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44 thoughts on “PatriciaCox live sex cams for YOU!

  1. She said she wasn't mad and that she just couldn't have feelings towards someone who she sees as a brother and that I mean a lot to her.

    So, I'll start here. She handled this very well in my opinion. Showing emotional maturity and validating your emotions while letting you down gently. Of course she still wants to be friends with you as that's how she sees your dynamic. You're her little brother.

    That was like 2 months ago, a few days after that we just stopped talking completely

    I feel as though this is missing something, yes it is a two way street, but has it always been you that has enthusiastically started conversations with her, was she trying to give you space until you sorted your emotions out? Adult problems are sorted out by being adults. Your phone works two ways.

    “what the fuck is wrong with you, do you wanna explain”, and she just said “you're nowhere to be found”

    As your post states you're “literally dying”

  2. LOOOL i’m aware that this is a bad thing that definitely needs to be discusssed but i have this problem of always looking for the good in people and forgiving them. I just don’t know the boundary of when to leave and when to stay..

  3. Please tell me this is sarcasm. If she abuses and neglects a puppy, what do you think she’s going to do to a baby?

  4. This is not either a safe nor a healthy relationship for you. You told him NO not once but multiple times, and he forced himself on you. That is rape. It doesn't matter what you wear or if you were sexting all day. Him getting angry and blaming you is just a massive sign flashing in your face to get the hell away from this guy as fast and as far as you can.

  5. Honestly, knowing what I know now, I’m shocked I survived childhood fairly unscathed. I remember my grandmother and my mother both giving me very hot tauties when I was sick and rubbing Southern Comfort on teething gums. By the time I was 12 I was given small glasses of wine, pap’s homemade super dry and VERY strong, for holiday dinners. Living in the US it’s definitely not legal, even if it is in other countries. I shudder to think of what I don’t remember.

  6. I've been talking about it for over a month. It's been ten years. He knows anniversaries, birthdays and holidays are very important to me.

  7. This will never get better. Postponing your WEDDING of all things just showed your fiancés brother he will always get what he wants (just because he refuses to believe doctors no less) and he will continue to do this. What happens when you have a baby? Will your fiancé still drop everything for him? It’s time to think about ending this relationship because unfortunately you will never be a priority.

  8. Consider it a blessing and a sign to GET OUT of this relationship! Your fiance will always put his brother before you. It's scary and wrong that he takes your medication and wants to give YOUR PRECIOUS PETS away to him.

    Something is very wrong with their dynamic and you need to get disentangled from him and let him clean up his brother's mess on his own, with his family.

  9. Whatever your fiancé's family are doing isn't helping his brother. They are enabling his behaviour, and your fiancé himself is stealing from you (giving him your prescription medicine? Is he for real?) and allowing him to disrupt your lives repeatedly when he is justifiably ignored to allow you to have your own space and online your lives (you should not online in the same apartment building).

    If I were you, I would go on the vacation with my friends and probably postpone the wedding indefinetly until you see concrete improvement.

    (Your fiancé not enabling his brother and keeping some sort of healthy boundary with him).

  10. Your feelings are justified. She and her friend are gross, crass, and immature. Next time she asks your opinion on another woman, be sure to ogle and wolf-whistle.

  11. If he moved to be closer to you, this is not going to go well. Can you imagine if you relocated your life and then the person decided to take a break from you? I personally would dump that person.

  12. Your first 2 or so lines tell the story, long distance, strict parents.

    There is nothing you can do to make him feel more loved, the issue is right in front of you.

  13. Young people do dumb stuff but maybe stay friends, grow, on-line and experience life a little. You could always get back together. You don’t need to be in a relationship. Just my two cents.

  14. Choking someone isn't the first time someone has been violent. He's obviously been violent in past relationships. You're in denial about how dangerous he actually is. Don't deflect, or downplay it, by saying you were being annoying. There's absolutely no reason to choke someone, ever. You need to leave now before the abuse gets worse. The articles you read are correct.

  15. urgh, the sad truth is even though it's a troll it happens all too often in real life and that is a really frightening thing. every parents worse nightmare… a part of me is glad it was just a troll, but still frightening that this is all to real or a situation…

  16. it has already erased all traces of you because you face it every minute

    you are not thinking of divorce

    you should go on like this

  17. Be safe. Tell someone where you are and who you’re with. You’ve got this and you deserve better, you are not weak and you deserve privacy. Love doesn’t make you feel like you’re being cornered. ?

  18. I married someone with major mental health issues, he eventually left me then drank himself to death. Mental health and someone NOT taking care of their health is very much a reason to part ways. She tried, sounds like. And wanted to see if you would take care of yourself but you didn't and she made a really mature and healthy decision. I'm not trying to kick you when you're down but you know how you said this was the healthiest relationship youd ever been in ? A lot of that was her being healthy, exemplified by her trying really very hot and seeing the red flags and knowing it's time to part.

  19. I really do. However, he couldn’t maintain an erection and it makes me feel like my body wasn’t enough.

  20. Do I understand right that the only time you get to do your hobbies is when he is home and that is never on a fixed schedule or for a large amount of time?

    If you do have the ability to go out independent of your husband then if he is ok with a housekeeper as long as you're there then it should be fine right? Don't really know what your day-to-day life is but maybe the housekeeper could come by and do all the house except the kitchen and you meal prep during that time so you have healthy things ready to go. (just an example to address his nitpicks)

    If you don't then I think that's a problem. Sure, you agreed to take care of the house and children but if you are not allowed to do anything for yourself outside of him being home caring for the children I think that is unreasonable.

    Second, you mentioned in another comment how you feel you'd be shunned by others if you divorced him (specially your parents). If those friends shun you for divorcing so you are happier they are not good friends. Also, your parents divorced so they shouldn't get an opinion on it either. Related to that, you can ask in a different reddit or read on-line but lots of kids wished their parents divorced when it was clear they hated each other. Not saying that's your situation but staying together doesn't automatically mean your kids are having a better life than if you divorced.

    Finally, I think that you are being a bit very hot on yourself for the whole “I agreed to do this”. Are a few PB+J sandwiches damaging to your kids? No. Is an occasional dirty dish making the house horrible? Probably not. There are levels to taking care of the house and children and I think just because you agreed to it doesn't mean you agreed to basically become the perfect (possibly unachievable) mother who does complex meals from scratch for each mealtime and cleans the house spotless every single day.

    Last thing actually, maybe you could attend therapy (virtually I suppose) to see if they can guide you better through what you are feeling and help you get to a place where you are happy.

  21. There you have it.

    After a petty argument I try to apologize to my boyfriend right away letting him know I’m upset about something else and just snapped on him.

    Try to work on apologizing right away and forgiving right away. Not holding on to the anger or the incident. That will help for both of you all. Did you all start martial counseling? Counseling really helps and also studying religion today and going to church.

  22. I can understand it, lying is an awful thing to do a. I wouldn't assume they all women though, I'm sure there are plenty of bitter guys too 😀

  23. You need to stop blaming your wife for your actions. You keep trying to say that you lie because you want to avoid conflict and your wife is very forceful making you give up doing things you love. Well, what games has she forced you to stop? What activities did she have issues with? I'm being there is a common thread to all the issues she's had with your hobbies and choice of friend.

    You have to acknowledge that at least on some level you KNOW going out on lunch dates to private museums and shutting off your phone while spending time with another woman is wrong. There is a reason you lied, and I doubt very much that it has anything to do with your wife's forceful personality. You said yourself that your wife knew about this friend and you have spent time with her together so why suddenly lie? Why did you think your wife would be bothered by you hanging out with a known friend? I think you know and I think you are in denial about your feelings for this other woman. I also think that's the real reason you are so hesitant to distance yourself from her because you are having an emotional affair. The sooner you can admit what's really going on here, the sooner you can get therapy and fix your marriage.

    Individual therapy first then couples therapy; you have to end this dynamic you and your wife have before your lies destroy you both.

  24. I'm calling bullshit.

    I don't believe for a second that he's paying his own mother market rent for a condo she owns.

  25. Well it is a fling and feelings and fun are fine. Just don't create some unrealistic fantasies and keep your expectations low. If you accept it is just a short term thing and he going to be gone, then it isn't an issue. But if you are the type to imagine ideal scenarios in your head then well you are just setting yourself up for disappointment, even though you know reality won't be like that. It is all about the expectations you set. When you were expected to win a million dollars and only win 100 then you feel heavily disappointed. Whereas someone who expected to win nothing will feel good about winning that 100.

  26. He wants you be to there for him when and how he wants, and not there for him when and how he wants, and your feelings won't matter that much if at all. Sometime he will do respect your feelings, other times he will not.

    If you can do that, fine, but of not it will be hell for you. If you have feelings and want more, he is not going to respond to that.

  27. Your family and her friends have spent 4 years coddling them and neither she nor the kids are any better off, are they?

    All of you tried being nice. You tried giving her good advice. She didn't want to listen or take the advice OR she didn't feel like she could because of her husband (emotional abuse, enmeshed with him, co-dependency…IDK).

    Tell your sister she has got to get control of her life as an adult. That means a job (or maybe 2 of them). Her kids are depending on her. Tell her she cannot rely on her husband financially so she better start feeding her children herself and putting a roof over their heads.

  28. The “right thing to do” is to stay in this mess with someone who described you as someone who is awful? You need to really reassess your sources of advice, because with respect they sound like idiots who are more wrapped up in tradition and appearances than what’s right for the CHILD involved here.

  29. I don’t know what to do about it but I do know it sounds like he’s being overly clingy wanting to be there to make sure you’re not cheating. I think that’s one of the main or only reasons he’s obsessed with being along with you. Yikes.

  30. IKR? No way in hell would I let another man bully me like that. That to me is the most telling part in this whole story, is that OP lacks a backbone and self-respect and never believed that he was good enough for his GF.

  31. Where did she meet him? Dating app? Maybe ask her boyfriend.

    Just being on a dating app suggests she has an unhealthy need for male attention.

    Validation should come from within (not from guys). She needs therapy.

  32. I am drained…and avoiding what is probably the smart decision. I’m a hopeless romantic and have been obsessed with my wife forever…I love to make her laugh, to romance her, to challenge her, to be her ”one”. She’s been mine. This hurts immeasurably and I haven’t quite come to grips with losing my lover and my best friend. There have been a few harsh responses here toward me or my wife. I have no hate toward her and I’m quite secure as a man, happy and confident in who I am. I’m frustrated that it felt our lives were finally becoming ours with grown kids…We had a shared vision and I’m likely faced with starting over. It’s quite shocking to go from the excitement or growing old together to pulling the proverbial plug on the relationship…


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