Sabi-Ryder on-line sex chats for YOU!

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48 thoughts on “Sabi-Ryder on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. You back your husband. You have his back. Not hers, not the bullshit friend. You back your partner, he would do the same for you.

    You signed up to grow old with him, just him. Tell him everything. Have his back.

  2. …or she was just closeted, like so many other gay people before they find the courage to come out. And her fear of being honest has finally been overtaken by her desire to be real. She literally could have gotten knocked up by anyone if all she wanted was kids…

    What she has done to OP is terrible, but it is a giant leap to conclude she was just using him all these years.

  3. Wow, this is a really naked situation to go through and I’m sorry that this is happening right now. It’s important to respect your wife’s sexuality and boundaries, as hot as that will be. It doesn’t mean you can’t both be on good terms. You have children together so she won’t disappear from your life but it will never be the same like you said. I don’t know that couples counseling is going to be feasible right now. Individual therapy would definitely be something you could benefit from, specifically grief counseling. When your life is flipped upside down, figuring out what to do next can seem impossible. Do you have a good support system that you can turn to? It’s going to take a long time to heal. I wish you the best of luck

  4. Mmm ok?I’m sorry you think what I’m saying is dumb that’s just a sign of your level of intelligence and me putting my own two cents in an app designed for people to put their two cents does not mean it hit home, let’s put on our thinking cap next time baby, and I’m good on the prayers love, I don’t accept that shit from idiots, good luck tho

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  6. Lol you say one of the examples I said wasn't in the OP scenario (I was giving an example of broken trust) and then go on to make up some random scenario… Got it. You read between the lines a lot, idk if you realized that. I never said just go straight for a divorce… In that type of situation they would need better communication. If you're treating your partner like that of course they're going to have doubts about you. Cheating isn't the only issue people go through in relationships. If she brought it to his attention that he was acting cold to her and he didn't apologize/work on it, then yes their relationship would ultimately suffer. You can't just go around treating your partner like shit, and expect them to just take it. If he didn't agree to address the issue, or possible solo/couples therapy then I would suggest divorce. If one partner doesn't want to put in work (which relationships take a lot of) the other one doesn't have to just put up with it, and suffer.

  7. You didn’t prove any point. Your solution to not signing one paper is signing another. It’s a repackaged marriage. If you’re trying to escape any 1950’s dream, then you didn’t.

  8. I does to some degree I suppose just some things I can’t do being a felon.

    And I’m certainly not hoping anyone will fell bad for me, I fucked up and even though it was a long time ago and I’m not that person anymore this is still karma. Is what it is I guess

  9. Honestly bro, you will never find someone who is 100% on the same page as you. Everyone is different. There will always be some things that you agree on, and some things you don't. No relationship or partner will ever be a perfect fit, and navigating those friction points is an important skill to learn.

    By what you've said, your partner has been open and healthy about this, and she's respected your boundaries. She doesn't consider this a big deal, and she's happy to move on.

  10. That sucks man. Tbh anyone who “dates” casually has been there. Just take a shower, maybe relax and meditate a bit and then next time you know what to do. This is one of those “only make it once” type of mistakes. Unless you actually want to in the moment, you can say no.

  11. I didn’t see love for me in his eyes

    To love someone, you need to know someone. You have been “dating” for three months and have never met face to face before. He doesn't know you.

  12. Trauma (physical and psychological) in a developmental phase like childhood can permanently mess up your brain. I study forensic mental health and a lot of people have brain injuries, frontal lobe issues, no impulse control, emotional dysregulation. I like to believe people can change, but personally a history of animal cruelty would be a deal breaker in terms of friendship for me.

  13. Rolling your eyes is “rude” but it’s also a nonverbal communication that adults use with one another all the time. She’s not your kid, she’s allowed to roll her eyes.

  14. Sounds like he wanted the same closure you got when you texted him. Now you both have the closure you wanted and can move on.

  15. I only read the title. Don’t think I need to read more The answer is no and I’m honestly a bit surprised you have to ask

  16. How come any time there’s a wedding post everyone goes from zero to 100 on the drama scale? I’ve never seen anyone in real life do anything like that. If I heard someone had made a condition like that leading up to their wedding I’d think they were nuts. And I would think loving your partner and marrying them were more important than ultimatums about an asshole brother you only have to see every once in a while.

  17. I don't think it'll be rude. You are paying for your therapist, either with money, or with time. If it's not working out, I would say something like:

    “I'm sorry, but after 7 sessions, I don't think this will work out. I'll like to try another therapist”.

    Remember, you have the ability to decide what you do with your time, and nobody else (including therapists).

  18. I agree. The fact in 3 years the words “Shaun's ex wife” was never mentioned by any of his friends or family either is a red flag too, like he actively told them to lie on his behalf and they complied.

  19. The biological Father has every right to know they have a child.

    The child also has an opportunity to have a relationship with the biological Father.

    Your boyfriend doesn't get to decide here. He needs to step back in line, regardless of how much he wants the kid to be his.

  20. This reads like these internet sex stories written by teenagers. It doesn't even have a single capital letter n the beginning of sentences for authentic experience.

  21. I'm not trying to prove my boyfriend has any “wrongdoing.” What I'm trying to say is, I accidentally saw his social media post looking for a home service massage with a female and he's alone in the house.

    Like I said, it is not an issue for me as long as I know it beforehand. He's been massaged with a female before this and I had no issue with it. But in-house massage with a female and they're both alone in the house WITHOUT ME KNOWING just hurts my feelings.

    This wouldn't be an issue if he communicated it with me beforehand. But I had to find it in his social media post like it's a secret? It just hurts my feelings.

  22. If you're really going to marry this woman you better get ready for some serious drama. That guy is telling you up front that it's not worth even fighting for his son's last name with her. Her response to you not wanting him to take your name tells you just how bad this is going to be.

  23. Please find someone safe to stay with and break up with him. It doesn’t matter how long into the relationship it takes him to start the abuse, it matter that it’s started at all.

  24. That's definitely what happened. Dad thought that girl was just for OP to be dating and having fun. Now dad either wants OP to concentrate on law school and thinks she is holding him back, or thinks she is not good enough for him. Small chance for it to be a ln obscure and weird third reason, but those are the two likely reasons.

  25. Spare yourself the 25 seconds of mediocrity and lose this dude's number. A guy who can't respect when consent is withdrawn is not worth having around. This guy is irresponsible as hell and has some questionable fixations. He's bound and determined to baby trap someone, don't let it be you.

  26. He lied/cheated (maybe physically but at least emotionally). We messed me around for 6 months whilst living with me. Got back together. I developed low self esteem. Someone was there for me and in a way I repeated what he did to me except I was honest about how I was feeling and didn't lie, and we broke up.

    Yeah we have been together since young so has been a huge amount of time growing up/learning. He's a great person despite the issues we had.

  27. Your post history isn't matching up with what you're saying. You're cheating on her, can't decide whether she's your wife or your girlfriend and can't decide how long it's been since you had sex. Has it been months or years?


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