NINA online sex chats for YOU!

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41 thoughts on “NINA online sex chats for YOU!

  1. She couldn't stay faithful to you for even a month after your wedding. I'm gonna go ahead and say its safe to assume that this isn't her first time cheating, though she'll likely not admit that.

  2. During one of the most difficult experiences one can face, he has proven that he is not a supportive and loving partner. It does not seem worth salvaging imo based on the information provided. That fact that he has been violent and locking you outside in the cold, is completely over any line that should be drawn.

    Please call someone you trust and find somewhere safe to stay until you can retrieve your things and then begin your healing. So sorry this happened to you.

  3. I think that you're right. But why would he first tell me that he's done with him after 9 pm? And why would he tell me he would text me at 6,7, but he didn't? This is so disrespectful for me and my time. I will ghost him for 2 days for this

  4. Hi OP! I know you’ve gotten some good answers already (& some…less so) but wanted to chime in because I didn’t see the one I was thinking of.

    One of the simplest ways to get used to a change like this is to practice! You could try talking about your partner to other people who know them, talking about them to yourself out loud while you’re alone, writing about them in a diary, etc. & it may help you internalize the wording changes more fluidly.

    I can definitely understand it being difficult to flip that switch, so to speak, especially when it sounds like you’ve both been hand-waving stereotypical gender roles in your relationship. I’d also second the comment that said to try sitting down with them to ask what all they might envision changing in your relationship, if you haven’t already, & also that it eventually should start to “click” more naturally. I literally came across some old gaming notes with a good friend’s deadname on it a while ago & couldn’t for the life of me recall to whom it could possibly be referring, lol. You’ll get there 🙂

  5. You asked her to go, she said no. End of story. You made other plans which you are allowed to do.

  6. You can definitely find a man who is kind, funny, not a bad person, AND cleans up after himself. He’s 33, not 13. This behaviour is unacceptable. You can’t even stand living with him for 4 years consecutively, what makes you think living with him indefinitely will make you happy?? He’s also refusing to improve ? it’s intentional quality

  7. Thanks for your reply!

    You've made a good point and I've been thinking about this as well.

  8. If you value your “career” more than your relationship, then go ahead. Grab that career but before you do, let her go. She deserves better and i can promise you. She will be happy again without you, it might take some time but she will.

  9. How it begins is how it ends, and you already know he cheats. You’re intoxicated by him and hooked on him. You need to cool your jets by reminding yourself a zillion times a day that he’s a cheater who’s going to hurt you.

    Want better for yourself, for a relationship that is more than FWB.

    Or, you can continue with this infatuation and becomes the future ex who texts him while his current fuck buddy is with him.

  10. yeah, no.. It sounds like he's either got hella anxiety and uses any little thing as an excuse to cancel plans, or he's just a little bitch who cries at any inconvenience. I wouldn't want to be with this dude. God forbid yall get married and decide to have kids. He would be a dead beat dad because he wouldn't be able to handle his child crying. I say he needs to go.

  11. Affairs are not only physical. They can start as emotional affairs, or courtship even. That's up to you if you want that, but it does create an atmosphere of distrust.

  12. He’s being shady. You shouldn’t even have to ASK if you can be your boyfriend of six years’ date to a wedding. That is literally the rule and expectation here. He should bring his girlfriend. And HIM saying YOU’RE manipulating him to go to something you socially are expected to be doing??? Like you’re in the wrong?? He’s gaslighting you.

    He’s either involved with someone who will be there or he’s bringing someone else. Even if not, it’s horrible he wouldn’t want to bring his partner as a date. None of his excuses make sense whatsoever. Just dump him honestly. This behavior shows his true colors.

  13. So from what I gathered from their first texts she came on to him. He was like how old are you? She goes just turned 18 last week And he’s like oh shit I’m 30 never mind Then she’s like well we can still hung out as friends Then 3 months into texts she’s referring to him as her boyfriend

    But as a 26 year old I couldn’t possibly imagine hanging out with someone that’s 18, what would we even have in common. I mean I think the weirdest part to me is that he went to prom with her.

  14. Her father taught her well. I’m glad she decided to leave. You are obviously the one at fault unless you try to convince yourself the majority of people on Reddit are all like your ex. You certainly have a lot of grudges against your ex and it’s not healthy.

  15. It's so strange that her daughter paid for extensive renovations but was expected to vacate. I wonder if OP's ex did things “out of spite” in response to OP's oversized entitlement.

    She couldn't afford a car but expected get daughter to upgrade hers and play chauffeur to unwanted guests that kicked her out of her room? OP is on another planet.

  16. Especially because they were lying and admitted they can’t afford to buy the car back. Car is also daughter’s passion car she has modded out over the years.

  17. He’s only dating you because it gets him near your sister and it’ll mean his kids still have her DNA

  18. She can't withdraw all the money from their joint account. Judges don't like that. She needs consult with a lawyer and do what they say.

  19. Speak for yourself. I'm female and spend waaaaay more than my counterpart, and because I want to and don't mind. You've got some wild assumptions there, mate. It's not the early 1900s anymore.

  20. You make total sense and you’re correct. Also, you’re 33. Don’t let this vampire situation suck the life out of you. There is plenty of happy runway ahead of you, and you are at once young AND old enough to set the future on your own terms yet enjoy it. Do what needs to be done.

  21. OP it really does look like she cheated and either wants you to let it go or get her story straight with her friend. Especially since it sounds like for the past few weeks she was pulling away. It’s convenient that she’s been distanced from you until approximately the time period that the condom was used. Ultimately It’s your life but I would be investigating this. And I would tell her you need to be there when she confronts because if not how do you know she isn’t trying to cover it up.

  22. You’re never going to get your old boyfriend back no matter how much you may beg for it, you need to drop him and move on. Don’t associate yourself with people of poor character, you’re better than that OP.

  23. You're basically asking us to read her mind for an explanation of why she's stayed away from you. Obviously, Reddit can't do that.

    You're really young. A lot of time to you is not much time to someone my age. And my guess is that she's put the issue on the back burner because she doesn't want to face. That's just a guess, but regardless, your Aunt's advice is sound. Give her space and time. Eventually, she'll face this issue and hopefully you'll reunite.

  24. Girl are you serious? We don't fucking know you of course we have to compare your problems to other people how the fuck else is anyone here supposed to give you advice otherwise? Get over yourself.

    The problem is that you're projecting your insecurity onto your boyfriend. You don't want to act on the fact you've let this girl have power simply by letting her bother you years later to begin with so here you are being mad at your boyfriend over dumb shit. You guys aren't going because he set a boundary and made it clear he didn't want to be around that girl, so why are you even complaining right now? No one is going to look at this girl and be like, “oh wow you have all the POWER.” The fuck? No one thinks like that in real life. They'll probably just wonder what she did to fuck with you guys because if you've all been friends for years I'm sure your mutuals have some understanding of her attention seeking behavior at this point. She's not taking your power, you're giving your power away.

    In the mean time stop taking it out on your boyfriend. Holy shit, you're ungrateful. You asked, got sound advice, then argued. We aren't here to coddle, validate and comfort you and your projections.

  25. That's kind of what I'm learning…i got a new job that causes us to not really see each other much and I'm like wow it's so nice to be on my own and get to know who I am without him

  26. Timeline is right. I had to go to a wedding where I was the best man and she knew about that prior to us setting up the lunch date. I decided to reschedule because I had to show up to the event way earlier than originally told.

  27. This dude is completely right except for the part about men not being able to ” understand or abide by social appropriacy.” That first sentence completely skeeved me out.

    A. Men have no excuse for any of that shit. Be a good person and be kind.

    B. I'm pretty sure appropriacy is not a word

  28. I’ve been here. As being someone who has had to force someone to shower before going to bed after a long sweaty day at work or just for pure daily routine, then finding evidence that they don’t wipe properly either.. girl you deserve so much better. This isn’t your guy.

  29. Ok so let me get this straight a grown ass adult hands , beard , and face smells like his balls the balls that stink. And he then goes on to touch your hair , face , lips etc with this stinch on him. On top of all that he actually does this on purpose and goes out his way to fondle hisself and smell it. He washes yet he’s still stank after meaning you have deal with this stinch constantly. You told him about it and have done all the right things to address and fix it YET his response is you stink also meaning this isn’t something he plans on changing at all and finds nothing wrong with it. And you even went as far as washing this grown ass man yourself like a infant baby just to not smell it? And now its so bad that regardless of all your FAILED efforts to fix and address this with him which is the ONLY thing you can do to fix it you have to come to reddit and ask us to help u……?

    Be fucking forreal op what the hell do you think were going to tell u seriously? There is nothing left for us to suggest not like we was gonna suggest it anyways lol but still. All you have left now are two options….. deal with dating a grown adult that smells like sweaty ass and balls 24/7 and kiss, touch, and smell it while occasionally washing him like his mommy. ORRRRRR what we’re known for telling people on here LEAVE HIS FUCKING ASS like YESTERDAY. Your sex drive is going to continue to decrease your gonna start being more repulsed by him than attracted and it’s exhausting having to wash and baby a grown adult. Most importantly you’ve done all the things ppl do to handle these kinds of situations and its still not handled your options are now limited. Also be careful fucking ppl with horrible hygiene having a dirty penis go inside of you can REALLLY mess you up down there.

  30. “It is important for me to do this.”

    Yes, but it’s his birthday, not yours.

    If the trip is a total bust, that’s the risk HE takes by not doing it your way.

    But, it’s HIS birthday.

    If he thinks nothing much needs to be done, and it doesn’t turn out well, then presumably, he understands that’s the risk of being a self-reliant adult doing what he wants.

    Now, you need to figure out why YOU need to do this. A flop of a camping trip with friends is still a fun camping trip as long as everyone who shows up is willing to have fun.

    Different people, different priorities. Definitely talk it out with him to make sure there’s not more going on, but maybe before he gets back, ask yourself what value there is in having your girlfriend do something for YOUR birthday when she insists it has to be done HER way.

    I had a spouse who only gave gifts me he liked and approved of – sometimes I agreed, sometimes, I didn’t, but I always felt unheard, unseen, and secondary to whatever image he was trying to project while using his gifts to me to show others what a great guy he was.

  31. Does he actually use a wash cloth to actually scrub himself, or is he *only* lathering himself with soap and rinsing it off?

    As a guy, I didn't actually start scrubbing myself until like age 22. Then I discovered the magic of scratchy washcloths.

    I can't imagine ever going back to just doing a lazy lather. I use two soaps now: a normal irish spring for my whole body, and an orange Dial “anti bacterial” soap that I don't use daily, but I do enjoy giving myself a super deep anti-bacterial scrub on my feet like once a week that makes me feel comfortable.

    Also, this might be a thing related to either diet and/or genetics. If it's his diet, then he needs to eat better. Does he drink enough water?

    However, if it's genetics, then there's a chance that you and him are a little too genetically “similar”. I hope this isn't offensive, but are you guys the same race/skin color?

    Science has shown that couples that are too closely related (like brother and sister) can and will smell really bad to each other. Nature does this to avoid inbreeding. who knows, maybe he's a distant cousin of yours or something?

    Anyways, I wish you luck and I'm sorry your sense of smell is so good.

  32. If someone tells you they only want to be friends then they only want to be friends. Saying he has feelings for you but doesn’t want to admit it to you is likely you just telling yourself what you want to hear. Either way, he’s made it pretty clear he just wants a friendship – given your feelings maybe it’s kinder to yourself to put some distance between you

  33. I honestly thought about talking to her about the accusations but it wouldve caused a drift. My bf has attempted to talk to his mom but it just never goes no where and i pretty much gave up. Plus im trying to just stay away from any form of family drama.


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