in a friendship, I could see wanting to skim convos to make sure there's no flirting. But…this is… Excessive and controlling.

  2. I'm glad to hear you say that. You need to steel yourself & get a plan to get away. Look live! about tips on how to leave an abusive boyfriend.

    There are good guidelines. You don't want your death to come out of you trying to respectfully break up with him. Find out what the science says and execute that plan.

  3. Its not his fault he was lead to believe she already knew and she should not be angry or upset at him for thinking she did

  4. Is that enough for you? Do you want to be with someone who doesn’t want to be with you, but is finding it difficult to make the final call to cut it off?

    I think if you let each other go, you’d both go on to find happier relationships. Take what you’ve learned about being a partner as a life lesson, and apply it to your next relationship. It’s not a waste of time.

  5. I’m sorry but she’s not the one for you. It’s been 2 months and she hasn’t told you. It appears to be more than 1 guy she was with too. She was sober and asked what she should do, so she remembers everything she did. I would let her know that you know what happened and it’s time to part ways. It’s up to you if you want to hear excuses. If she was truly remorseful, she would have told you immediately, now she’s hoping you don’t find out or figure way that doesn’t look so bad

  6. I don’t wanna throw away almost a decade relationship.

    Better that than having your family have to bury you

    Look up the cost sunk fallacy, it basically says that just because you have done something for X amount of time doesn't mean you need to keep doing it. Don't continue just because of the time you have spent X amount of years on it

    Get away from this man or he will hurt you or worse

  7. How does gambling not count? If it wasnt anything he would have told you and not hid it so he knows it counts.

    Also that’s simply what you found, odds are there is more but can’t be sure on that.

    He is gaslighting you and it’s working. Don’t question yourself, he lied and broke trust, it’s as simple as that.

    I’m sorry.

  8. I don't think this is lying at all. Not if the actual wording you used was that you couldn't go to Disneyland with them.

    Because, you couldn't. You already had plans to go with your GF. Plans that didn't include them.

    It's the same as telling someone you can't go to dinner with them, because you have plans, and then running into them at the same restaurant you've then your date.

  9. You can't force your fiancée to communicate her feelings or to ruminate if she doesn't know what she feels or doesn't feel. But you also can't keep doing all the emotional legwork for the both of you or continue to adjust your behaviour randomly just because you hope it may or may not hit her sweet spot and actually have an effort.

    Relationships require a certain amount of team work, and your fiancée apparently isn't a team player. There's nothing wrong with saying “I don't know” to something, but your fiancée has had more than 1 year to figure out what she doesn't know and to communicate it to you, and she still hasn't.

    I think you already know what you need to do; you just don't want to do it because you worry about what comes next.

  10. Your relationship is over. She wants permission so she can say she isn’t a cheater. Then when she cheats, she will blame you.

    If you say yes, yo must enforce a rule that she must introduce you to a girl who will sleep with you.

  11. Why wouldn't you be able to have kids or a future with him for something his dad did when he was a child?

    This is what I don't understand. His dad did something horrific when he was 14 so you can't have a relationship or a future with your boyfriend?

    As for your boyfriend believing his dad – he might just not want to admit that his dad MIGHT have been some sort of predator rapist when he was a teenager. I mean, by the time he was born and a child, his dad might have been a totally different person compared to when his dad was 14 years old.

  12. How did you get “it runs in the family?” Father has dementia relates to wife how? Mother hates OP maybe for good reason we don't know. Sibling is trans which last I checked is fine but OP being transphobic about it isn't. Sister has views that OP talks about negatively about but is OP really a reliant story teller here because from his attitude who knows what SIL is like.

  13. okay so its okay to gove your neighbor a blowy then right since its not a sexual act? thats ridiculous.

  14. I know you don’t want to give him oral sex and that’s completely valid but I just want to point something out to you.

    You gave him an expectation of something before getting married – that expectation was sexual and now you’ve reached this point of not caring. You’re married now so you can relax and not try as naked maybe? It’s been four months, not 15 years.

    That’s a huge problem. If this bakes, and I’m sure it will, then you guys could have a lot of real issues later on.

    Mismatched sexual expectations/drives are a HUGE marital problem.

    If later on he decides he wants to leave you over this, that’s also completely valid. Likely it’ll just lead to spite which will roll into other issues. And inevitably be the end of your marriage.

  15. This is sweet. I’m very happy it ended this way. Maybe listen when your husband says talk later tho? ?

  16. Just let him go. He wants porn. Let him have it. Work on yourself and find a man who doesn't prioritize porn.

  17. So if we’re in a marriage and I make 5000 a month. I have 1000 in bills then I can blow the other 4000 on whatever I want without issue? Like I said your living life on a treadmill no growth no progress just stagnant. Idk I feel life should be about growth. Now just living in the moment. And idk where op said he needs her money

  18. If the only reason you’re with her is because you’re lonely then PLEASE listen to your friend who truly cares about you. That’s not a good basis to have kids with someone. He’s telling you this because he loves you and sees what this relationship does to you.


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