Sofia-diosa on-line sex chats for YOU!

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47 thoughts on “Sofia-diosa on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Thank you. This is how you make decisions. Always using kindness. Especially if you tell someone their boyfriend is cheating on them.

  2. Don't try, do. Seriously, don't get drawn back in, don't believe the crocodile tears, take your things while she's gone or have friends help, and run. She can have a text because in person who knows what she will do to you.

  3. I can think of two ways to handle this.

    You can tell him that he isn't a problem, but that him living with you has been a major adjustment for both of you and you guys are figuring it out.

    Or, you can tell him having him on-line with you has been a problem, but he is YOUR problem, and having him there has been worth figuring out.

    And then tell him that he can call you whatever he wants and it is fine with you. But it is his choice, not yours.

    Hopefully you'll figure out a way to handle it that will make the both of you happy.

  4. I'm sorry for you, good taste and class are absent in a lot of girls today, but I can assure you there are some who don't need to self- validate from the sexual attention of others, and if her need for that doesn't reduce with being with you than maybe the problem is in her. I'm sorry you feel like you have to change her, I'm sure you mean only the best for her but you can't change anyone if they don't want it themself. Maybe she will outgrow it so choose carefully. Good luck

  5. From a male perspective if u don’t find girl a physically attractive nothing can change it, besides her changing her appearance. But you can fall in love in a girl that isn’t your type. From your description he wanted you because you gave him easy sex or he liked spending time with u. Maybe he loves i now but i don’t think he Finds u physically attractive

  6. Hello /u/poll22x,

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  7. Yeah, honestly there's really no discussion here to me. He said horrible things and they are things you don't just make up in anger. These sound like what he actually thinks and now he's probably shocked he said them out loud. Maybe if he'd just blamed the cookies for his kids not coming over, but everything else is exactly what he thinks and did. I'd be gathering my important stuff right now and immediately going to my parents and filing for divorce. Just be glad you aren't pregnant and don't have kids yet. He's not worth it and OP is still young.

  8. Hello /u/TheboyFromthere,

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  9. You gonna have to learn to protect yourself and toughen up. Of course people are gonna fuck with you if you go around acting like you scared and nervous around people. People pick up on that whether homeless or not. You can't just rely on other people to “protect” you.

    Or if you don't wanna go out at night for walks just tell him no you don't want to. He'll be alright.

  10. If you wnat answers and your wife doesnt provied them, then you need to found other sources, you are 100 % entiteld to those answers. Let me ask if you find out she cheated the whole time what would you do?

  11. Trying not to be crude but if you aren’t having sex with him he’s likely hav sex with someone else. If you were having regular sex and now there is none then there is a huge issue. Was there was some type of dramatic incident that occurred and that’s why because if not then this is not normal behavior

  12. I think you went about it in probably the healthiest way you could, then.

    Still, if I was your parents I'd have asked you what the hell you were doing with a 26 year old at 18 especially if you know them before that. There is absolutely no way I would have believed you were not groomed by them at the time in this fictional scenario.

  13. Stop punishing her, start divorce proceedings. You’re right that she lied and broke your trust, and she made a major decision that you wouldn’t get to be a parent without your input. For me, that’s the end of a marriage too.

  14. this really feels like a manipulation attempt to me, so he can get you to grovel to him and he has all the power. i really hope you have friendships outside this relationship

  15. I don't want to say what his job is to stay as anonymous as possible. but he does counsel people as part of his job

  16. Well said, if she considers it cheating it’s all over. It is irrelevant how he views it. She will never trust him again, regardless of if they reconcile, so relationship over fast , or over slowly and mutually miserably for both is the question.

  17. Birth control is a symptom of the problem, not the actual problem, which is that you do not feel safe and secure in your relationship.

    Unfortunately, the root of that is usually some variant of feeling unloveable as a child, “they will love me if” – I don't cause problems, I don't stand up to not wanting him to ejaculate inside me without a condom, I don’t show my hisband how badly I do not want to have kids with him, etc.

    Actions of unhealthy self-preservation like that are also manipulation and control. Omitting the fact that you are on birth control manipulates him into using a condom without argument. He has agreed to have sex with his wife wearing a condom on the false information that his wife is not on birth control. That's fraudulent inducement, which could easily go to the whole marriage if he believes creating a child with you is on the table in the future.

    “Your body, your rights” does not justify fraudulently inducing someone to do something with their body.

  18. Honestly it sounds like your relationship is winding down to an end. You want 2 different things and there is no way you can both get what you want. One of you is going to have to give up something major and that will almost always cause at least a little resentment. Good luck with this.

  19. Talk to her about the feeling. It can just be hurt from her leaving out important information and it will pass as you process it. But I think the best way to move past it is to work through these feelings together.

  20. Honestly you need to find a new best friend. This friendship has run its course. She is now playing with your emotions just because she can.

  21. I already said I'm not going to pay for any extraneous vet visits if a new cat shows up. I'll love the cat and take care of it but we spent almost 2k in the span of 5 or 6 months. Nothing I'm excited to go through again

  22. According to most comments, violence is the answer.

    Brother is a douchebag but I think she needs to be careful. Boyfriend seems to think it’s ok to hit people when he’s upset. She should see if boyfriend is remorseful and figure out his general attitude toward violence.

  23. I've actually talked with a coworker recently about the concept of an ultimatum. To me, an ultimatum is a break up, but you sre giving the person one last chance to fix things, because you still genuinely love them and care about them.

  24. So dump him and move out. You clearly dont like this man and never have and never wanted to date him in the first place

  25. But I’m confused to why you think we should put an end to the relationship.

    Because there's no point in doing “breaks”. Again, you can grow individually while being together.

    If your bf thinks he needs to be apart to grow….then he should actually break up and give himself 6+ months to do so. A few weeks here and there won't really resolve the core issue.

    You should take 20 steps back and discuss if you're still together for the right reasons, or mainly because you don't know any better. Are you still compatible? Are you still in love? Do you still want to tackle life together? Are you still on the same page. If so, there's no need for a break.

  26. Yeah, I got it. I'll have to ask her what he exactly says, but in any case is not cool. I think I just thought about texting cause it's the worst possibility, and when you are not well I tend to think negative things.

  27. You can trust your instinct the guy has a thing for Asians. And if that’s a problem that’s who he is. Also he lies. That’s another thing acted like it was nothing you misunderstood. He’s not trustworthy.

  28. I really dislike comments like this as it comes across very judgmental. I can't help who I fell in love with. Looking for meaningful advice, not judgement. Thanks!

  29. Bet he found out after he placed the AirTag that your phone would alert you that there was an AirTag near you, so he decided to do some emergency “fessing up” and pretend like he had a change of heart and is a good guy.

  30. this is probably what I’m going to have to do if she can’t give me a real reason for taking the money

  31. These situations are never easy. While it's true you both are in a loving relationship and the child was conceived by two people who love each other, it's not the same as the child being conceived with love. That requires that both adults, who love each other, want to create a new life. That's not the case here.

    You are correct that nobody is every truly ready to raise a child. It's hard work and never goes the way you plan.

    You are both emotionally charged right now. When you both have clear heads sit down and talk about your future together. Let him know that you feel like he doesn't see you in his future.

    This next part will be tough, just listen to what he has to say without interjecting, don't be thinking about your next reply. Just listen to what he is telling you.

    Once you both have been able to communicate how you feel, then you can make the right decision for you.

    I get it, I'm pro-choice myself but it would be very hot to have an abortion. I have a lot of religious trauma I'm still working through. Just know that having an abortion does not make you a bad person or mean you won't be a parent one day. It just means you aren't ready to give that child every opportunity it deserves.


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