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38 thoughts on “Petite-devil-18 on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. I had a similar situation where a friend who I considered my best friend had a baby and I wasn't picked as a godparent. The people they did pick I didn't think they were close to – one was here on a student visa and had gone home to her country and to my knowledge has never met the child in person. It massively affected my friendship with her – clearly she was closer with these people than she was with me, she was my best friend but I wasn't hers etc. I feel like if she valued my friendship she would have mentioned it to me ahead of time – she obviously had her reasons but if she at least communicated them to me I would at least have a chance to understand.

  2. Nothing you can do.

    Her decision to deal with it this was shows how immature she is, especially with regards to relationships.

    I also would put money on her ‘Poly’ relationship having already started before she contacted you, and she was looking for a way to legitimise her cheating. I’d also put money on that if you had of been interested in it, that she’d be very jealous of anyone you went with, and your relationship would have ended anyway.

    Take some time to process everything, then find yourself someone whose values match yours, and will love and respect you as you deserve.

    Oh and if she comes crawling back because she’s realised that a stable loving relationship is better than what she ends up with (and is drowning in debt) shut the door in her face.

  3. “NEWS: So, I confronted her. She said that she just needed a bit of time to recover after the fact that her ex texted her after all he's have done to her”

    Do you know what means this right? She is testing the waters with her ex, you are the second option now.

  4. Sorry I should have mentioned she's not replying to any of my messages either, I've reached out to her father and all his response was he'll ask her and see.

  5. Maybe he is concerned with the relationship you have with your friend. Some girls think kissing is harmless fun. Some might think think kissing and showing tits is cheating.

  6. I was you when I was with my first serious girlfriend, it ended up ruining the relationship. I still think about that girl a decade later and how I ruined something perfect over such a petty reason, the most frustrating part being I now don't care how many previous partners people I date have because I realise I was just jealous and insecure.

    Don't let that become you, stop hating her for something she can't change. If you honestly love her and want to make things work consider talking to a professional and dealing with your jealously and insecurities at the cause.

  7. If he isn’t willing to put in the work to correct his with couples counseling like you want/ need then no. There is nothing on your end you can do.

    Firstly, I’m sorry that this is happening. No one wants to go through this, and I’m sorry he isn’t taking action to correct his behavior.

    Of course he doesn’t want to go to a therapist. A. He would probably be called out on his bs B. They hear lies all the time and are pretty good lie detectors so he would have a very hot time continuing what he wants to do and keep the relationship C. He would have to deal with a lot of feelings of guilt, embarrassment, and shame.

    So the choice that he has is, either do therapy, or the relationship ends now as far as I see it. Even with therapy it may not work out long term. But the willingness to try would be a great sign he has some remorse for his actions at the very least.

    You know what to do. It’s very hot, but it’s harder to stay with someone who treats you like this long term. I promise.

  8. If we're acting like I'm some child for not getting my way when in reality I did get my way, then let's clear up that they did not do what I wanted. (My issue isn't that I “didn't get my way,” but okay.)What I asked for was that they put some of their own effort into this task. In my opinion, this is a typical relationship goal, not too much to ask. We've had conversations in the past about taking notice of things, making notes, and setting reminders. They, once again, waited until the last minute and expected me to do more work for them, so they could be relieved of the burden of gift-giving. By coming to me at the last minute, they've let me know that they've put in zero effort so far. So…why bother? Don't. I'm not mad that they followed that advice. Why can't they follow any other advice that they ask for?

  9. It’s like he can’t handle that you might require more care than him. It’s childish, and I get your frustration. It would drive me up the wall… and you’re sick each time he does it, so you have to manage his whining and feelings when you should be actually recuperating.

    Honestly, the simplest way when you feel better (and I hope you feel whole and recovered soon!), just straight up show him this post. Let him see how ridiculous all of us think the behavior is and take it for there.

  10. Thanks for the response, I will reflect on that. When I say ups and downs, I mean that this wasn't the only time that the breakup was in the table. She already brought it up some times(not in the same context, but It is likely that I caused the situation) but we stayed together solving the conflict. Reflecting on what I am writing right know, it looks like it's not the first time I overreact over something like this. Any tips about overthinking and overreacting? I feel like I hurt her a lot and I truly feel bad about it and I wouldn't like to repeat a situation like this

  11. She just said it makes her feel a bit bad, and after I said as a joke it is like a marketing strategy (as an obvious joke i put some emojis and stuff) she said its a bad strategy, after which I said I didnt mean anything bad by it and thats it.

  12. yeah the age also plays apart.. from OP replies etc she sound more like early 20s instead a an expected mature person..

  13. The housework is not a problem. I do a lot and I do it because that is maintaining a household. I brought it up because she feels loved when I cook every meal and so forth. She appreciates that I do most shopping. She expresses gratitude and she is happy. I am of course happy when she is happy. But, she has no need to touch me, to hug me, to initiate sex. I need that. If she would cook one night I would be happy of course but I wouldn’t feel loved, she feels loved when I carry that load. Do you see the difference? Do you understand why I brought up house chores? We have no problem there. When I bring up intimacy she will admit that we need more of that. If she gets flustered and wants to argue she will bring up old grievances that really has no place in that discussion and these grievances always show up when she wants to shut me down. Some old economic situation that is overplayed and other stuff like that.

  14. Like I said before this is a decision you will have to make either wait till marriage or you gonna have to end it. If you really love her you wouldn’t mind still going to the hotel and just cuddle knowing that sex will not happen. At this point their not to much advice Reddit can offer because this just comes down to either are you willing to wait or not.

  15. I think just the act of asking her to take a paternity test. Might scare her away or wake her up to the possibility that it might not be yours….

  16. Man idk regardless of age I think advising someone to obtain a lawyer in this situation is insane and a waste of money.

  17. Then maybe he’s simply not fixable, but at the very least the two of you are not compatible right now. End it. Move on. It’s hot to end a relationship with someone you care about so much, but right now he’s being borderline emotionally abusive, and he CERTAINLY doesn’t care about your needs at a time when you need him most. Good luck to you.

  18. Well I told him previously that I was going out with friends, then later texted him that I was running late and I'd call him when I got home, but he called me like three or four times and then when I got home and called him back he said it was suspicious behavior.

  19. At some point you're going to be expected to change, and it will be you that will have to change. She's not going to. So you'll either have to legitimately change, go through the motions and pretend you changed, or end things

  20. Am I weird in that I don't expect anniversary gifts? We got married on New Years eve so appreciate having a special day together so much more.

    Look, sit him down and it's not about the cost, it's the thought that counts. However, you've got to appreciate that it's 3 gifts in a short amount of time. He warned you he wasn't going all out and went on auto pilot to get you a plant… again.

    How about giving him a suggestion like earrings? I know you like surprises but he's in need of a bit of guidance to fulfill your love language.

  21. If you can admit that you were planning to break up with her prior to this pregnancy, do not continue dating her or pretending you’re happy. You’re going to grow resentful toward her if you don’t honor how you actually feel, and could even grow resentful toward your child. My Dad wasn’t ready for kids but married my Mum after I was accidentally conceived, and abused me my entire life because of his own inability to be up front about his feelings back in 1991. Also, you deserve to be happy, dude. Don’t just “go through the motions” because once a kid is here and the stakes are high, it’s going to be much more complicated to break away and pursue the life you actually want to be living.

  22. You are someone she has been dating for less than a year. She was with her ex for 4 years. You seriously don't see the difference?

  23. To be clear, I don’t really want to be with him anymore. It’s enough watching him abuse our dog and having to with his manic highs and lows where he goes crazy or gets severely depressed and sad. Yet I still have to have a smile on my face at all times. I don’t really have anywhere else to go, but I’m hoping at least I can get copper to a better place.

  24. Thank you. Your compassion and understanding thank you so much. I am nervous about all of this. And yeah I now see red flags better. Some green ones I see as red too tho

  25. You, your fiancée and your friends sound like garbage toxic people that need way too much attention and energy.

  26. Honey, the reason he's with you is because you're young and inexperienced enough that he could groom you. Women his own age would laugh in his face.

    The quickest way to develop an aversion to something is to have too much of it. Try a month of eating nothing but chocolate, and you'll never touch the stuff again. He's selfishly “getting his” and playing with your brain like a toy and ruining something that should be a joy into a chore. Guarantee you will HATE giving head in about 3 months. And you'll hate it forever. Don't let him ruin this for you. His demands are bullshit

  27. Then the question is why isn’t he putting in this effort to be attractive to his wife? Men are always on here complaining about “dead bedrooms”, meanwhile they’re whitening their teeth and getting tans to look good for other women.

  28. There’s a difference in having a past vs doing porn for anyone to see. You’re such a fucking idiot!

  29. Did she tell op about the pregnancy right away? Or did she tell him in November that she tested positive back in august?


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