Sofiacollinss on-line sex chats for YOU!

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21 thoughts on “Sofiacollinss on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. How long has she been in therapy for? Has she shared with you how therapy is (or maybe isn't) working for her? Does she like her therapist and feel some progress?

  2. I've been in, and know plenty of people who have also been in, “monogamous” relationships where the woman hooking up with other women wasn't considered cheating.

    That's perfectly fine, if that's what the couple agree.

    In hindsight though, and with the benefit of maturity, I also recognise the latent homophobia of being ok with such an arrangement and not considering it an open relationship, because it generally indicates a fetishisation of female sex and relationships and indicates that the parties don't consider female in female sex “real” sex.

  3. It’s one thing to be a 10 or 15 minutes late, but an ENTIRELY different thing to say you be arriving HOURS later than the agreed upon time. I have to agree with some other comments, maybe you are the other woman, that behavior is really suspicious. But most importantly, it’s disrespectful to you and someone who prioritizes you wouldn’t make you wait like that.

  4. Honestly it’s not wildly impossible for it to be either girl, tbh.

    Going to go with your ex here though and say she’s likely just trying to mess with your head and your life. She succeeded because here you are second guessing yourself and your friends. She broke up with you, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t want to mess with you. Some people are immature and toxic that way.

  5. Too many comments to read through, but wondering if your girlfriend is expecting a proposal? There’s a lot of stuff you are not saying between the lines. Is this your way of buying time and proving commitment, without giving in to something she is expecting?

    30 for women is often a turning point where a long-term boyfriend who is not proposing can become problematic. It seems like instead of grand gestures she didn’t ask for, you could try better communication.

  6. As a someone with poor parents who were told that “God Provides”, I can tell you that God does not provide, no matter how devout one is. My mother says she regrets not creating a firmer financial foundation for us before having us, but the pressure from all sides was so great, and everyone just chanted platitudes like that.

    You are being careful and thoughtful with respect to family and financial planning. Your wife is being reckless. You may no longer be compatible.

  7. I don’t know what advice you’re looking for. I also don’t understand why you’d get back with someone who ghosted you for months and then accused you of cheating. Like clearly you realize you could be happy out there with a well adjusted man.

    He hasn’t dealt with his past relationship trauma and is now acting up and is afraid of commitment and intimacy. Whoever asked you to be patient with his is a bad friend to you, because it’s not your job to fix him. There’s the whole field of therapy for that. And it’s his job to make sure he has dealt with it before getting involved with another person. When he neglects to do that and his partner tries to be patient with him, you end up with the situation that you’re exactly in right now.

    Don’t spend any more of your time on this man, invest it in you and on having a new connection

  8. Often abusers wait until they trap you. He is worried she will escape and is trying to assert control over her.

  9. Maybe you could’ve handled it better or more directly but his response is also out of line. I’m also curious if he typically misses cues like this.

    I dated a guy like that. I would actually start with direct and calm language “hey I don’t want to talk about this right now” – and then he’d pressure me on why and try to justify talking about it, then talking about it anyway. In holding my ground – “really though, I don’t want to talk about this, literally anything else” – it’d piss him off more into argument territory. Was pretty red flaggy for me. (Context in that story: he had gotten into a bar fight over that weekend and already told me about it; I’m not a fan of violence and he’s too old for that shit so I didn’t want to hear about it for the third time. It was a fight that didn’t need to escalate if he used words and not his temper.)

  10. Don't do the ADHD line. Damn, that excuse is so over used and bs. Many of us have it and not lazy entitled people who use it as an excuse to as out gf to make out bed. She is not your mom.

  11. You're claiming to be the opposite yet he's your boyfriend. I'm not even going to spend time reading your post. I get genuinely angry hearing about people like you who think you're doing the world a favor by tolerating bigotry instead of engaging in it. You're just as bad as him. I don't wanna hear it.

  12. That's pretty freakish behaviour on his part, but you should be much more worried about the other red flags here. Why would anybody think they have a right to tell you what to wear and why would you let anyone tell you what to wear? I think you've got the wrong bloke.

  13. OP, stop trying to defend yourself and learn a lesson about this. Some things aren’t meant to be joked about. Find another way to be funny and stick to apologizing and never doing something like this again.

  14. She lacks a whole lot of maturity for a 26 year old. Financial responsibilities come before pleasures.

    If she makes you feel bad for trying to be responsible, then you've got alot to reconsider.

  15. Like I said, what someone makes and what they contribute around the home are the most important factors.

    Someone who walks into the house and drops everything a foot from where it belongs, doesn’t cook, clean or primarily parent, I hope they’re contributing more financially.

    If they happen to also make less money while doing that, they’re doubly useless.


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