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4 thoughts on “Perrlla live sex cams for YOU!

  1. How long have you been dating? Has she acted like this from the beginning? If not, It may be that she senses you’re pulling away and she’s striving for closeness if she feels something may be missing between the two of you.

    Or, it is her way to manipulate and control you.

    Either way, it’s not normal, and not okay.

  2. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    We knew each other in college, and messed around (not exclusively) for about 2-3 years. A year and a half ago (over a decade later), we reconnected, and pretty much immediately picked up where we left off, but older, more mature. We had both been abstinent for various reasons for at least a couple years. I didn't want to go on birth control, as the hormones mess me up. He didn't wear a condom.

    My hormones have never been “normal”, and my cycle anything but regular. I haven't been on any form of birth control since 2015. I honestly thought I could not get pregnant. I've wanted to be a mom since I was a little girl, but gave up on those aspirations a long, long time ago.

    A year and a half ago, we had a conversation. If I gor pregnant, I would get an abortion. He remembers this conversation as very black and white; I remember it more as “we will cross that bridge when we come to it”. Either way, I honestly did not put much stock in it- I truly thought I was unable to become pregnant, due to my health history etc.

    Well, here we are. I'm pregnant.

    As with any big thing, big feelings are being had. I am overwhelmed- elation at the revelation I can conceive; joy that this man I have loved for 15 years is the other part of it; fear about the future. He is overwhelmed with emotion as well.

    I want to keep the pregnancy.

    He feels that I have betrayed him, that I am not keeping a promise I don't remember making in such black and white terms, that he cannot trust me anymore. That we cannot even be friends anymore, because of how deeply I have hurt him.

    I never thought this could happen. It feels like a miracle to me. It feels like a life sentence to him.

    I am devastated at his response and reaction. He is leaving for a month of work in another place. I'm worried he won't come back after this job.

    I'm worried that even if I do abort now, our relationship is not salvageable. Nothing will ever be the same.

    I don't know what to do.

  3. The person who's not gonna do (not help, that's his daughter too) his part of the job doesn't have to dictate anything on the matter. Period. If he wants to have a say he needs to call the parents, do the activities, take the food, entertain the kids, clean the place after … Otherwise he just shut up.

  4. He may have a kidney/bladder issue. Not all of those are full of overt symptoms. Could he be dehydrated? That adds to it, for sure. I'd suggest going to the doctor for blood work and urinalysis, just to be sure. With kidney issues, your whole body can smell of urine


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