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26 thoughts on “NatalieNora on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. oh yeah i’ve been there. my partner told me early into the relationship he slept w a bunch of people, no real number but just a lot. i had a breakdown crying asking him what number i was and i did not feel better after the answer. i have no idea why i asked him in the first place but i did. i recommend therapy. works wonders

  2. We online together sorry I didn't include that. I do cook but she always tells me it's her job and she wants to cook for me. Like I said I always eat whats served, even when she served me curdled milk in Alfredo ?

  3. Relationships take work. You’re set in the routine. You need to make the effort to recreate a spark. Go on a trip. Do something new. Take time for just each other. If you don’t water your grass, it’s going to dry out. The grass is never greener on the other side, it’s greener where you water it.

    Butterflies are also bullshit, btw. You can’t expect to have butterflies once you’re in a stable relationship- they’re based in excitement and anxiety. What you want to someone there for you, that feels like home, that will support you when you’re sick, that’s there when you need them. Butterflies Guy could be a total moron who’s cheating on you – that’s not a good way to gauge a successful relationship or good partner.

  4. Very sorry you’re going through this. I would suggest talking to a trusted teacher in school, talking about how his behaviour effects your life at home, and is affecting everyone around you. It’s not to say there will be any legal actions taken, but the teacher could talk to your parents privately about it.

    You shouldn’t have to go through this, but if it’s really bad (worse than what you’ve written), then if you wanted to I’m sure you could move in with your grandparents or any trusted relatives (at your own accord), as long as that wouldn’t be too much of a hassle for you.

    As for your brother, because he’s so young, the most they would really do is try and get him therapy. He’s not exactly old enough to go into a hostel, and judging by the lack of discipline he faces, even if he were old enough (16+), I highly doubt your parents would kick him out.

    Basically, his age will allow him to get away with quite a lot, and that’s not fair, but the only person you can really go to is a teacher, as they have the highest chance of sorting your situation. Again, very sorry you have to go through this.

  5. None. Last were from our wedding, from 2 years ago. I took photos of her when we went out. To capture our memories. But she never took one. And she used to. I m not jealous, it just bothers me that her phone is filled with pictures with her family and none with us. Not me. Us

  6. Where was he when you were in the kitchen baking all those treats? Where was he when you were decorating the house for Christmas?

    Truths are revealed in anger many times. Don't let people and him convince you they were just outburst borne out of disappointment. Innocent loved ones aren't the verbal punching bags for any kind of frustration.

    I'm petty, but I wouldn't have driven home with him after that.

  7. Do you think she’s possibly in denial about the relationship? When she’s “fixing things” she’s always saying how she keeps trying to force her fiancé to do hobbies with her but he won’t, and stuff like that.

  8. I think the emphasis on smoking in my flat has been misunderstood – that’s when the problems arose, and how I began to see he had an addiction (he was willing to lie and disrespect me over it, something which had never happened before), that isn’t the issue now. The issue is now he is completely unable to stop despite him saying himself he wants to, but I’m not sure how I can best support him to stop when nothing seems to work so far

  9. BZZT.

    She cared more about you than he did. She felt the guilt he didn't. She is a better person than he is. I'm sorry I don't think you come back from that. Why would you want to spend your life with someone who cares so little for you anyway. Some random girl he was fucking cared more…. ugh

  10. I have and he just gives me the same bs oh I’ll change and it’ll go back to same stuff within two weeks. And everytime I confront him of anything he acts like I’m out to get kate and to me in my head it’s like are my feelings not valid/ not as important as hers

  11. it's hard to explain, but it's not something i do actively, my memory mostly works through small associations(i know that's how everyone's memory works, but mine is as if it's on steroids), so i can't help but notice when something wrong is said. I do, however, control how i respond to being said something innacurate, and most of the time the response is basically say nothing, some of the time is to go and check if that's right afterwards and a small percentage of the time is to talk about it, whether to say that it is wrong or to actually learn something new.

    It's hot to explain everything in one post, but it's now like i'm correcting her everyday, or even every week. i'd guess in the whole relationship this has maybe happened 3 times or so, and in romantic relationships in general maybe like 10 times? can't be sure but it's not more than that. the rest of the time is just a normal back and forth between peers

  12. However I have also had a sense that something isn’t right, that there should be something more to it, and I can’t put my finger on it.

    Do yourself a favor and only action when you can finally put your finger on something somewhere. In the meantime, keep a diary with the details in case you want to revisit.

  13. It's naked getting pit of a long relationship. Especially if you didn't saw it coming.

    Firstly give yourself time and lots of it. You also need to learn how to on-line independent again. You need to get over your ex so you can have room in your heart again for a new lover. Usually when you hit the point where you can live! independent you are also over your ex.

    Also if you need someone to vent to about stuff and you think I can help feel free to send a dm I have time to listen to you today.

  14. I have an extremely high sex drive and my wife does not. She does what she can to keep up but after almost 20 years, it hasn’t been worth divorcing over. And she even offered in the past to have an open relationship so I could be satisfied, but my satisfaction isn’t in just getting off, it’s being intimate with my partner. So if it’s not as often as I’d like we’ll, that’s a drag but when it is, it’s incredible and worth every moment of waiting.

  15. Usually posts like this make me angry but this one just made me sad. You’re in love with someone who doesn’t respect you. Oh he doesn’t work because he takes care of the kids…that’s lovely but the reason why you’re he’s now at home and your finances are ruined stems from the fact that he fucked someone and left you while you were late in your pregnancy. And he ONLY came back because the other woman was no longer an option.

    He didn’t come back because he loved you. He came back because he knew YOU loved HIM, and that you would obviously take him back.

  16. One is honestly worse than the other, and it isn't the snooper. She has a bigger plate of issues if she's lying about that.

    Now the question is, why?

  17. Unless this country is Vatican City or the Principality of Sealand I'm pretty sure you can move there without having to worry about running in to this controlling weirdo.

    Your ex's preferences should not even remotely be a factor in your decision making process here. What he wants or expects from you doesn't matter, at all. it sounds like you've done your research and are excited about the move, so go for it! Odds are 99.999% you'll never see this guy and even if you did, so what? People share countries with their exes all the time. All but one of the exes I've ever had lives in the same country I currently do, it's not a big deal. It's the norm.

  18. I ended up getting his Snapchat. He said we could talk at some point, but no specified timeframe. Thanks for the reply.

  19. I know I do. I know he’s devoted to me now which makes the decision to stay even harder and I think I just have a hard time believing when he says I was the first choice because I think I was second at that time, but I think when he answers the question, he’s thinking about how he feels now instead of how he actually felt then if that makes sense? I honestly don’t see my life without this man and I know he feels the same way, now. It’s a tough call.


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