Princess Tiara on-line sex cams for YOU!

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47 thoughts on “Princess Tiara on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. The easiest way for this not to feel like a chore for her is to stop asking.

    If someone kept messaging me, expecting me to tell them who I was with, what I'd had to eat, where am I, blah blah blah they'd get dumped. It's the type of thing insecure or possessive people would do and nobody wants to deal with them.

  2. A.I think he thinks you are lying about being abused …

    B.I think he may be on with the idiots who doesn't understand consensual sex and rape.I think he may be uncomfortable with the idea about you being not a virgin.

    C.I think he is not able to cope with it in the immediate time .

    For the first : it's not your fault but he may not believe you Choices: 1.Tell him how shit you felt and just make him believe (again yo are victim and it could be traumatizing to recount it but if you want him in your life and you believe he is worth it then share both bad and good things with him.) 2.leave him

    It's up to you and both choices are right.

    For second: for me , nonconsensual sex means you are still virgin but he may be those guys who are hellbent on any sex makes you non-virgin and he doesnt want to have anything like that . Choices: 1.convince me and make him understand 2.leave him

    It's up to you and both are right choices depending on you.

    For third : he needs time . Choices: 1.wait for him and be understanding 2.leave him

    Both are right choices depending on what you want.

  3. It doesn’t fucking matter. He deliberately kicked a kitten, PERIOD. Could be any animal and you’re a fool if you think he wouldn’t do it again. NEVER LET THAT CAT BACK INTO YOUR HOME.

  4. He doesn’t “have” to do it. He’s choosing to do it out of love and appreciation for his partner.

    We all do things we don’t really feel like doing because they contribute to people or ends that are more important to us than our feelings. I think this third headspace is indicating that, while he doesn’t feel like having sex, he doesn’t feel a strong desire to NOT have sex.

    I’ve had sex plenty of times because of my love for my partner, rather than my desire to have sex. I’ve also said no to sex plenty of times because of my love for myself. Compromise is crucial to functioning relationships. ??‍♂️

  5. If you constantly turn someone else's complaints about what they feel is wrong in a relationship and deflecting it back to it being their problem it is a form of abuse. Sure it's not physically abusive but it is emotional abuse and gaslighting

  6. If the woman is reading this you're in the wrong for buying another man gifts they have a crush on it's not okay you know that the rest of it's fine but buying a gift for another man who you have a crush on and invalidating your fiance feelings you're the wrong for that like I also don't think he would have had a problem if you haven't taken it that far

  7. I don’t think any doctor would ever specifically “advise” to withhold this type of information when it puts someone else’s life in jeopardy. It’s unethical. Your boyfriend is absolutely lying about that.

  8. This isn’t about the watch or money!

    This is about her not being a cheerleader for you.

    Female here, the watch would not have value to me either as a goal, it’s a trinket. It’s a status symbol trinket.

    A commercial pilot makes around 100-200k before taxes and living expenses. That’s a nice comfortable middle-up middle class salary. You will have to live about 1hr max near a main hub where cost of living is higher. Investment in real estate is great, but you will have to take less of a profit because you will be gone flying, so that will take time to build.

    So my suggestion is if that status symbol trinket is going to motivate you then make a deadline goal of when you are going to buy it.

  9. Text her a long thought out apology, offer to fix all design issues with the nursery and let her know that you will never do this type of thing to her again.

  10. Fr ☠️ whether their iCloud’s synced up or more,,, gross things are going on, I don’t want to know. I’ll just log off now

  11. I bet if you really look back over your time together, your boyfriend probably orchestrated your isolation from friends.

    Maybe he was sad and pouty when you wanted to hang with them instead of him. Maybe he made you feel guilty. Maybe it was more subtle.

    Healthy relationships don't involve stopping contact with your friends. Friends can drift apart over the years as loves get busy, people get married and have kids etc but that takes way longer than 2 years and you generally stay in touch here and there.

  12. All of these things are necessary if you’re going to be successful in life, OP. You clearly need some professional help to get you through this difficult time in your life. YOu need a job that will put food on the table and give you somewhere to live. And you need to pursue things that you’re passionate about in order to stay sane and engaged in life.

    Also, you are too young to get married, and until you’ve dealt with your depression in a meaningful, lasting way, you’re not in any condition to get married either. Get therapy, and please don’t get married until you’re both at least 25.

  13. She sent him a text later saying she was ok with the club but not with a lap dance. Basically a “looking is fine but don't touch” arrangement. He disregarded that.

  14. Batteries last between 3-5 years, and the new model year starts showing up on dealer lots in late summer/early fall, i.e. there's a very good chance OP's car was built in 2018. 23-18=5.

    It's not that it sounds like it, it's that there was a very basic chance that it was based on general automotive knowledge, particularly so if OP lived somewhere cold that's harder on batteries.

  15. Agreed.

    OP, your mother sexually abuse(d/s?) you. You do not owe her anything, just cuz she's your mother. She doesn't want you to be happy in a relationship because he will show you what a healthy upbringing should have looked like and you'll push her out.

    Which is what's happening. And needs to happen, you need to break free from her.

  16. Your husband is an idiot. Have him read what you wrote. Your friend did not choose to be in an open marriage. She has a husband who cheats who she has no desire to cheat and she hasn't cheated. She may be thinking about a new relationship because she knows her marriage is over. She did the kind thing to stay with her husband instead of letting him reap what he sowed and be living in poverty right now and with no one to take care of him while he recovered from his accident which was due to his own cheating ways and fault. I'm assuming his parents are deceased and he doesn't have any family or friends who would have stepped up to the plate to help him. she's gone above and beyond considering the circumstances. And your husband is judging her? He's telling you your marriage is over if you stop having her as a friend then you definitely need to reevaluate your own marriage. Kind of makes me wonder if your husband is cheating and he's just trying to make you not think about any inconsistencies there may be in your own marriage.

  17. She should give him all the space he needs. He can have his computer and his hand (it’s not his libido) and she can find a partner who desires her as much as she him. Win win.

  18. This ongoing consensus that we can’t possibly be partners just because we’re not currently living together is crazy to me, I expected more intelligent discussion from this sub for some reason

  19. D.I.V.O.R.C.E. Your husband is toxic, you are a strong and accomplished woman, your daughter is an empty slate, do you really want your husband scribbling his misogynistic views on that slate?

  20. You were not together when she did this.

    If walking away is easy than you are not invested in this relationship anyway. Break up and find that special someone to invest your love and time with. Going back into a relationship all the toxic parts will return, Just like old times.

  21. If she had giant balloon boobs that are clearly fake then I would agree, but the dude thought they were natural so that's clearly not the case.

  22. And also, communicate clearly that if he posts anything else ever again, your lawyer will have him. Because he doesn't sound like a nice person ar all but sounds more like someone to post revenge porn. Just a feeling I have.

  23. Talk to her about it – kind and gentile of course. Some people have trauma responses relating to sex and I’m sure her adversion if it had a deeper and more difficult source – that you’d want to know so that you don’t ever encourage an uncomfortable encounter for her. But ya sounds like you just need to talk about sex as awkward as it may be the first time

  24. She's lonely. Does she drive? Perhaps you can help her find fun activities. Is there a Senior Center in her area?

  25. She was telling you, but you didn't have the same understanding, for it meant exclusive for her, keeping her option open. Sorry, mate, just move on

  26. Yes definitely. Idk why people think there is no problem in it just because you are only fucking. It’s creepy and disgusting either way

  27. Thank you for your words! It means a lot. My parents and siblings are trying to help me see this was not good for long term and I dogged a bullet if we had gotten married. I am very much into love and love fully.. hopefully one day I’ll find someone who gives me the same in return

  28. Didn't list one since a “standard” of doing paternity tests removes the whole asking for it = you don't trust me downside. Hence why it was a gut reaction, since it's normally associated with mistrust/cheating accusations that when unwarranted destroy relationships

  29. This is why people need to be the first one to get the truth out. Too many people believe the first thing they hear that sounds plausible.

    Do you have any evidence?

    What happens when you try to reach out to set the record straight?

  30. At your age being offered a job with enough seniority to be offered a relocation package is a pretty big deal. As you likely have another 30 years of work picking the right role to set you up for future job growth is very important.

    On the flip side finding a spouse and raising a family (if desired) is also a big decision and is very challenging.

    The only question then is this the guy? Do you know you want to marry or commit to him? If not take the job. Don't let some temporary fun and puppy love derail a very long career ahead.


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