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19 thoughts on “ROXYTRISTA on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Because he's stupid, it was a mistake and he was drunk, and he wasn't thinking, and he didn't realize what he was doing, and she came on to him, he didn't think that you guys were official yet and she's only a friend, I can add more when I remember more! I would be off again permanently and leave him in the dust!!

  2. I'm giving him space. It may be one sided since he blocked me. He seems like he's afraid to feel anything or maybe he's just not into me lmao

  3. Please don't drink or eat anything he prepares for you. Especially if he prepared it alone and is insistent you do. It's too easy for him to drug you and I know this is a known tactic of sex offenders.

  4. Hello /u/DBroonie,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  5. Genuine question — how much do you understand/know about the medication process for depression/mental illness? I’m wondering if your girlfriend has let you in on what it’s been like/what her doctors have told her.

  6. Hello /u/lighteningboltnatgeo,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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    Posts must:

    include details about the involved parties including ages, genders, and length of relationship, and

    request advice in real situations involving two or more people

    We are enforcing the two rules listed above by making all titles start with ages/genders in the following format:

    [##X][##X], [## X][## X], or [##-X][##-X] where ## is the age and X is the gender (currently M, F, T, A, NB, FTM, MTF but more can be added). You can have more than two ages/genders listed, but you must have at least two at the beginning of your title. Here is an example:

    [34NB][88-F] We are two people in an example post

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  7. One advice for calculating rent.

    Take into account how much money each of you make. Combine them and calculate her % of the total income, for example, you make 100 and she makes 50, so her contribution is 33% (50 of 150)

    Then calculate the rent in a scenario where you were renting a house for the both of you if you wanted to online together (not necessarily your own house, although it probably is a good approximation ), plus average monthly utilities . Imagine 50.

    Then a fair contribution would be to request her 33% x 50 = 16.6 in monthly rent.

    I would update if figured earnings and expenses change.

    It’s fairer than requesting a normal rent as she wouldn’t move out if it wasn’t sharing with you. Also, I believe it’s fair that contributions in a partnership are proportional to the income. If you are uncomfortable with said idea, I believe it’s too early to move together. Which probably it is anyway

  8. There is a behavioral issue that correlates with the age gap, though.

    He looks down on you, demeans you, and gaslights you by constantly sharing his “wisdom” on how you should do things because he obviously knows better than the little girl.

    And you are 100% turning a blind eye if you claim your communication is good.

    Also, your therapist is either a hack or you're not telling her things as they are.

  9. There’s a few things to think about here. First, it’s normal for you to be excited. It’s your first relationship. You’re not inherently crazy for having these feelings. Just about everyone does. On the other hand, something like 2% of high school/early college relationships make it through college.

    But like anything else, there’s exceptions to every rule, so you shouldn’t just assume the worst, otherwise what’s the point? Anecdotally my high school relationship ended within a month of me going away to college (I’m now happily married). On the other side, my younger brother met his now-wife at 15 and they’ve been together for 17 years. So it certainly happens.

    We only know what we know at the age we’re at. It’s why I give advice on these subs, because I’ve been through it all and learned from it. I’ll argue to the death that most long term relationships and marriages end due to people recognizing incompatibility early on but forcing the relationship anyway until they can’t anymore.

    So the first part of my advice is to take a step back and be honest about the situation. Are you compatible where it matters? Are there red flags you’ve brushed off? Are there issues that haven’t been addressed? I’d there are any negative answers to these questions then it’s certainly likely that this relationship will end sooner rather than later, and it should.

    If, however, all is good, then don’t self-sabotage. Don’t just assume the worst. All that can do is create problems, and then your resulting breakup will become a self-fulfilling prophecy that you brought on yourself. So in saying that, don’t create problems if they don’t exist. On the other side, if there are glaring issues staring you in the face, don’t ignore them either.

    Relationships are a leap of faith. Maybe it works. Maybe it doesn’t. Let the actions of the relationship dictate that. Separately, make sure you have a life outside of him. Independence is important and healthy in a relationship. That means time for yourself and with friends. Again, I get you’re excited and want to spend time with him, but you don’t want to become codependent on him. Good luck.

  10. When I was in nursing school, many of my colleagues would express anxiety and fear, “What if I can't do this? What if I'm bad at it?” I would always say “Think of the worst experiences you have had with nurses. Can you do better than that? How can you not do better than that?” And it would make ppl feel better bc with minimal effort, you will not be awful at nursing. And there are so many truly awful nurses out here, it's pretty easy to not be one of them.

  11. Well, he has to get help for his anger, and if he doesn't you have to end things. He's your son's male role model. Do you want your son to turn out like his father? Tell him his anger is hurting you, and you need him to get help, or the marriage is over. Then, follow through. He should be willing to get the help he needs, if it means losing his family. If not, he is not worth being with.


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