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4 thoughts on “Sonysweet online sex chats for YOU!

  1. Thank you. I created this post to get input to make sure that my views are reasonable, in order to give me courage to move forward with doing just this.

  2. She definitely enjoyed it, it was apparent in her actions and her mood. She is generally friendly, but certainly not to this degree with everyone.

  3. Here’s the harsh reality; all relationships are a leap of faith. Every single person you date could logically cheat on you. That’s simply a reality. But you enter into relationships after getting to know the person and deciding based on what you’ve learned that they likely won’t.

    The biggest problem with your premise here is that it’s bigger that your current girlfriend. So while you’re here suggesting breaking up as a solution, you’re going to have this issue with every single person you date. If that’s the case, why even bother?

    We bother, because we want to believe that there are inherently good people out there. There certainly are. What people don’t seem to realize is that you largely learn this information through the process of dating and being in a relationship. Despite what people think, cheating rarely is a surprise. More often than not people either know they’re in a bad relationship, or they see crystal clear signs of a shitty partner and allow themselves to brush it off.

    In saying that, if your girlfriend hasn’t given you a reason not to trust her, why assume the worst? On the other end, if you’re presented with glaring red flags in front of your face, don’t brush them off. Good luck.


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