Sara-Rubi live sex chats for YOU!

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49 thoughts on “Sara-Rubi live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Exactly! I had the odd day of WFH during lockdown and the ONLY downside is feeling bored or struggling to motivate yourself, but let's be honest, most office-workers would of course choose to WFH in a heartbeat! No work poops for me!

  2. You shouldn't have left. She wants to move in the new man in the house. Hire a PI and talk to a divorce attorney.

  3. It’s okay for us to disagree no need to insult and be snarky. If you cannot consent while drunk, can you consent to a sobriety test? Can you be held responsible for your actions? It’s not black and white. I would love to have an intelligent conversation about it but it doesn’t look like that can happen. Have a good day.

  4. I will think about this a bit longer. In principle I wouldn't have problem with her having five sexual partners as long as we both understand they are sexual and not “for life” type of partners. If anything I'd say it would only make her more experienced in sex and we would benefit too.

    I am in weird position because only outcomes I can see are: 1. We continue without opening the relationship: she's unsatisfied with amount of sex and I am unsatisfied with lack of variety that I need. 2. We open up relationship. I endup being happy but I don't know how she will feel about it. It might be that it would help her too. 3. There's another solution I can't see.

  5. This happened to me. My ex and I shared lists every year. We had a $50 limit. My ex made sure everyone else had gifts but seemingly forgot me. On Christmas morning, I made sure he had something to open, I was left out in the cold. We broke up before the next Thanksgiving and I caught up basically red-handed with the girl he was sleeping with on the side.

  6. It’s highly unlikely that he would have said anything. If you hadn’t found it, you probably wouldn’t ever know.

    If I hadn’t been told by a dear friend that I was being lied to about other women my ex had hooked up with, I would never have known about them. He confirmed this, too.

    I asked him to step up his honesty, as he was king of lies by omission. Over the course of 12 years, he never did. All that happened was I became paranoid about when the next surprise was going to come to light. And they did come to light. Always by sources that weren’t him.

    Unless this is an actual one-time anomaly and he’s willing to be completely transparent from here on, I’d spare yourself some mental gymnastics and step away from the guy.

    I spent 12 years feeling “crazy”, because he consistently made me question reality. The second I left that relationship, I stopped feeling “crazy”.

  7. I would not want to date someone that constantly wanted to start fights over stupid shit. I think she needs to apologize to you, or you need to move on

  8. There is no fixing it. You've made it clear you don't trust him even after he openly showed you the conversations. You should have just trusted him instead of being so insecure. Unless you fix yourself, you aren't getting him back and even that will take so much time that he may move on before you're ready. It sucks but if you want to be in a relationship with someone, you have to be able to trust them or else it won't work.

  9. They were in the car. Have you never been in a car with your partner and seen their phone? Getting a 4am text from the woman pursuing your partner, would make any sane person question what’s going on.

  10. I love him. I do have trauma but the type of trauma that I have forced me to become hyper independent. I want him in my life, and will do whatever I can to maintain that. This man deserves nothing but happiness and I want to be the person to give that. I apologize if my post isn’t very clear I don’t want to change who my bf is as a person I just want to show him how big of an impact he makes.

  11. Are you actually married? Have you divorced her? If not, get a divorce. Take back control of your life and start living again, find someone who can help you and be honest and open with them.

  12. You're time frame is confusing. Did this happen in the second month of yall dating?

    Either way I would probably cut the relationship. Its been less than a year. He put someone elses divorce above your family death. There is no right time to tell other than ASAP.

    Its fishy and odd she didnt think he would tell you. Its fishy that you said you all where friends but she only talks and retches out to him.

  13. Girl. It’s very clear and does make sense outside looking in.

    U can find someone u love like ur current husband and get what u want. U are choosing to believe that that’s not the case.

    This is a no brainer.

  14. He said he wants to open up the relationship on his side.

    What?!? He can fuck whoever he wants, and you can be the skinny little woman waiting for him, seriously? Please move on, you don't need this crap.

  15. I just wanted to add that therapy can really help. My spouse will not go to counselling and I have been working with a therapist to help me look at myself and the relationship. It has really helped me, in terms of thinking about what I want to do with the relationship.

    Couples therapy can be helpful and might be worth a shot before ending the relationship. Your spouse is human and can change. She just needs to be willing to do so and commit to doing the work. You can make it a pre-condition for moving ahead with marriage.

    It may very well be that you should exit the relationship, but I would advise seeing if she will change first. She may be taking advantage of you, but there could also be issues with communication, complacency on her part (especially if it is a learned behavior), or issues that you are not aware of.

    Not being willing to go to couples therapy or communicate and address relationship issues is a point where many people decide to end relationships.

  16. Leave him. You will be more hurt seeing him spend time with the mum of his baby and watching him raise a baby with someone else. Not to mention you can never trust him again. You will also have to be around the baby, which while innocent, will be a consistent reminder of his cheating.

  17. You can't save her, you can't fix her, you can't do anything for her. You aren't qualified for the help she needs. Let her go. I'm speaking from experience. All that would happen is she'll drag you down too.

  18. So why did you think he would change once you moved in?

    You used to tidy up for him but I bet he didn’t thank you because he didn’t care about the mess so didn’t appreciate it.

    Now you’re just carrying on doing the same – and guess what? He still doesn’t care or appreciate it.

    Your 3 choices are

    Keep on doing it and put up with it.

    Stop doing it and put up with living in a shit-hole.

    Move out.

  19. I would not count on a major slip up, or him to have the good sense to shut it down in a way that is satisfying. I wonder if his mentioning you might mean he is a little bit aware that she goes and crosses lines and is a reminder in a way without being confrontational? At any rate, this is YOUR marriage, and I don’t think you should sit around letting it fester, or allow these games to go on. Instead I would write a list of all the inappropriate behavior she does. I would sit my man down and tell him that I know he assures me that I have nothing to worry about, however, that is besides the point. Even when I don’t have to worry about him, that still should not mean that I should be made to tolerate unacceptable, and inappropriate behavior from any women he deals with, as I consider it a disrespect to me personally and my marriage. Then I would let him know everything that bothers me, yes, including the “cuddle bear” comments I saw when I was on the computer. He can fuss that you snooped but oh well; besides you both have the same password and can look any time you want. I would ask him to consider the same thing if it was a co worker man towards me. Even if he does not have to worry about me going for the guy, that still should not mean he should have to tolerate that kind of disrespect.

    As for her, I a, not sure I understand why you think you are forced into doing anything alone with her? Unless she is holding a gun to your head that makes no sense to me. You are well within your right to not want to be friends with your husbands co workers, especially ones that flirt with him. You can easily pick up the phone and cancel telling her that you do not think that is a good idea. Or any reason you say. Or you can decide to go through with it, and use the time to have a discussion with her about the way she acts with your husband and that you would like it to stop. You are not cool with it.

  20. I’d be mad too if you were always doing what you wrote in this post.. no one likes someone constantly talking shit about their family. Stop picking fights

  21. Have you taken the love languages test together or did you just do it on your own? If not, just do it together and find out his.

  22. Do you guys share a room? If not I agree with a fan and maybe one of those diffusers with scented oils.

  23. Why don't you write a list of pro's and cons. See what it looks like on paper and whether it adds up. But I can't see how you can get past a blatant lie, denial and refusing to apologise or take responsibility.

  24. Thank you for responding. Like I don’t even know how to do an Excel spreadsheet or anything. I freeze up when I’m asked to do anything on the computer. My ex kinda kept me in the dark about stuff, by paying all the bills and everything. I got married very young and I just lost out on stuff. I’m so lacking in knowledge about tech that I don’t even know what I’m missing, if that makes sense.

  25. Good riddance. It hurts now but you will grow as a person from this and he will be stunted and immature forever.

  26. Didn't need to read the whole thing. He has trained you to behave how he wants to protect him from taking responsibility for his actions. And because you are tired of fighting, you just let him do it.

    Never stay with someone who would call you names and treat you with such disrespect.

    Love is not enough to make a relationship work. You deserve better.

  27. I would definitely take this to the therapist. I'm sure he was supposed to write a list but probably more about himself or realistic goals. Not just OP being his bang maid & mom. Honestly though, this kind of list (and OP's replies) would make me leave and get a divorce.

  28. Well we started dating when he was in high school 17 and I was was close to my 14. so idk it looks bad but he have never hurt me in any bad way.

  29. I don’t think it could have been more evident. I brought up my relationship several times throughout the night, was bringing a gift for my partner back to my room when this happened. When I could finally speak I told her my life is over

  30. I think you might be having some sort of midlife crisis. The age gap between you is not that massive at your age.. in 10 years you will both be 10 years older and everyone around will be 10 years older so there will be single women your own age too. You are not the only person aging, everyone is.

  31. Go do that then. Stop inflicting your insecurities on woman for having hormonal mood swings that you’re making into your problem.

  32. “She has always been in conflict with her family” here you go sir that's the answer you needed, she doesn't know what a family is she never experienced one to begin with which she may be the reason or not I honestly wonder how you managed to stay in relationship with someone like her

  33. Yea I hear you, and I’m aware.. but it pushes an outdated stereotype.. any conversational situation that signifies low or high functioning levels of autism isn’t something that’s.. okay to perpetuate.. like it may have been, but we’re growing and learning.

    “A touch of the tism” is cute and seems like it’s not harmful but that implies the person just has a touch of it.. so how should someone with a “full blown” case feel.. it is a negative and can be hurtful to people and since it’s been proven untrue. I once felt and said this way but some kind people explained how I wasn’t looking at it correctly and how I was being hurtful, possibly unintentionally but still.. I was happy for someone to help me with this awareness.

  34. But you're not with him so it doesn't matter what he chooses to do. Consider yourself lucky you were broken up when he started that rubbish.

  35. After OP expanded on what the woman does and says, yeah she absolutely is rude, when I made the original comment I thought she only mentioned Jesus on passing comments, but OP added some more of her behavior towards her, and I agreed that she is a special kind of terrible.

  36. An apology is meaningless if he keeps doing it. The fact that this has come up “countless” times means you shouldn’t listen to his apology. An apology doesn’t mean that everything is fine and you can’t be upset anymore—he’s being manipulative.

    I wouldn’t be with someone who so regularly pushes your boundaries.

  37. More like who spends years and 3 notebooks writing down their sexual fantasies all centered around one person?


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