Remember that just because everyone is getting married or engaged or having a kid or buying a house or getting a new job….That does not always mean that they are happy. Not to be negative, but also you deserve to be with someone who wants you for you. Not someone who is only with you so they aren’t alone. It’s tricky because you’ve gotta put yourself out there. Accept that there might be some things that are awkward and uncomfortable, but you’ll get those parts. You deserve love. And there are other people out there who feel the same way. You will find each other.
Downvote me as much as you like but here I am, loving proof that sometimes it can work, and it’s not always some grooming situation.
I was 19 and mature, she was 26 when we met at a club. A drunken hookup. I assumed she was about 22, she assumed I was about 23… after a couple of weeks, I asked the question and we were both shocked. We stayed the course.
20 years later, two beautiful kids, two successful careers.
I’m typing this from a deck chair on holiday. Better to play with my family in the pool…
Does he not know that crying at funerals is a normal thing that people do? Does he also get upset if people laugh at jokes?
Your bf is weird
Remember that just because everyone is getting married or engaged or having a kid or buying a house or getting a new job….That does not always mean that they are happy. Not to be negative, but also you deserve to be with someone who wants you for you. Not someone who is only with you so they aren’t alone. It’s tricky because you’ve gotta put yourself out there. Accept that there might be some things that are awkward and uncomfortable, but you’ll get those parts. You deserve love. And there are other people out there who feel the same way. You will find each other.
Downvote me as much as you like but here I am, loving proof that sometimes it can work, and it’s not always some grooming situation.
I was 19 and mature, she was 26 when we met at a club. A drunken hookup. I assumed she was about 22, she assumed I was about 23… after a couple of weeks, I asked the question and we were both shocked. We stayed the course.
20 years later, two beautiful kids, two successful careers.
I’m typing this from a deck chair on holiday. Better to play with my family in the pool…
It can sometimes work.
Can you hear yourself talking?