Miah live! sex chats for YOU!

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28 thoughts on “Miah live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. I probably would have thought something happened if she called you the next morning but she called in 5 minutes. I’ve learned a lot of times, loss triggers love. So, that may be what happened here. We can only speculate. Don’t stress yourself out worrying about it tho. What’s done in the dark will eventually come to light. You told her she could have the poly lifestyle or you. She chose you…

  2. I’ve been where he’s at. It’s very hot. Its very mature of him to realize that and spare you of any possible heart ache or damage if he did something rash due to not being 100% ready. He does love you and loves what you give him, and that’s why he’s doing it. He cares about you so much he wants the best for you and he knows he’s not that but he also knows he can be and wants to be. I know it’s nude to see now but you’ll be appreciative of it in the future.

  3. Getting her out of the house is needed. Suggest she do volunteer work at a pet shelter, homeless shelter, hospital. The hours generally can be fitted to when she feels she can be there.

  4. Yes, they can. It’s called threat of deportation and they can place it on me whenever they want. Here’s something you don’t understand about life; not everyone’s parents are soft, compromising caretakers. My family is a dictatorship all the way up to my great grandfather, and they won’t regret anything they do to someone that threatens the reputation of the family. I’ve had cousins disappear because they came out. Disappointment isn’t an option and there’s no leaving

  5. Hello /u/brokenbathtub,

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  6. I would just tell him, look, this is my best option for my mental health right now. If you don’t trust me to not cheat on you with an 18 year old boy, then there’s nothing I can do. But I need peace of mind and I need sleep. And if I wanted to cheat on you, I could do it with anyone at anytime. If you need to end things, that’s up to you. But I’m going to be doing what makes ME feel safe right now.

  7. He's a paedophile, plain and simple.

    I was 13 then, he was 21 and he liked me from the start.

    You were barely even a teenager and this grown-ass man 'liked you' – that's not your partner, that's a child predator.

    I was 16, and he was 24 when we got together. He knew immediately that he wanted to marry me and that he wanted many children

    What sane person tells someone they just started dating that they want to marry and have kids with them? That's serious red flags even without taking into consideration that you were literally in high school. You wanna know why he wants kids so badly? To make you more dependent on him. To tie you to him forever. That's the only reason he wanted to have a child with a literal child. That's terrifyingly disgusting.

    During this time, my parents separated, and he was there for me when I was feeling bad. For me, he was like the parents I always wanted. He loved taking care of me.

    That's textbook grooming and the fact he took on a parental role makes it even more messed up than it already is.

    He didn't want me to spend time with others without him

    He was isolation you – like abusers always do.

    He presumes that the relationship is of so little value to me that I won't even try to appease him.

    Move on. Leave his paedophile ass behind and never look back.

    Also, we've been together for such a long time, and I don't want it to be wasted.

    Sunk cost fallacy. You have nothing to lose apart from dead weight here.

    he wants children, I don't.

    You're mature enough to know you do not want children (regardless of if that means at the moment or not at all), while this 30 year old ne'er-do-well thinks children will forever keep you in his abusive grasp.

    I was a 21 year old girl not too long ago, so I think I can give some sisterly advice: run for the hills and don't look back. Try to get into therapy if you can.

  8. …So you’re cheating on 2 people, essentially. Your sexuality really doesn’t matter in this instance, you’re scum for cheating and not caring. Shame on you.

  9. Bro just give her time. She has med school, and personally, I do this to people all the time. I talk to new ppl excitedly and consistently, but as things continue I treat them as I would other ppl: Which is often with slow replies and half-asses talking. It just depends on the mood, type of day, conversation, and history with the person. I think ur reading too much into this for now, its only been a week, slow tf down

  10. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    Wow okay… I never thought I’d be here soliciting advice but I am stuck in what feels like a rock and a very hot place and potentially blew up my relationship in the process.

    I (28M) have been in a relationship with my girlfriend (28F) for a bit over 6 months.

    We had a rocky start to our relationship but things have been amazing. I am convinced she is the one for me. I genuinely do everything in my ability for her… take her on dates, buy flowers, gifts, everything. I truly love her.

    We have had talks in the past about what would happen if we got pregnant. We agreed that we would want to buy a house and get married prior to starting a family. We are both pro-choice and that was the working consensus that we had.

    Her period was late by a couple of days while I was at work and she asked if it was okay for her to take a pregnancy test. I told her that I wanted to be there for the test (it was a Wednesday, and typically I go over her apartment and spend Thursday-Sunday morning with her before she has to go to work. She is a RN here in the US working 3 12hr shift while I am in business sales working in office tues-thurs). She said she couldn’t wait for me because she was so anxious about it.

    I was in the middle of a work call with a prospective customer when I get a picture of a positive test back. Reddit, it was like in those movies where a bomb goes off and the actor is temporarily deaf and all you hear is the “eeeeeeeee” sound. I experienced every emotion under the sun of being scared, excited, happy – to, no way I can’t do this right now and everything in between. After the prospect called my name 3 times I told him something came up and just hung up the Teams meeting.

    I immediately pack up my things and drive over to her apartment where she is happy and excited and tells me she wants to keep it.

    I very calmly bring up the conversations we’ve had about this before in the past and state my position. I tell her I don’t think we are in the best place for this financially, we should move in together first and stick to our original plan.

    She gets disappointed at me and brings up how I’ve always wanted to be a dad and I should be excited about this and meet her at her level.

    The conversation dies down a bit as I voiced my concerns and trepidations but I essentially tell her that at the end of the day it is her choice and I will be there for her 100%.

    I wake up the next day and reality hits and a fire lights up under me… before this I was struggling with motivation at work and the first thing I did was gear up and decided that I was going to do everything in my ability to be the best dad I could be. Since my job is commission based (50-50 split with salary) I reach out to everyone I’ve talked to before and start generating sales like I never have.

    Since then we began looking at buying a house and realized that even with her perfect credit score it would be a stretch to purchase a house with the way interest rates are right now. So we started a savings account together.

    The issues start where as the next couple of days go on she keeps bringing it up and asking if my position has changed and if I am excited about it or not. I keep reiterating my past words about how I don’t think this is the right time, but still reassuring her that she has my support. We went to our first ultrasound on Monday and found out we were at 6 weeks.

    On Tuesday she tells me that she scheduled an appointment with Planned Parenthood for the 10th and that she is going through with the abortion.

    I genuinely do everything in my ability to make her comfortable. This morning she woke up feeling nauseous and I brought her water to the bathroom and offered up to make her some toast or something to eat.

    It all came to a head today where we had a follow up appointment with the OB/GYN about the pregnancy. He was incredible and understood that we were uncertain and treated the appointment as if we were going through with the pregnancy.

    As we leave the office she turns to me and asks if anything has changed on my end as we were in the car going to a new local restaurant that just opened up. I tell her that no, that I am still in the same position and again express my points of the time and how she would still have my support and I would be the best dad I could be. She is quiet the whole way there, we have a semi-good time there eating the food (Korean corndogs – absolutely delicious!)

    We get back to her place and we lay down and turn on Game of Thrones. She pauses the show and proposes that we give up on the house search, I move in, and we try to make it work.

    I bring up my points again and she essentially blows up on my face and says that she is getting the abortion, but also does not want to be with me anymore because she cannot look past this and see me in the same light anymore.

    I tell her that I could still warm up to it and to give me some time and reassure her of my support. She tells me that my support does not mean anything if I cannot meet her at the same level of excitement and happiness that she is at currently and I might as well have been telling her directly to get an abortion and just tell her straight up that I do not want to do this. In the heat of the moment I tell her I don’t.

    She says it is over and calls me a AH. She leaves her bedroom and is currently in the living room while I am still in her bed in shock as I write this out.

    So Reddit, did I mess up for voicing my opinions, fears, and trepidations while going through this and essentially blowing up my relationship?

  11. When we became exclusive she lied ab it but I had my doubts and she came out recently and was honest ab it

  12. I think you could ask your stepfather what he thinks. He may easily understand the problem and not be upset. Your mother should not be making trouble on his behalf.

    Because you have two different fathers of different types, you might find a creative way to dance with each of them.

  13. Dated med student > married first year intern > divorced Specialist trainee . I'm 33F, and I spent 10 years around the medical world. Physician trainee blah blah.blah. You legit have NO life…..

  14. I know I'm a POS

    Yes, you certainly are. And a weak, spineless, man-baby POS at that.

    From the second your wife got pregnant for the second time, every single time you had the opportunity to do the right and honorable and loving thing, you chose the opposite.

    I sound like an asshole for saying this, but she looked like a monster.

    You don't sound like an asshole. You ARE an asshole. Even now, you're a f*cking asshole just for thinking that, much less saying it.

    Don't you DARE have another kid with this woman. Don't you DARE dump your guilt on her just to try to make yourself feel better.

    You want to stop being a piece of shit? Spend every minute of every day of the rest of your pathetic life doing everything in your power to make your wife feel loved and cherished. And if you can't do that, then do her the biggest favor of her life and take yourself out of it, permanently.

  15. That’s emotional blackmail.

    “I know we agreed to make a life long commitment to each other, and part of that agreement was ‘no kids’, but if you don’t accept this I will resent you for the rest of my life”

    I’d fucking print divorce papers immediately if I were OP’s wife. Fuck anyone who’s “hoping” she gets over it. Women have a right to not want children without people anticipating that they’ll change their minds.

  16. You want to have a baby, with this fucking clown? Why?

    You have described finding a giant turd in a huge septic tank and said….yup, this is the prized possession I want to spend my life being hitched to. W.T.F

  17. Wouldn’t casual love be just as useless as marriage in your opinion?

    Marriage is a legal matter. Inheritance, children and the like.

    You can’t make medical decisions for your lover.

    You probably wouldn’t be the next of kin in case of an early death.

    It’s naive to assume that marriage “changes nothing”.

    I do agree that nothing is guaranteed but that’s the same with life in general. You might not wake up tomorrow. You might get fired next week. But you still keep on right?

    Marriage has it place. It’s not for everyone but for some.

  18. Your friends are petty af and they're trying to cause drama. They're settling for guys who act childish and they put down other men to justify it. Your guy trusts you. That's a good thing. He's a grown man who knows who he's with and what he wants. Don't let shit stirring friends make you doubt a good guy.

  19. Yes thats really look like what i felt when hanging with him. He would often diminish me and mocking me and my appearance

  20. He showed you who he is.

    Just believe him.

    And no… an “I love” you spoken in bed or on your way to bed doesn't mean anything.

    Sorry to say that.


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