Personally, I would get a lawyer and start the process of splitting the house asset we bought together. One of you needs to buy the other one out, or you sell the house and split the profits because that isn't how you react.
He will ALWAYS pull the “get out” card, you aren't safe and secure with someone like this.
What you did was an accident, caused by him leaving his phone in the bed. You apologized but his reaction was to throw something at you which resulted in the breaking of an item. I don't care how much he was in pain, his first reaction is violence.
I don’t know if it’s her own guilty conscience coming back or if she really doesn’t trust me.
She is trying to even the playing field from being the shitbag in the relationship, you would obviously find neighbor attractive and would cheat if you could, so therefore.. she's convincing herself you'll cheat of you could so she can sleep better at night feeling less guilty and more justified.
That said…
PPD does not cause or excuse cheating.
You believe that because you NEED to believe that.
I am so sick of women getting a pass for cheating because of their hormones or some ridiculous bullshit like that. it's either hormones or their man didn't do something for them in some way or they felt neglected. (but when a man cheats he's just shit, no valid “reasons”)
None of if it an excuse, NONE of it. and I am willing to bet that while she feels guilty, she actually believes it's not her fault. Her guilt lays not in the action and decision making but in failing to get help for her mental status and if you cheat, you'll be on the lower moral pole.
Let's also not forget she left her CHILD. Did she go to the hotel bar expecting to get aid, or was it happenstance, did she think she was coming home but the guy was so great a 14 day fuck fest was needed?
When you cheat on someone, especially a spouse, you do not love nor respect them, period.
This is abusive AF, on his part.
Personally, I would get a lawyer and start the process of splitting the house asset we bought together. One of you needs to buy the other one out, or you sell the house and split the profits because that isn't how you react.
He will ALWAYS pull the “get out” card, you aren't safe and secure with someone like this.
What you did was an accident, caused by him leaving his phone in the bed. You apologized but his reaction was to throw something at you which resulted in the breaking of an item. I don't care how much he was in pain, his first reaction is violence.
You expressed your upset with how he’s going about it, and he gaslit you. He’s now affecting your health, as that is giving you BV.
He does not care about you, he should not be having sex with anyone let alone you. Time to move on from this relationship.
I don’t know if it’s her own guilty conscience coming back or if she really doesn’t trust me.
She is trying to even the playing field from being the shitbag in the relationship, you would obviously find neighbor attractive and would cheat if you could, so therefore.. she's convincing herself you'll cheat of you could so she can sleep better at night feeling less guilty and more justified.
That said…
PPD does not cause or excuse cheating.
You believe that because you NEED to believe that.
I am so sick of women getting a pass for cheating because of their hormones or some ridiculous bullshit like that. it's either hormones or their man didn't do something for them in some way or they felt neglected. (but when a man cheats he's just shit, no valid “reasons”)
None of if it an excuse, NONE of it. and I am willing to bet that while she feels guilty, she actually believes it's not her fault. Her guilt lays not in the action and decision making but in failing to get help for her mental status and if you cheat, you'll be on the lower moral pole.
Let's also not forget she left her CHILD. Did she go to the hotel bar expecting to get aid, or was it happenstance, did she think she was coming home but the guy was so great a 14 day fuck fest was needed?
When you cheat on someone, especially a spouse, you do not love nor respect them, period.
This is insane.
I definitely don’t want to drop by, even though SO keeps bringing up the suggestion lol.