PIA STONE online sex chats for YOU!

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37 thoughts on “PIA STONE online sex chats for YOU!

  1. Nobody said communication isn’t important. Read what I’ve been writing dude. Reading comprehension is an incredibly useful skill

  2. I do this! It sort of works, but I resent the emotional labour of it. But maybe that’s ok, because he gives back in other ways.

  3. Yeah you should listen to your wife. This person literally means zero to you and your spouse should mean everything.

  4. What I’m getting from this is that you got into a relationship with one person and knew what to expect and when this person decided to change that up you more than likely felt like you had to go along with it. You are flat out being used to bank roll this transition. If I was you I would end the relationship now and warn them that if they don’t pay back by x date you will take it to court. You both knew it was a loan so the courts would see it as such and they would have to pay for their own transition. You deserve better than this treatment and you shouldn’t come second to facilitate for the feelings for them.

  5. hi, i just want to say as another disabled person, i think it is entirely fair to be extra worried about this for two reasons.

    1) it seems like there is a chance there could be some attraction to suffering here.

    2) you are reliant on him for literally everything. you are incredibly vulnerable, you are at his mercy, and he could hurt you badly even by just ignoring you. i have very personal experience with this.

    your disability has an impact on this situation entirely separate from the kink and i’m worried people are not considering that in their advice to you.

    i think that it is worth safety planning, and asking a family member or friend if you can stay with them for a couple of days. absolutely no need to divulge your private life, but you could say there was a disagreement or an issue with some accessibility feature in the home being broken.

    i just want to emphasize that i would try very very hot if at all possible to talk to a trusted third party before you engage in a conversation with your husband. a therapist who could make a safety plan with you would be great.

    there’s a good chance that is over preparing, but i know that with my circumstances, i would much rather be too cautious than be trapped in a vulnerable situation. hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

  6. I agree and too be honest, I wouldn't confront him without confiding to someone in your support system first, like a parent. Being severely disabled can be trapping to you if you decide to confront him and he decides you can't leave or make decisions for yourself, leaving you in an abusive situation with no way to get help.

  7. How many more kids do you plan on having? Did you want another kid?

    It was really irresponsible not being careful about birth control given how long you've been together with this guy and the fact that you already have 3 children.

    Abortions are way safer than putting your body through nine months of organ rearrangement and hormones followed by the expulsion of an eight pound organism through an undersized orifice.

  8. I didnt read whole thing. 3 week old baby is nuts, it sucks. Her hormones are completely effed, def could be PPD, but u cant go in there saying u have PPD – take pills woman!! U just need to be there. If she wants to see therapist, let her, sounds like she needs to vent hugely. If the therapist any good (first one isnt always the best one) then therapist will likely realize it. U as well see therapist separately to provide your side. In time, both of u go. Pumping out a kid seems easy for some and so very not for others. Any grandparents around or does she have a someone a sister or friend that can watch baby for an hour, if only so that u both can get an extra hour of sleep? Got a fat, bearded dude friend who loves babies? – bring him til she trust him (scuze this stereotype, i know what i know, santa?). She needs u even tho shes not saying it. Just be there. Hopefully a therapist can bring you more towards eachother. Some people make it look easy, a lot of babies can be easier, mine were not, i pulled my hair out, punched walls, threatened to leave etc etc etc. It gets easier, therapist good. We are all doing the best we can in a difficult situation. Stick with it, my hubby did, now i am a soccer Coach and couldnt be prouder, me and hubby looking forward to hopefully coaching baseball together in Spring.

  9. At 23 you’re basically still a child (there are exceptions but if you are dumb enough to get baby trapped by a 36yr old woman) then you ain’t it.

  10. thank you for this reply. thank you for not attacking me like most did, and calmly and clearly explaining yourself. i agree with most of what you said, i now see that i'm the problem and i want to work on myself. for me, and for my relationship. i don't think that breaking up is a solution right now, maybe i will consider asking for a break. either way, i'm realizing how much i'm hurting him and i want to fix that

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  12. What exactly was the need for a prenup? You weren't getting engaged or buying property together. So what was the rationale here? What did * you* tell yourself that explained signing such a document? You keep saying he made you do it. That's not true. Did you ask all relevant questions about this? This alone contradicts everything you said about “sitting yourself down and reevaluating”. It seems you just went along with something that you didn't fully understand.

  13. I don’t think the world is as black and white as you make it out to be. How do you know someone will end up resentful? Maybe they’re adults with communication skills and they can, oh I don’t know, talk it through and grow stronger from the whole ordeal?

  14. “that i'm too emotional, that i think there's two 'captains' in a relationship and he doesn't have any control over his family”

    above all else, i am SO sorry you're having this experience. i hope there are some sweet baby moments of brightness amidst the rest of it, but your heart, body, and brain have gone through a LOT the past few months, and you need to prioritize your own healing and peace. please, please try to do that

    reading your post i felt sad, worried (there are tons of stories on here about dads/fiances who panic around baby or health scares but ultimately “come to their senses” and apologize, so i didn't know if this would end up being one of those at first), and curious about what was wrong, why he would do that…

    the answer is, he's the problem.

    if you had gotten married, he would've had to commit himself to support you “in sickness and in health”. he's literally already shown that he wouldn't do that, for you OR the child you share

    i think you have a LOT of legitimate reasons for being “emotional” lately. i also think based on this post that you probably handle them more healthily than he does (read: experiencing them, not running away to “mom's”)

    i noticed in another comment that when you asked if that's where he really was, he accused you of looking for problems “outside the relationship.” OP…i'm sorry, but that isn't a “no.” and even if he isn't cheating…his treatment of you is a problem INSIDE the relationship, so no matter what he's deflecting instead of communicating with you

    lastly… relationships don't have “captains”…they have partners. willing adults who care and do for each other mutually

    why does he want to “control” his family? why does he think that's important? what does he think it means?

    answer: there is none. no good one anyway. he does not want to see you as an equal, he wants to control you, he doesn't want to care for your child, he finds your emotions and expression of them witht he person you're meant to trust the most inconvenient

    i am so, so sorry that you're in this position

    but also grateful you have the chance to start anew without worrying about annullment or divorce as well. again, the whole post was iffy, but those last few lines…especially if he's said anything like that before (but tbh, in these internet manosphere times of ours, even if he hasn't)…not cool. not what you want for you or your kid. im so sorry, i can't imagine how you're feeling. genuinely wishing all the best

  15. I came here to say this as well. If you weren't explicitly clear on the fact that what mattered to you wasn't simply having the watch, but buying it yourself, then she likely believed she was doing something really wonderful

    It's unfortunate if that wasn't communicated, but that's not the same thing as her actively scooping you on something that she knew was really important for you to purchase for yourself. You can still be disappointed, but you should definitely also be grateful, which it sounds like you weren't

  16. By his own logic, since you are moving in together there is no need for him to have his own space either. But from what you’re saying your BF doesn’t want to live with a partner, he wants a live-in maid and cook he can have sex with whenever he wants without having to pay for it. I would seriously reconsider moving in with this person.

  17. Thanks. I have never been pushy about it. Only have asked about it maybe three times in our relationship. But I think I will take this approach when I feel the time is right.

  18. I do see what you’re getting at. I think I’d be more open to simply discussing the issue and giving him another chance if this was only the first or second time something like this had happened, but unfortunately, it isn’t. I’ve had to educate him on social injustices (not limited to just sexism) multiple times over the course of the year, and it has been extremely draining. He justifies his position by saying he is contrary and likes to play devils advocate, but honestly, when certain groups of people face more discrimination than others on a regular basis, I think such an approach is inappropriate.

    Somehow, your comments have made me realise even further that I can’t accept this kind of behaviour from someone in my life. I’m sure there is a woman out there for him who will put up with these comments without a fight, but that woman isn’t me. And I’m glad it isn’t.

  19. My mom and I are super close, but I never tell her anything that could negatively impact her impression of my fiancé. She doesn’t see him as often as me and has much less to judge him off of. That kind of stuff leads people to question your relationship. Respect the privacy in your relationship he asks for. He probably cares about you and doesn’t want your family to think badly of him/not approve of him.

  20. Yeah that's definitely NOT normal.

    If it was his kink I'd leave his ass…no way in hell could I have sex with a guy who couldn't get off with me unless he pictured someone else. It would make my skin crawl everytime I tried to let him touch me.

  21. Put some numbers on it. With him, write down all the chores that need to be done every week. Then decide how much time each chore takes every week. Be sure to include his job as that's work too.

    Pretty him chose what chores he prefers as long as the amount of time you both spend is roughly equal.

  22. Child > wife. You created her, you are responsible for her. If your wife can't accept that, time to move on.

  23. Tell him to go stay with his sister then. Fuck this guy he is putting smoking over the health and safety of you and your child. If he’s this irresponsible now imagine when kiddos old enough to get into his stash – you know he wouldn’t take them to a hospital out of fear to protect himself.

    What good does he bring to the relationship?

  24. Yep, the idea that people just glossed over point 3 is wildly ridiculous to me.

    That's not normal and not to be ignored.

  25. That is unacceptable. That is theft of your property. Your husband being jealous of your cat is a red flag. I just lost my cat best friend of 15 years and if my husband had given him away, I would 100% divorce him, move away, and never look back… Once I got my cat back of course.

  26. Everyone’s advice is awesome. My only add on would be to take a look at a tik tok couple who’s whole page is based on being Polyamory. I personally had a very neutral opinion until I came across their page and I now understand it more as a monogamous person.

    Their tiktok is @Danaandthewolf


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