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8 thoughts on “Perla-wilson1 live! webcams for YOU!

  1. Does he only like photos of female friends or does he generally like whatever comes up on his feed? If the latter, he's just using social media like a normal person.

    i have better things to do then scroll and double tap people i know & their selfies

    Most everyone has better things to do than be on social media at all, it's not exactly known for being a productive use of time. I have better things to do than scroll cat videos on Reddit but alas, I often choose the cats.

    If you want someone who doesn't use social media at all that's your prerogative (though very unusual these days), but if this is just an insecurity thing I'd try to work through that because someone liking their friends' completely innocuous photos is not something that should be inspiring jealousy.

  2. You were the only one uncomfortable, literally no one else would care. Esp since this was at a wedding event, you don't need to care about this

  3. What are you talking about? I think OP has every right to have his boundary, just as she does. You all are ridiculous, we all have our right to our own boundaries, including me.

  4. The cognitive dissonance it has to take to write an entire post about how much of a deadbeat loser your partner is and then post it on the Internet to ask how you can stay together is insane.

  5. So…I'm wondering some things about your MIL. You said this isn't new behavior for her. What other similar things has she done regarding your wife or any of your wife's siblings?

  6. Regardless of what he says, he cares. The boy definitely cares. How could he not? Nobody likes to be made to feel “less than” and that's exactly what your wife is doing. But he also doesn't want to be the cause of fights either.

    You didn't say how old the boy is or what caused him to come to live! with you, but I don't imagine that it was all puppies and rainbows. And now you're caught between a rock and a nude place. Let the matter drop and you're going to hurt your son…who is probably in a vulnerable place right now. Try to get your wife to stop, and you may end up messing up the family you made in between when you made the boy and when he came to live! with you, I don't envy you in the slightest. There's no completely right answer.

    But one thing that you may want to remind your wife of is that this isn't the 1950s. Everyone has a past…and some of those pasts contain children. Unless you were cheating on your wife with the boy's mother, nobody is going to think anything…except that the stork didn't drop you off on your wife's doorstep, fully grown and with a career. People can do the math. If your wife is so shallow that she thinks it's acceptable to try such a hopeless deception…or maybe it's that she thinks her friends are stupid enough to fall for it…then, yeah, she should worry about what people think. Because they will figure it out…and that's the blowback she should be worried about. People don't like it when their lied to like that. It's guaranteed to make her the talk of her social circle…and beyond.


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