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  1. u/ThrowA2607, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. He yells and swears, the swearing isn't directed at me (it's more like “oh for fucks sake!” type of thing), his body language can be very aggressive. It doesn't happen often but I really don't like it. It's mainly directed at me or his family, he doesn't tend to show anger “publicly”.

  3. May i ask the breed of your jumper? So curious! I have a pittie mix, so we already do the extra durable toys and adaptations for mood/personality quirks. ?

  4. Hello /u/pinkpantherdetective,

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  5. If he strangles you, he's probably going to kill you. Statistically. Why do you want to keep a violent lunatic around your young daughter? I know it's hard to leave but you have to. He is going to kill you

  6. How are you 35 and don't know that you can get someone pregnant when you have a low sperm count? You're not sterile just counted as infertile because your swimmers are low. Also men's sperm count tends to lower when they age. Poor diet, exercise, injury, underlying health issues, medications, the wrong undies, and more can lead to low sperm count.

    Any man at anytime can become infertile and still make babies.

  7. Hello /u/Samanthamanta,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  8. It is absolutely worth the time and expense to train him. The consequences of not training him could be lethal. It’s not a cost benefit analysis at this point, either she prevents anyone from coming into contact with her dog (i.e. no one comes to her house ever) for the rest of his life or she trains him.

  9. That isn't a question reddit can answer. But if she is separating and was in an open relationship, she may be dealing with a lot of people and issues more pressing than your feelings. Regardless, try to move on

  10. Absolutely. People are gonna come and go… its just how life goes. Sucks sometimes, but every thing is a learning experience. Hugs to you!

  11. I definitely feel that way. The tricky thing is that that is my default feeling, and has nothing to do with my boyfriend. I have always struggled with self worth, and I know realistically this might just be a mismatch of love languages but I'm scared to bring it up and make him feel like he's not doing enough. I have started a new hobby recently and am trying to get back into writing/music.

  12. My manager went to my apartment and got my wallet off the counter (where my bf left it despite being pissed off). I have electronic locks at my apartment complex so I don't have to use a physical key to open/lock the door.

  13. Well I guess you want to have sex with her since you're saying she's an adult. Technically yes but she's most likely not super emotionally mature at this point. What are you going to do if and when she gets pregnant? Your friend will find out and help me at the end of that friendship, it's just a dumb thing to do.

  14. You only control your actions and you have the same issues.

    The level of impossibility is depends on what you are willing to trade off. You best have a plan or your life won’t improve. Maybe dating can’t be your priority but working more to save to get out?

  15. I’d be happy for her but I’m a whole lot older than you. You have a lot of growth yet and seriously, counselling will help you get there.

  16. I'll have a lot to say about this because i'v been in the exact same situation.

    One advice here is to completely cut any bond. I would sit them all down, tell all of them how I feel exactly about this girl and them all, what I think she is and where I think she stands (obviously it's all bad words lol).

    There isn't much left to do. I think you got all the hints you needed that your family is using you for their entertainment. Don't be fooled, they aren't stupid and clearly seeing the issue here. But you've swallowed it up for so long they expect you to keep doing it and them to have their fun. They also showed how much love they want from you. They are willing to break you down for fun, even if it means you'll hate them. We can assume they're projecting their feelings about you on you. It's a common way for “low value” people to free themselves of guilt.

    But all in all, you know better. If you think your family deserves you to put some effort into that, you can always stand up for yourself and shut her down. Just give her a taste of her own medicine. You could also try digging around her life and expose her on things she wouldn't want known. This and straight up calling her a trashcan should both start calming her down a bit.

    You're not in high school anymore. You're not clueless anymore. You know this is wrong, and you know you are to blame for nothing. You have the right and duty to shut down attempts to hurt you. Wether it's by confronting her or completely erasing her from your life, they are both valid solutions and nobody but you can decide which one is the right one.

  17. It was not real advice, he definitely should not publicly assault his cousin's girlfriend no matter how bad she has it coming lol

  18. Women will protect their children – this means not introducing them, exposing them or possibly talking about them, to a guy she has just started dating. Please understand there are sadly child predators will will target single mothers to date because they have children.

    1 month is not a long relationship, it's still in an evaluation stage – could there be a future.

    Is a child a deal breaker for you? This is really the big question?

    So, to answer whether her not telling you is a problem? No, she was possibly protecting her kid.

    However, after 1 month had you ever brought up past relationships? How you felt about kids? Think it through. Had she ever lied to you, or had she just protected her kid from a guy she had recently met?

  19. Not letting people meet your child is safe, responsible parenting. Not acknowledging that you even have a child for a month, that’s deceitful and terrible dating. Nobody benefits from having that vital info withheld beyond a first date.

  20. She sounds immature. If that’s how she reacts to social media, do yourself a favor and get out while you’re young. You don’t want to be with someone that you have to monitor and she should be able to do as she pleases (another reason I don’t stand her blow up). Most of it boils down to wanting attention

  21. Why don’t you just ask her “when you rent to me, how should I respond in a way that makes you feel comforted and loved?”

  22. When I look back over all the times someone was treating me poorly, where I felt awful but just wouldn't give up- I like to take a step back and think about what's really going on with me. What am I hoping for? What am I afraid of?

    It sounds funny but once hindsight is activated I can't think of a single romantic entanglement where I didn't feel pretty much the same as the other person- if I scraped away all my own fears about needing to prove myself to be loving and loveable all I was left with was Some Guy who wasn't really doing anything to write home about. But I put him on a pedestal and made a song and dance out of him because I was determined to project magic where there was none.

    And that's not exactly a high crime but I think when we are all whirled up in our hopes and fears it's hot to see the forest for the trees.

    He love bombs, he love starves, he future fakes to get your guard down, reaps the benefits then ghosts. He is doing a text book job of getting you excited and helping you to feel like this is Something Special whilst simultaneously poking around for other women. Who the other women may be is irrelevant. It doesn't do anything to change how he treats YOU which isn't good enough to gain access to your time, attention, your body, your emotions. FULL. STOP.

    And I am saying this to you because I want you to reflect on your feelings- your true feelings. I am not saying you are the same as me but I think on some level we all want to believe the best in people and that love is out there- and it is- but my theory is it only arrives when you stop letting in imposters masquerading as love when they're just looking for a bit of attention or entertainment. If you want more, accept nothing less!

    I am a firm believer that nothing is personal- whatever he is looking for if that ain't you that doesn't mean you are any less amazing or wonderful. It just means he ain't your guy. And it's a shame he has been trash about it. But waiting around hoping he will grow a soul won't help you find a good relationship any sooner.


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