Narisweet live! webcams for YOU!

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Hello guys. I`m Nari and new here. Who wanna have some fun with me? I`m with my friend alisonmill [363 tokens remaining]


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21 thoughts on “Narisweet live! webcams for YOU!

  1. There is really no point in making comments like this. OP has already stated that she cannot afford therapy. She is reaching out for support and perhaps some advice where she can. Leave her be.

  2. I don't get this first paragraph. She physically hurts him, who gives a shit about her feelings?

    Take the baby and get out

  3. A non-diamond engagement ring is fine. The only thing is, the stone could eventually crack since sapphires are rather soft. I would be careful to take it off while doing dishes or heavy work.

  4. You can respond that you got that all wrong, it’s not my dick was too small, your pussy was the Carnegie Hall.

    Dump her ass!

  5. Then show her that with your actions. Spending 3 x $300 on others but sweet FA on her does not show her she is the most important person in your life

  6. 30 years old women will only want you for your body. But since most are done with the hookup stage, your options are very limited.

  7. She is clearly adverse to having sex.

    If you don't know why then you can't help her out even if there was something you could do

    This is going to require a blunt conversation directly related to the lack of sexual activity .

    Maybe more romance , maybe more spontanious maybe it needs scheduling maybe nothing can be done at all

  8. Only you can decide that, we don't know full context. It shouldn't be me telling which guy you should be with, you are in the best and only place to know, and if you, who is intimate with them, are not sure, how we here should know?

    Makes sense?

  9. What a stupid thing to do. If you want your woman to want, and enjoy, sex with you then you need to make her feel sexy.

  10. Okay well it sounds like you two are simply incompatible. Imo, a person should only have children bc they wholeheartedly, enthusiastically want to parent a child, from infancy to adulthood. Even though everyone has reasonable fears about it, it should be done out of joy and preparedness, not a compromise. Once the kid is here, there is no going back. Do you realistically see him putting in the work and changing enough to be a great parent within the timeline you would even consider having kids? And even if he did do so, would you still want to be a parent if he werent involved for some reason?

    So he's tried some therapists, is he actively looking for one that is a good match? Do you think its possible that he just doesnt like what they're telling him? Does he acknowledge that he has anger problems? Does he seem sincere in wanting to do something about it?

    And sorry to repeat myself, but I noticed that you didnt explain in what ways he directs his anger at you….does he yell whenever he's mad? Call you names? Is he ever physical, even if its not towards you directly but rather at objects or slamming doors?

    I also noticed that you didnt answer my question about why he wont go to couples counseling with you, could you please give some examples of his most common reasons not to do so?

  11. He is sorry, has acknowledged how his actions have affected me and is clearly ashamed of himself. He has retreated into a pool of self loathing that I would usually pull him out of. But honestly, right now I don’t give a shit. And I really don’t want to deal with his self loathing. I’m the wronged party here, I shouldn’t have to do the emotional leg work of picking him up, patting him on the back and telling him it’ll all be okay.

    For the record, while some of this is likely his natural response to being called out most of it is just deeply manipulative. It's a common tactic for people who know they're in the wrong to go overboard denigrating themselves until the party they've wronged feels obligated to step in and apologize to THEM. From the way you wrote this it sounds like it happens a lot in your relationship. Does this pattern look familiar?

    Your husband crosses a line.

    You tell him, calmly, that you didn't like what he did and why it was an issue.

    Rather than discussing it he explodes in a shower of self-loathing and excessive martyr-esque apologies. “I'm the worst person in the world, I don't deserve you, I'm horrible, I'm so sorry,” etc.

    YOU apologize to HIM and focus on making HIM feel better about you confronting him, and the original offense is largely forgotten while you work overtime to micromanage his outburst.

  12. Aww poor men can’t stop being horrible misogynists. Sad. Guess OP needs to either break up with her or stop caring about controlling his GF and other men’s thoughts. It’s about his ego.

    And don’t pull the predator bullshit because women have gotten SA’d in every type of outfit imaginable. Nipples won’t change that.

  13. I don't know about other mens experiences, but I've learnt that whichever woman that I sleep with, I can almost guarantee that their friends will be receiving a full debrief on how the night went, which includes the dimension of my dick. So I've just taken as an extra incentive to give her an extra good time… amazing how nice their friends are to you when that's the case haha

  14. It’s very hot when you get attach… I’ve never truly considered leaving until now. I just feel low because whenever I voice my feeling it turns into an argument and she starts crying. I’m never allowed to be upset and just have my moments to let it out without being judge

  15. Your husband isn’t a good partner and it sounds like he is already planning to end things. If I were in your position I would be getting my shit together so you can go on your terms if you want to

  16. I don’t usually recommend breaking up over text and blocking everywhere but in this case you need to do it so she can’t manipulate you into staying together because she 100% will, especially if it’s in person.


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