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One thought on “Mikarey online webcams for YOU!

  1. There's a difference between choosing for yourself and dictating others.

    She's fine to not want a tubal, that's hed choice, but she can't decide that OP doesn't have autonomy over his own body, her harassing him to get a vasectomy as “proof” of committing to the relationship when they're on the fence about it is just wrong.

    You're accusing OP of wanting more kids, but why dies that sane argument not spply to her? Why is she so adamant about making him be unable to have kids while her fertility is intact? Does she plan to have more kids behind his back? Your argument goes both ways.

    And it's not like he's forcing her to get a procedure, if anything, she's the one trying to force him. Why is her actively harassing him valid but him sugesting something that she can choose for her own body and leave his body alone one singular time wrong? If he can harass him about a vasectomy 5 times in a week, he's valid to throw out alternative ideas.

    Coercion is wrong and she's clearly the coercive one.


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