Miss-dulce on-line sex cams for YOU!

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3 thoughts on “Miss-dulce on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. It's not illegal to keep nudes you were sent. The considerate thing is to delete them when a relationship ends, but there's no law against keeping them privately.

  2. My take is that this is 100 percent about your ages. You were both 17 when this began! The vast majority of teen relationships don't last, because people are so busy growing and changing as they head into their mid 20s.

    Tbh, in your case, it sounds like this relationship is one of them, but for various reasons, one or both of you kept it going.

    Now you're stuck in a situation where she isn't ready to be in a relationship at all, let alone rushing these major life steps she wants to take. If someone is struggling mentally, this needs to be fixed before trying to share a life with someone else. A lot of people do this backwards, thinking the excitement of a ring, or a house, will cure them. This has never worked and never will.

    Most of all, remember that relationships are supposed to be fun! That's why so many people want them. If you're doing a lot of fighting, why are you still in it? I don't need an answer to that, but you need to figure it out for your own sake.


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