Shannol-Ryan on-line sex chats for YOU!

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2 thoughts on “Shannol-Ryan on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. You do not need consent to break up with another person. You can break up with them for whatever reason.

    Some of these that you listed are massive red flags:

    >and one time he pulled out his phone to record me giving him oral without asking me first

    Recording of any sexual acts need to be made explicit! If that happened to me, it is a massive boundary violated and at two months I would end it.

    >He is struggling with money at the moment, which is normal as we all go through it, however it’s starting to feel like I’m literally ALWAYS covering the bill and now I’m paying out for his daughters food et

    Your money, your choice. He also needs to kick the cigs habit too :\

    >My parents dislike him and get “bad vibes” off him even though they only met once.

    Listen to them! Some people can sense “bad vibes” based on subtle clues.

    >He posts on Tik Tok pretty frequently but it’s a lot of dark suicidal content, he claims it’s just a persona… but some of the videos are of him driving really fast on his bike and feel a bit too genuine for my liking.

    I do not believe there's such a thing as a “persona”, unless it's clear he's playing/ LARPing a fictional character. If he's doing actions that MAY appear to be suicidal, and he's not a trained professional stuntman , it shows he has some serious emotional problems.

    >He has two best friends who are a couple and tells them literally everything.

    He doesn't respect your privacy.

    >All of his exes have claimed he’s controlling.

    Listen to them. If ALL of them are saying he's controlling, he's probably controlling.

    >If he doesn’t hear from me for two hours, he then brings it up later … He loves female attention as he gets jealous of any attention I get and he always makes a point of telling me when he’s been hit on.

    See point above

    RUN away from him as soon as possible!


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