RayanaRobinson on-line sex chats for YOU!

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26 thoughts on “RayanaRobinson on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. He's the one who is lying. Obviously no one is the keeper of what everyone thinks.

    The one thing you don't have to accept is remaining in a marriage you're not happy in.

  2. Even if you were both having sex or both agreeing not to until marriage I don't think that's the main issue here.

    If the relationship has gone stale (i.e. not developing a stronger emotional connection, not progressing through personal growth and milestones together, not able to make solid plans for the future together etc) then I think it's time to call it a day. You might have reached the limit of what you're both able to offer to each other. You're clearly bored and feeling unengaged. If you had a deep connection you wouldn't be feeling like this. That's what makes people stay together after the honeymoon phase.

    Don't stay with someone and prolong the inevitable because you're not sure what else to do. Even worse don't stay with someone because of a sunk cost fallacy.

  3. She told you no more than once. Leave the woman alone. Life isn’t a romance movie where boy meets girl, loses girl and wins girl back. In real life the behaviour is disrespecting boundaries and stalker territory. Again no means no. Move on.

  4. Absolutely not, he’s not worth it and nothing tying me to him is worth it. The shock is wearing off and reading it back to myself again and again after typing it, the harsh comments. I don’t know why they’re upsetting me when they’re basically the same damn comments I’ve made to him.

  5. No, it’s his fault because he’s an ass. A man that loved you would have expressed it’s important for you to convert and stayed by your side and made you feel loved while you did it. I have a friend who converted for her husband but she didn’t do it until she was sure he was proposing. And he had never been anything but loving and stable. This is not on you. HE is the problem here.

    Find someone who doesn’t make you feel bad.

  6. This is a red flag to me and there is likely other behavior of his that makes you doubt yourself. Rethink this relationship asap

  7. Even if he was the perfect partner, NEVER buy a house with someone you aren’t married to. You and your credit will be tied to him forever. And this man is a disaster in every way. If your sister thinks he is so great, she can on-line with him. Put your children first and dump him. Spend your money on your kids, not this deadbeat.

  8. There are plenty of professions that would benefit from a random new location every 6-24 months. Fixtion author is one. New sights, New customs, New inspirations.

    Some people have jobs that can easily be ported about: restaurant servers, bar tenders…

    Others have jobs where location is irrelevant (computer jobs, home based customer service)

    What I'm saying is that you may find someone who upon hearing you are moving will say, “I've always wanted to go there. Is there room for me?”

  9. In some states you cannot get divorced while pregnant and even with a paternity test saying otherwise, the man the pregnant person is legally married to is legally the father of the baby when it's born (and 'man' here is intentional, the laws are very messed up).

  10. Can I ask what his financial situation is like? To me it almost sounds like he’s jealous you have enough money in your account to not notice a monthly charge. In any case in this post and previous posts he does not come across as a very nice person.

    I do however recommend that you consider checking your bank accounts at least once a week to make sure you don’t have any fraudulent charges.

  11. Well OP is the one asking for advice. If she was here posting her side everyone would be telling her the same thing. What exactly is your advice to him? To wait for her to communicate? Not very sensible is it?

  12. Telling them the truth is not parental alienation.

    I'm NAL but the OP leaning in on how before they were born the father didn't want them and denied he got her pregnant reeks of parental alienation, especially if she says those things without context and as a way to sabotage any attempts he makes to have a relationship with them. To be completely honest his comments don't really matter with respect to him reaching out to get to know kids he didn't actually know existed.

    But honestly you owe him nothing, he lost all rights when he denied they were his from the beginning.

    It doesn't work that way.

    My big question is who OP put on the birth certificate.

  13. Get a personal therapist and also a lawyer. This is something you guys can reconcile. She does not want to have sex, you do, and that’s something that clearly isn’t going to change. No amount of counseling is going to get her to commit to treatment for her condition and then suddenly starting to agree to penetrative sex. Get out of this relationship.


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