Simone Smith

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55 thoughts on “Simone Smith

  1. “I'm an Alpha” aka “I'm a self absorbed self important ahole with an overinflated ego and I act like a mean ahole to make others think I'm better than them when really I'm not and because I'm not as amazing as I pretend to be, I have to make others feel bad about themselves to make me feel better about myself.”

  2. i’m upset that a lot of people are making assumptions not just you. i am beyond nice to my girlfriend. i shower her with love, constantly patient and literally the perfect boyfriend. i never ever tell her not do do something. i simply shared my boundaries and told her it upset me and was willing to talk it over and see why she posted it but she refused

  3. Honey he’s friends with assholes because he is also an asshole. Dump him, whether or not he goes on the trip. You can do much better.

  4. My friend was supposedly open after a time but still wouldn’t see me. Maybe his main person is jealous of you.

  5. My husband and I don't have any joint bank accounts so we had to go to the bank together with our income tax refund check every year. Just signing it and trying to deposit 1/2 in each of our accounts did not satisfy the bank, we had to both physically be there. They said it was a federal law. Interestingly, I now have the entire refund direct deposited into my account and it's not an issue.

  6. I still dont really think it's about the money but I think both of you have a lot of understanding of the other person to do. I do think you are being a little too sensitive but that doesn't mean that it shouldn't be brought up. Both of you need to learn to work through your problems and not just assume the other is supposed to understand.

  7. First off…don't let others opinions change who you are.

    Second…what the hell does being easy mea n? If you are having fun and your actions aren't putting you in danger emotionally or physically what's the issue?

  8. I think you know what you have to do but it's hot to admit it.

    You met this girl when you were 16, a child. I hate to break it to you but it's unlikely your first big teenage crush is the love of your life. Circumstances have already dictated that for you – she lives very far away. I know you think you love her but it is very hot to know that when you don't spend any time together in person. You are getting a very specific version of her, you have no idea what it would be like to spend real amounts of time together.

    I also worry that your thing with this girl has limited your ability to meet other people. You are young and should be exploring your options, not be hung up on a girl thousands of miles away. If you want to keep talking to her as friends that is ok, but I also worry it will prevent your from branching out.

  9. She obviously doesn't care about you the same you care about her. Its time to move on and find someone more worthy of you. If she didn't cheat, she's playing kind game switch you just to fjck with your head. If she did cheat, you going back is just giving her permission to do the same thing to you over and over and thats not a fun life to live!, every second on the edge of your seat, those moments she can't account for her time, you're gonna go bonkers wondering if she's cheating again. Its time to move on dude. She was just using you as a space filler.

  10. You’ve got a handle on it.

    Myself, I just got bored of people. One day, I met someone that didn’t and now we have a 12 year old.

  11. You don't get to know.

    You can run through the checkboxes: Washed my hair – check Brushed my teeth – check Smelled good – check She laughed at my jokes – check I didnt insult her mother – check I wasnt rude – check We had good flowing conversation – check

    and you still won't know.

    Maybe you had some spinach in your teeth, maybe she doesnt like Christians and your Christian, maybe she just didnt click with you?

    Don't ask her.

  12. Seconding this.

    When the world stops spinning, read this. It will give you strength, make you laugh, and help you heal.

    Wishing for your strength on the journey ahead.

  13. Hello /u/Papillon-rose,

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  14. There's only two things that can help a relationship, talking and therapy. If you can't give up on this person, ask her to go to couples therapy with you, to see if you could set up boundaries and expectations to be in a relationship again. If that fails cut contact completely

  15. As someone who has a 2 year old and working full time, I find your daughter very entitled. You are absolutely right, you are your own person and you're allowed to not be a caretaker.

    As much as it takes a village to raise a child, future parents should prepare for children as if they will not have help. If they do, amazing, if they don't, they were ready. Are they planning to wing it like they're doing at every step? That's entirely on your daughter. You are done parenting.

  16. Hello /u/femme2000,

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  17. Girl if you don’t end this immediately you are in for a world of bullshit. Every fiber of your being is telling you to get out of this relationship. Don’t ignore it. Listen listen listen and run.

  18. OP, your girlfriend is abusive. I'm sorry. You need to get out, it will never get better, but it might get worse.

  19. Yea then in the next comment section when someone tries to compare you bf to kissing someone else you were trying to call it “different” cheating will always be cheating you say you would be ok is he said no but then the next comment you saying you really want to experience it so which is it?

  20. Thanks for this, I know it sounds weak and sad, but I just feel like I needed to talk about it somewhere before being strong enough to talk to people I know.

  21. “The fact is that you are Son's father and I've never cheated on you. Your family screwed with the test they did, or they never did a test at all. When we get another test done at a real lab, it will prove that you're Son's father and you're going to feel like an idiot.”

  22. Yeah I agree with other commenters, and see this in the light of a kid of processing – it’s as if she’s comfortable with it for and in herself, but now needs to try to reconcile that with her “new” reality IE it needs to be treated like it’s a real thing and not brushed under the carpet?

    Admittedly she’s not going about it in a great way (which, honestly, is to be expected – and if it’s this soon, then that’s kinda positive in terms of how bad reactions and coping methods can get…) – but I can see the sort of logic behind it.

    I mean, I’d suggest talking to her about it but framing it in a way that makes it clear it’s more about protecting others from the dark realities of the world rather than trying to say it isn’t like that or invalidate her or her experience in any way.

    I can only imagine what she’s going through and it must be incredibly difficult to be asked to act normally after having your world totally shattered, so I do sympathize with her a lot – but you’re right, for her own benefit, and not making herself a social outcast, she does need to find a way to temper it quite a bit

  23. I hope this is not real.

    I'm not saying this is not real. But the last few weeks have i've started to notice an uptick in posts from throwaway accounts that are either kinda unusual or extreme. Way more than before.

  24. Your acting as if I don’t have voice lol, I’m not mute. I can say no 1000 times, and honestly it wouldn’t bother me because why would something so typical of men to do in a social setting, bother me? Who gives a shit what men want from me, ebony porn and fleshlights are available for a reason

  25. It sounds like your GF was taught that any form of nudity is evil as is somewhat traditional for certain groups of the Christian church. Not being able to imagine a person as a human being before imagining them as a sexual object is taught in a lot of North American house holds.

    You will have some work to do ahead of you OP but explaining the need to care for your sibling parents and loved ones especially those who are disabled is not a sign of nefarious intent.

    I hope you can get this sorted out, I wish you all the best OP

  26. I think what you’re doing is noble and selfless. I try not to judge too hot but your girlfriends sounds like an idiot.

  27. The thing is if her mother was terminally sick she would have gone back to her home town. And she was completely fine from what I had seen the last I saw her mother ( which was in December). So I guess maybe she chose to not tell me. But I ask all my friends how they are doing and how their parents are doing like a casual question. So idk. Maybe you're right.

  28. Lol my account is named after a Daft Punk song (a good one btw)

    I appreciate a bit of humour, it’s been a dark comments section lol but that’s the way the cookie crumbles

  29. Valid thing to be upset about. Or at the very least, be uncomfortable enough to end it. You didn’t do anything wrong. You guys are very young. The vibe I get is he’s young, out there, and not ready to commit to anything or even knows what he wants. Eh. If it were me, I’d cut him loose. Before your emotions get more entangled and the situation gets too painful or toxic.

  30. I'm sorry 🙁 it's absolutely terrifying but I hope you have a support system to fall back on. My mind is starting to wander wondering if it's not just these pictures but there's cheating actively going on too especially on some apps or something and iv just been blind to it.

  31. You can afford outside help. “Taking care of the house” can mean overseeing the hiring and management of support staff to enable you to have more free time during the day to pursue hobbies and provide more focus on your children then the daily mundane tasks,

  32. Right, to follow up, as I said, having the diagnosis at all probably means someone forced him to get an assessment for a reason. Because while an estimated 1% has this disorder, they're not all formally diagnosed because the slimeball lawyer who only skirts morality doesn't get told by the powers that be to get an assessment. And yeah he sounds like a peach.

  33. As a survivor of 12 years of Catholic school, the stuff the guy said about genitals being filthy and it being disgusting to put them in your mouth reminds me of the stuff we were often told. They want young people to abstain from sex and they’re not above making it sounds gross and horrible to do so.

    Then they’ll say sex is AWESOME! (when you’re in a hetero, church ordained marriage, and that sex is open to the possibility of conception)

  34. “Gave her body away”


    I agree with your friend.

    Does your girlfriend know you think like this?

  35. Sure. But she asked for foreplay. Sounds like the romantic side is covered and she wants to hear more explicit stuff.

    I’ve been partnered for 10+ years. I love that he still tells me he loves me every day. But it’s not a turn-on – just makes me feel loved. If I’m asking for foreplay, I’m looking for specifically sexual stuff for my brain to feed on til we get it on. That’s literally what foreplay is.

  36. Then you probably have more to say to OP than I. I'm a straight ass male thing lol.

    Hope things work out for you and all involved

  37. i’m 99% sure it’s a troll post. the ages of this post don’t match up with the ages of OPs previous posts.

  38. Do you want someone to just be used to, or to find someone that treats you with the love and respect you deserve? My late dad once told me that it was better to be by yourself than to let anyone drag you down.


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