Monro-jeans live! sex chats for YOU!

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2 thoughts on “Monro-jeans live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. So this is interesting

    You can bring it up in a respectful and communicate to her that you want to split things 50-50 or however you see fit

    It’s sounds to me though you want her to pay more things because she decided to work while you decided to get an education

    Maybe create a date budget to better allocate your date money instead of asking her for her money if that’s what u were thinking

  2. I'm pathetic huh? Well you know what's more pathetic? A man who sits around while his wife raises his kids, takes care of the house, cooks the meals, manages the bills, ensures our children are fed, taken care for and loved.

    How dare you demean and degrade me to our child! And how dare you tell him that someone who works in a store is any less of a person who doesn't. What kind of a father are you that you would shame a mother to her child in order to shit on someone who has a job that you deem unacceptable.

    This has made me take a good hard look at my life and whether I want to stay in a marriage with someone who thinks I'm pathetic. Because in this moment, I don't.

    I worked my ass off to get a college degree and I decided to stay at home for the good of our family. How dare you judge me for that.

    Every fibre of my being is screaming to tell you to go fuck yourself but I'm willing to try and work through this but you need to understand that your behaviour and attitude towards me is an utter betrayal of everything I have done for this family. You need to show me that you are sorry for what you said and I need to believe it. You need to apologise to our child for denigrating his mother and you need to show me that you value my contribution and value me as a person. If you feel that this is not something you can do then this marriage is over.


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