Milf-Tea live sex chats for YOU!

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24 thoughts on “Milf-Tea live sex chats for YOU!

  1. I can't say iv ever fantasied about my ex, but I know my husbands exes were very whorish who would do questionable things out in public that would get him excited but it was experience he'll never forget. I'm quite a conservative woman compared to them but not once did I think he'd prefer them now as that's why they're exes and he married me. To me its a similar scenario with porn actresses, they're just there to fantasise over, not get jealous of.

  2. Right? She’s just trying to assert her dominance and control over OP. That’s what this list of demands is thinly disguising.

  3. Do you know how to block a number? How to cancel the subscription which you paid with YOUR card?

    If you have a speck of self respect left, do these now. And grow a spine. You should've outed yourself when you saw those dating sites' convos.

  4. The problem seems to be around the purchase of a property and making 'progress' in life.

    I think if you could put together a plan for eventually buying a property ( on your current salary) that could help things imo. Sit her down and tell her that you don't ever plan to work full time but you do want to help her achive her home ownership goals. Is she ok with that?

    ( If you can't afford a deposit on your current wage maybe offer to take on tempory additional work for a short period to get it) . I would sugest buying the cheapest buy to let property that you can get your hands on and letting the tenant pay the mortgage. Raise your kids in the city and by the time they are 18 you can sell the property to buy your house in the country.

    If she's agreeable and promises not to ask you to work full time in future then offer to seal the deal with a Wedding 🙂 That might add a big sweetner to the deal if she thinks you've been “failing to adult”.

  5. Personally I would not quit cleaning because it would drive me nuts to online in that house. But stop with doing any laundry and stop cooking. Stop for a little bite in the way home from work or ear at home but only a frozen dinner for yourself. Make him nothing.

  6. Buddy… this is NOT normal. My only advice is to decide if you want to continue in a relationship where you’re quite literally competing for your partner’s attention. That’s not healthy for anyone, but you need to put yourself first at some point.

  7. Been with my husband a total of 9 years, and some of the romance has stopped but here's the important thing: not all of it.

    We go on dates a couple times a month, celebrate and he sometimes just brings me treats and chocolates. It's not as often as it used to be, but both of us put in an effort, even if we're tired or short on money. Like he'll randomly make cookies, or I make him lunch or dinner.

  8. God I hope so,but never underestimate just how stinky human filth can be. I def don't doubt for a sec that ppl like this exist, even if this is a troll.

  9. Your husband allowed you to be raped by his brother. And his brother willingly did it.

    It doesn’t matter how many years ago this was. It it were me, I’d be done. It’s unforgivable. It’s such an ultimate level of disrespect to you and his ex girlfriends. He didn’t see you as people, he saw you as objects he could just pass off to his brother for a night here and there. It’s appalling.

    You didn’t consent to sex with his brother, yet he tricked you into it. Betrayed your trust. Treated you as less than a person.

    Seek a mental health professional to work through this. And preferably also get a divorce.

  10. If there are feelings on your side, there is of course nothing you can do about it, but it is not your decision to make, whether or not you should be with her. She makes her own decisions and if she wants to be together with your best friend and only be friends with you, you have to accept that. Interfering in their relationship would not only damage your friendships, but also create the idea, that she doesn't know what she wants and csnnot decide for herself.

  11. I mean, not to disagree, but I feel if someone dressed up in sexy clothes and makeup and suggested a “nap” I'd know exactly what they were after but maybe that's just me?

  12. Full disclosure that I’m not married, but “is faithful and helps with the kids” is not an exceptional husband and father, that’s baseline. He’s not extraordinary because other husbands are worse.

    There’s nothing wrong with wanting to leave because it’s not working. And you shouldn’t be held hostage to staying with a spouse because you think they’ll retaliate if you leave (like becoming a crappy co parent again)

  13. You sure it was semen not lube or something else of that kind? I sometimes use candoms while by myself for toys for an easier clean up lol

  14. She’s 23 not 13. She can travel on her own or you can hire an airport guide like we do for unaccompanied minors or elderly or other nervous travelers and they can get her through the airport. I mean seriously. She’s not flying Ethiopian where you need a cash bribe just get on the plane and people are trying to pick pocket you.

    Send her on her way and do your thing. Or offer to go if she pays for your ticket?

  15. Feeling the connection isn't the issue. It is reaching out to the guy and telling him she felt a connection.

  16. Poor guy, break up with him OP, he needs to surround himself with nice positive people, not assholes like you and your friends


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