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48 thoughts on “Molly Williams live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. I'll tell you this, you don't end up in a leadership role by accident. You don't end up ambitious by accident. The conceptualization that you want to build and have things for yourself is something I'm certain you've been told and accepted.

    Now I'm going to describe a person. They don't listen to you, they know what they want and they go get it, they do not take no for an answer. If you were to guess, which gender better describes this stereotype?

  2. Your husband cheated on you and is lying about it. Knowing that, do you want to stay married to him, or not?

    You may want undeniable proof of his infidelity before deciding to leave him, but it's likely you won't get that. You know what the reality of the situation is. Now it's just up to you to decide what you want. You can absolutely make the choice to stay married, but do it with open eyes, knowing you cannot trust your husband and that he will likely do this to you again and again. Only you can decide if other aspects of the relationship are worth that.

    The only reason you might need proof of his cheating is if you are financially dependent on him and will be seeking alimony in divorce proceedings. If that's the case, a divorce lawyer will be able to best advise you on next steps.

    Good luck, OP, and take care.

  3. I’m starting to believe he thinks he’s more competent than me

    This is psychological manipulation, he's writing your narrative in your head for you. RUN!

  4. I think it might be implied. Might. I don't know them and I didn't witness her tone asking him, so this is just an interpretation of one of the possibilities.

  5. That’s not true AT ALL. I’m not going to form an opinion on this particular situation, but many victims do NOT want a rape kit. It can traumatize you all over again – you’re hot and exposed in an unfamiliar room with someone random and can make you feel ashamed and make you relive the experience. Then there’s a giant backlog of rape kits that haven’t been tested – many people don’t see a point in going to get one and be traumatized again when the test might sit there for so long that the statute of limitations literally passes.

  6. Yeah. Whole post history than this. Kinda cringe ?. I’m 38 and I’m not gonna start a fight infront of my woman and children. Grown the fuck up and take the high road. Or get all the bones in your face smashed and cry like a bitch I guess

  7. I don’t understand how these people have relationships.

    Not only does the guy SPREAD WORMS…

    …but he has a girlfriend who doesn’t immediately leave.

    How does this even happen?!?!?!

  8. I wish this was in AITA

    These people aren't worth your time. They met at your party, and announced their engagement there. Your friendship obviously doesn't mean that much to them to exclude you and talk behind your back instead of talking to you.

  9. Frank advice, take a stick and beat her badly. Beat her enough she knows better. Im sure this will win no Nobel Prize for Peace. The mods may even ban it. But the truth is a good beating will make her stop and think before she does it again.

  10. There’s nothing open minded and supportive about allowing someone to unilaterally decide that a relationship established as a monogamous partnership should be suddenly open to them because they’ve had a realization about their sexuality.

    So your husband also finds men attractive. Cool.

    So now he gets to figure out with himself what that means for his relationship, and the two of you decide what to do about that decision. His choice ranges from wanting to jerk off to man-on-man porn, date or sleep wrong other men, not change his sexual activity, have threesomes with you involved … and the list goes on in infinity. He takes some time to think over what he wants, and then both of you talk about IF and how that would work in your relationship.

    Most important for you is that you would NOT be close minded or unsupportive to say that you’re not ok with your spouse sleeping with other people.

  11. Thank you I appreciate your insight. Would you be able to share any advice you have on how to explain it to her without making her feel bad? I don't want her to feel afraid or excluded. I just know if I don't go I'll regret it and I don't want her to be upset at home. She gets lonely and doesn't sleep well when I'm not home. I don't know how to help ease her mind.

  12. Generally it is not advised to bring someone else into the mix unless the couple is solid to begin with. Not getting that vibe here- more like this is the simplest answer to your issues when really it is a lot more complicated than having permission to sit on someone else's face.

    Why continue with him? Is he a safety net for you?

  13. Not really a viable option unfortunately. If that were as easy to do as it sounds, he’d have done it. Nowhere is “cheap” right now, and then what is he suppose to do once he spends all his money on transport? He’ll just be stuck in another state with no money and no job (i assume you know how hot it is for homeless people to find work), accrue MORE child support debt, and be in the same exact predicament again.

    There is, I’m on it. But there’s several reasons why he doesn’t qualify.

  14. There are beaches where it’s legal for women to go topless (and if he’s being gross he will get called out very hot) but women aren’t tits out on Sunset Blvd in broad daylight.

    Anyway, sorry you married an idiot.

  15. Common law marriage is not legally recognized here. But from what I understand since we have presented as a married couple for so long and have children together, it would be very very close to a divorce. But i don't even want that. I just want to have the same securities and protection he has.

  16. If he's wearing you down by making you defend and explain, then stop trying. Articles and well-formed arguments aren’t going to change his mind, so stop trying.

    He doesn’t need to agree with you. You are separate people. You don’t need to convince him.

    Just repeat a couple of super short statements that reflect your intent, like “I’m going to start with swimming”, or “Swimming makes me feel good”, or Swimming has always been my favourite”, depending what fits his statement. And then focus on your breathing while he rants.

    Having a few short rehearsed sentences on hand will reduce the amount of energy you use, so he can bluster and blow and wear himself out. Don’t let him lure you into defending yourself. You’re not changing your mind this time.

  17. I've never heard of a therapist telling someone to break up for positive reasons. Also, if he loves you then he certainly doesn't trust you can handle his life which is what long-term would imply. You can't believe people are working on themselves you just need to focus on yourself and your maturity. You can have a relationship with this person again but why put efforts into something where the other person feels like taking breaks from you.

  18. OP had explicitly mentioned wanting to by the watch for himself and he has a pretty damn good reason

    Except he talks a lot about that reason in the post but no mention of actually telling her that reason

    Unless he explicitly told her that reason, and that receiving it as a gift would diminish that achievement, then she had no way of knowing

    she should’ve gotten him something else

    ESPECIALLY after his reaction to her mentioning she tried to buy it for him

    He reacted very poorly and now is getting nothing, so mission acomplished I guess

  19. I’m not a cop I have compassion and can’t comprehend wanting to kill random cops because of their job that just will never make sense to me

  20. Their selective shunning is kind of fascinating. Your soul would be damned if you didn’t have a Catholic wedding but your out of wedlock, unbaptized nibling is cool? Don’t get me wrong: I’m glad they aren’t ostracizing a child! But it’s just bizarre picking and choosing.

    It’s a super rough spot to be in! That’s why I didn’t go straight to “F them!” because easier said than done, right? I just wanted to raise the questions of if this, then what next? And are you ready to do battle and is estrangement their go to as a means of control.

  21. This, and, his unwillingness to include her in his social media presence is… sketchy to me. Like, I get not being into social media, but I don’t get deliberately not including my partner in mine.

    OP are you part of his real-life social circle? Like, do you know his friends and they know you?

  22. You are missing the point. I am not on about permission. I did not suggest he can tell her want to do. I will repeat for you. I did not suggest he can tell her what to do. Got that!!!!. I am about not shocking the most important person in your life with something you know they will struggle with. Got it now? I am glad you love your wife. As do I. but your example is not related to the situation.

  23. You have been honest with your husband and told him from the start that you don't want children. So that's good for you. He cannot say that he didn't know that.

    Rather than concentrating on all the reasons you don't want kids I would emphasize the benefits of not having them. You can mention having more disposible income, traveling, enjoying hobbies, etc.

    Let him know that if he wants to be around children you will look for some kids of friends or neighbors and you can all go camping for the weekend. That might cure his itch.

  24. In Canada he could be charged with attempted murder for having unprotected sex. At the very least it is sexual assault, you did not give informed consent.

  25. So you are a creep who is only into 19yo and you bail on someone the second it isn’t a wonderful easy life? Jesus I hope you stay single and alone forever.

  26. He won’t apologize because he is abusive and isn’t sorry. That’s it. He is dangerous and has put your life in danger and who is to say he won’t do it again.

    Do not get into a car with him again.

  27. What?! This is beyond strange and inappropriate. Like, this can’t really be real? Right?

    If this is real ask her to bring this up to her friends. She needs to see how bonkers this is. Like her step dad would object to this if he was any sort of responsible and reasonable.

    I don’t really blame you if you break up, but if she was raised to think this was normal behavior I don’t know if I would place all the blame on her. She could be in an abusive situation.

  28. Unacceptable. Utterly unacceptable. If it were me, it would be therapy or divorce. His bullshit was vile and disgusting, and I’m so tired of “insecurity” being a “defense” against abuse. It’s garbage. ESPECIALLY when they refuse to work on it!

    So, what? He weeps now but turns around again and again and treats you like a cheater with your uncle? Or coworker?

    Two business cards—therapy or divorce lawyer. He chooses which gets called. End of.

  29. I could not agree more! I don’t know where this whole idea that unwavering trust should be handed out like breath mints idea came from, but it’s unrealistic and foolish. It’s as bad as this new wave of ideas that all insecurities and jealousy are inherently the same and evil and to be stifled even at at the price of own emotional well being and healthiness. Trust is something that is earned and cultivated as a relationship develops. With a faithful loyal partner the same level of trust you have for them two years down the road should be stronger than 2 months into a relationship. When you have a partner that decides to prioritize another man or woman over you, spent lots of alone time and sleep overs with them, that shatters the trust that was earned. Trying to hold on to trust the person destroyed in the first place is a fools game. They broke it, you lost it, it’s up to them to either work hot to re earn some back or get lost.

  30. Honestly, she is try to be practical with her emotions, which is admirable. Unfortunately for you she values financial stability and doesn’t want someone that can’t support her (in the long run), much less just himself right now. You are up in the air right now, and this is unsettling to her. I don’t think this is a flaw in her, it’s actually pretty mature, given her situation and experience.

    How do you deal with it? If it is a casual thing, then let her go. If you like her a lot and may have serious intentions, then you will need to convince her to give you a chance. Tell her not to believe you, but to watch and see where you are in a month or two when the dust has settled. Also, if you are improving your financial potential somehow, say by going back to school, or rising in your career somehow, it would gain you points w her.

    But most important is if you have fun together.

  31. Well it all depends on your core values. When you say “ fucked” in a divorce you mean financially?

    If you value that than stay and try to make the best of a miserable life. What she is saying is not normal. How she is behaving is not normal. The person you chose as a wife is an outlier in people you could of chosen.

    Maybe there is more to this story?

    You could value money less , and find a more normal wife and live a happier life?

    Just saying!?

  32. “Babe I've got a huge thing for when you wear your puffer jackets. Every time I see you wearing one I instantly just want you. Maybe if you're wanting to build some tension one day, throw one of those on and watch me think all day about getting to get to you”

    That ought to do it.

  33. Your ex cheated on you. You secretly met up for an hour. You over stepping a boundary spells the end. You can apologize a million times but he doesn’t have to accept.

  34. Does he consider it a problem? Why is he so comfortable being so quick?

    Is he working on figuring out how to solve it? Does he discuss it? Seems like you both need to talk about it and find solutions. He doesn’t need to be ashamed but he does need to actively search for solutions and improve.

  35. Thank you so much. When she did that, I was really upset. That was probably my breaking point. I can take a lot mentally but that was just, yeah. I've been trying to give her a pass cause she's severely autistic and autistic people tend to need planning a head. But I told her that morning, we just had to go before 5pm. But she couldn't do it, she said she'd do it the next day. But I had to mail it that day cause it was my 4 year old brothers birthday present and it was going to be late otherwise.

    I'm likely autistic or something similar, and I'd never make her walk that. I've never heard of someone doing that because they're autistic. It's ridiculous


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