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26 thoughts on “Nikkii-vega live sex cams for YOU!

  1. yeah, 'seeking justice' isnt calling your ex place business and trying to get them to listen to your tale of abuse, then assuming they will get rid of the person based what you say…but you go ahead and try that route, see how it works for you. Better have that gun ready cuz some abusive people wont take kindly to that and will come for you..Really, really bad idea on your part. Why don't you run this by tyour therapist and see what they think.

  2. When seeking advice, you don't get to choose what is correct advice and not. Your problems don't stem from you having a girlfriend who may or may not be drugging you. Your problems originate at drinking. Stop drinking, especially at your age.

  3. Yeah if she can't “control” herself and holds you hostage, stop going round to her house and tell her why

  4. sit down with him and have a conversation. it could be boundaries issue, it could be anything else, or maybe he just doesn't care about how you feel. discuss it with your bf seriously that whether he has any problem he's willing to talk about

  5. Seems very odd that this is only in public and even than sometimes happens and sometimes doesn’t. And she knew it was you. I mean this genuinely – does she have histrionic personality disorder? Borderline? That’s more likely to explain this as opposed to anxiety.

  6. Hello /u/clint_yeetswood,

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  7. You need to learn how to express yourself and your needs better.

    It really got to me yesterday as I was tired and starting to feel claustrophobic. I sat him down in the evening and told him that I felt the split in child care wasn't fair and that he was still living his life as if baby wasn't there while I spent all day stuck in one room.

    Just an FYI this isan attack

    I asked if he was having some anxiety, if he was struggling or if he felt like I was taking over and not allowing him a chance, but whatever it was I was willing to do whatever it took to get him doing more. Not just so I could rest a bit but because it's good bonding for him and baby as well.

    Then you doubled down and attacked him some more.

    He didn't take the conversation well,

    Of course he didn't

    I told him I in no way was having a go at him or trying to call him a bad dad,

    Yet that's exactly what you were doing

    I just wanted to have a calm discussion about it before it got on top of me and I ended up over reacting to it with being tired and sore.

    In the future plan out these discussions ahead of time until you get much better at doing them on the fly.

    You need him to step up more. That's what going on here right? If that's the case that's what you need to tell him. When you're making requests for more help it's important to make sure you are talking about yourself and what you feel and what you need. Don't start by attacking him.

  8. How even is this the same? 1. You asked ur wife first OP didn't ask his gf anything or just inform her he was going to text the ex about the dog. 2. You made a public post you weren't texting your ex privately behind ur wife's back knowing ur ex has zero respect for the woman you love. Or asking her for relationship advice on your marriage.

    That's apple's and oranges. If someone is being disrespectful to my relationship I'd cut them off toxic behavior is a detriment to any relationship. If i had an ex that showed my husband zero fucking respect you best believe i wouldn't entertain them at all. As i suppose you would want your wife to do aswell.

  9. You did make a mistake with the new person. I don't know if leaving the old situation was a mistake because if you were really invested it wouldn't have happened. He would definitely be making a mistake taking you back now, though.

    I'm not going to slam you if you met someone, realized you were falling, and broke up before pursuing this other person. Feelings happen, and the responsible thing is to break up rather than stay in your relationship and cheat physically or emotionally.

    But…your partner can't trust you won't do that again. And if there's no trust, then the relationship is doomed. At your age, if after four years you're not sure enough to not let someone you just met turn your head, you're not in it for the long haul, and he now knows that. Don't use his residual feelings for you to reel him back into a situation with someone who realistically is just going to hurt him. If you actually care about his wellbeing, and not just him as an object to give you comfort, then phase out of his life quickly so he can move on.

  10. Maybe try explaining it to her a bit like vampires.

    Vampires seem sexy in a TV show or movie. The idea of having a gorgeous vampire put their lips to your neck and bite.

    You'd never actually want to be bitten by a vampire though. What in your head seems really very hot, as soon as you think about it in real life is scary and disgusting.

    A 200 year old corpse is going to stick it's gross, old teeth (that it's stuck in hundreds if not thousands of people before you) into your skin. Then it's going to suck out your actual blood to eat it, digest it. It'll be horribly painful. A million times worse than a blood draw from a bad tempered nurse. You'd feel so ill after getting all that blood taken out. Never mind the fact that getting it forcibly sucked out would leave your neck horrifically bruised.

    Altogether the fantasy and the reality are vastly different and your brain knows that. If an actual vampire came up to you you'd be terrified and run.

    If some nude woman came up to you and wanted to have sex whilst slicing into your chest, licking it, you'd be horrified. You'd assume she was mentally ill or extremely dangerous.

    It doesn't sound like you're turned on by the reality of that act but the movie vampire version of it. It would be very painful and quite gross by the way you're describing it.

    Maybe that would help her understand and help you feel more relaxed about how you both see the discussion.

    It's even possible (with the percentages you mentioned) this is more like an intrusive thought than an actual desire.

  11. The details of the lie don't matter.

    He lied.

    Obviously context is everything – I wouldn't have the same attitude if you'd found out that he ordered clams linguini instead of the fettuccini alfredo as claimed. Nor would I say that it's a dealbreaker to run into someone unexpectedly and not immediately call your partner and tell them.

    This isn't any of that.

    This is a huge lie. And “I was going to tell you” is such toddleresque, piteous bullshit, even more insulting than the lie itself.

    No girl. No.

  12. This is absolute horseshit and anyone on Reddit who thinks this is real needs a serious reality check. The whole thing is painful to read. This is high level trolling shit but it’s a troll none the less. Wake up Reddit

    Troll today, gone tomorrow

  13. What do you want from him? Do you want him to not eat take out when you live! together? Do you think it will make it nude for you to stick to your diet or are you truly grossed out by people eating fast food? You need to decide what it is that you want before you know how to approach the conversation.

    As an aside: if you're going to ask him to not eat takeout you should prepare for some issues. He clearly has no interest in grocery shopping or cooking for himself so you'll need to do almost all of it yourself for this to have the potential to work. Also, this seems like a small issue but “what are we going to eat?” is actually a big issue that could cause big problems. Going from a ldr to living together is problematic but going into it with conflicts like this is a recipe for disaster. I'd suggest not moving in together yet.

  14. Sounds manipulative to me. She knows that you'll come running and I bet you start apologising too.

    Next time she does it, I would tell her to grow up and let's discuss the issue like adults. Don't go pandering to her tactics.

  15. For some every day, for some never.

    You have to find a compatible partner who is roughly on the same ballpark.

  16. She “claims?”

    Did she mention him or not?

    Do you know him or not?

    Did you any less tell her you're not good with it?

  17. No reply out of the blue when things were going ok seems really odd. I think you need to reach out. Good chance it’s a misunderstanding and he’s possibly thinking the same thing.


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