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4 thoughts on “Sofyandrux live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. I’m sorry for your situation. Objectively, if she doesn’t trust you to be around any female, even in a professional situation, it’s pretty much over. Lawyer up to protect yourself and your future. Hopefully you are young enough to not have a huge amount of debt or assets. Please do not sleep with her. A baby is the last thing you need right now. Plus there’s the chance she could pin someone else’s on you. Just be done.

  2. Those weren’t even boxers tho. He posted the link. They were boxer briefs. Tight ones. He looked like he wasn’t wearing much.

  3. You are both into places where you live, and expect the other side to make compromises. You make points why your city is better to online in, but I feel like your bf could find his own arguments as well.

    With 2 people that are in “in tbe right”, and are stubborn there are two options. Break up, or you both make compromise that you be will be just as (un)happy with.

    First option is self explanatory as for second, it means you move to third city, that is not a home city for either of you.

  4. She’s needs to drop Amanda asap and when she manipulates you with “I’ll die if you leave me” tell her you didn’t think of that when you were with Amanda right. It should be your choose to do whatever you want no be guilted. This act seems selfish on her apart, and she should allow you to grieve and think how long you need. It’s only been a couple of hours.


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