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2 thoughts on “Miukiyoshi online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Communication is key. You need to confront this head on with your wife and take it from there. Some of this repairable but that will depend on you two putting the effort in. You both need to be brutally honest with each other and understand what is missing, how to fix, and if you are willing to walk away understanding what is at stake (e.g. financial, custody, etc). My advice is since you have kids, try to work it out. A lawyer is expensive and in my mind last resort. I'm sorry you found out this way but I'm sure you probably noticed something was missing for a while. You are in shock and need to confront her, take some time between you two, and then discuss when anger is no longer there.

  2. Just gonna share my birth story- I had to be induced at 37 weeks and after 36 hours of failed labor I had to have a cesarean. I had already had an epidural that didn’t take 100% and didn’t find that out until the surgery. I had been calm but once I had been strapped down to the table (it’s for everyone’s safety) I started shaking and I was terrified. When my son was pulled out out was about 30 seconds until he started to cry. Those 30 seconds were agony as I was going through a flood of emotions, drugged up and scared my baby didn’t make it. I couldn’t imagine having anyone but my mom and my bf in that room when my son was delivered. I had never been more vulnerable and freaked out in my 30+ Years. Ultimately what you decide to do is up to you- perhaps you can really explain what the situation would be like for you and he’ll come around (a lot of people have a romanticized view of what giving birth is like when they’ve never experienced it/seen it firsthand), maybe he’s not ready to take on the responsibility of being a father. I wish you the best OP.


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