OnikaTanya on-line sex chats for YOU!

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16 thoughts on “OnikaTanya on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Don't worry about it….the guests have the best time. No planning or organising for the bride and groom…and when you get there, you just drink, dance, eat and have a blast!!!

    That's if you're invited of course

  2. Super duper naive of you to think you're absolutely going to marry this man after knowing him for such a short time. I was head of heels for my fiance when I met him five years ago but a few months in I was absolutely not certain that we'd end up married. This 13 year old knows better than you that this relationship has the potential to fail, that's wild.

  3. I’ll be honest with you, I don’t think you’re their friend anymore and I doubt you will be again. As you know, this was a significant boundary that you rammed your way through when you confessed your infatuation to Clark. Time heals wounds but nothing is ever the same as it was before injury. The best you can hope for is that with time and space (please give them space, OP), y’all can create a new normal. Tbh I won’t be surprised if you’re soon cut off — I say this so you can prepare yourself and not be surprised when it happens.

    Consider therapy: clearly you need to work through some things. Wishing you better days ahead.

  4. Some people are more emotionally sheltered than others. Most women aren’t to full maturity until 25-27.

    Yeah, she knew her involvement with this guy was wrong, but she was still susceptible to emotional pressure and manipulation. What if she hadn’t at least humored him, would he have removed his financial support from her grandmother while she was dying?

    The power dynamic here is too close to abuse for my comfort and you keep trying to say that she could have walked away at any time. She might have, but her grandmother probably couldn’t. And sometimes we make bad decisions when our families need us.

    I remember being 23. My stupid decision was to date a co-worker. Lesson learned, moved on, grew up. This is exactly when she is learning and making mistakes. That is also why predator like this guy aim for women under 25.

    They are much more vulnerable and people like you have decided that they aren’t children anymore so they don’t deserve even the consideration of not being an asshole over the internet. She is the one living her life and we can’t know what kind of struggles she has faced.

    We don’t know how he has been manipulating her, but we can see that she was a vulnerable young woman who had little to no support system and certainly no one to tell her to get the f away from this guy.

  5. Well the result of sex without protection is often pregnancy. If you don’t want a pregnancy then use protection such as birth control and condoms?

  6. 7 years and you think it s going to change?

    He doesnt have to marry you, everything is just perfect for him.

    The bigger question is WTH would you want to marry him?

    Girl its time for YOU to change something here.

  7. If this is real, I'm going to be as kind as I can. If he wanted you, he would be with you. It makes absolutely no sense that the only reason he hasn't persued you is because he's now a father. He's had years to persue you and he didn't. He's just not that into you.

  8. Not on this scale. Dating a divorced woman with multiple kids and chronic illness is not the way to start your life as a young adult, no matter how much fun she is (or used to be) in bed.

  9. Mom be like “oh that dear girl! This can’t be true! I’m going to call her right now and clear this all up!”


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